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Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
What's new is that I didn't see 1 person supporting Axl. Maybe on page 300 or so of the Yahoo post someone came along and defended him, but the typical defenders were nowhere to be found. I suppose it's possible that the blind supporters are all too busy to bother, but the reality is that they have defended him viciously in the past and now they aren't there. At the very least, they are likely tired of defending him.
Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
I support Ax and the lawsuit. I feel if they breached contract verbal or otherwise then go for it. I do feel Some of the wording of the complaint should have been edited out. I just do not care to get in the middle of a tabloid type lynch mob. You guys enjoy your bashing!
Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
Intercourse wrote:have you read what the rest of the world is saying? What's here is mild. Its a universal thumbs down for Axl, people seem genuinely enraged with him.
Yeah..and it's not new. I guess what I mean is that this law suit may or may not be justified, but I feel some out there use it as an excuse to go on a wholesale Axl bash. You know like if Axl uses botox or not has very little to do with the issue. But it's all good, there's freedom of speach.
I hope its its only 'sort of'. The fact that he not only wanted Slash out but VELVET REVOLVER also shows a level of vindictivness I would have not expected or seen. He's out to displace all ex-members of GNR.
It is somewhat unexpected. However we don't know that it's comming from a place of hatred, it could also be about fear and protecting his own brand.
Let's be honest: The original or UYI GNR line up is fundemental to what MANY in the general public know and love about GNR, and to most non-hardcores I'd say the core of that is Basicly Slash/Axl with most prefering Duff and Izzy etc around as well.
Now for right or wrong Axl's been left in control of the GNR brand and, in his own (addmittedly slow and different) way, is attempting to proceed onwards with Chinese Democracy and the tour and so on.
But Velvet Revolver is a significant risk to GNR. Why - because it's 3/5 of GNR and was heavily portrayed that way in the media. Hell it's often mentioned that GNR it'sself is only 1/5 of the orginal line up. Now Axl has the naming card in his pocket and they can't take that from him, and also Axl has that unique voice and most peple know he (like the VR boys) was also a key element in the success.
However, a couple of monster hits and VR would easily be considered 'the new gnr' to the media, espeically seeing as Axl isn't dumb so must know the problems he gets into (eg late starts/not liking interviews) etc don't happen with them and so they're media darlings.
Also remember Guitar Hero 3 was around like what, a year or more from Chinese Democracy's release, so he needed to protect his brand to further the eventual plans for the then new chinese democracy album comming out and a new GNR taking off (which I think on some level was originally the plan).
So does Axl hate them. Maybe. But it could also be business. The very existance of VR is a significant threat to GNR. It's almost more GNR like than GNR. They've made a lot more positive buzz/grammies etc than GNR at that stage at least...and maybe still.
So I don't see this deal as all that much different from getting Coke to sponsor a game, and them asking for the game not to include Pepsi.
Slash wrote the riff, its a Guitar game, 'nuff said.
Agreed. But then when the game focuses on Slash as the major character in the entire game - a boss, on the box etc , it sets up a connotation that Slash = GNR. A year out from the release of a new GNR album without slash. And then when it starts promoting VR which as described earlier is a business rival.
Axl's no saint - but I can see why he wouldn't want to encourage that to happen. It's not in his company's interests.
All this is fine and dandy but NOTHING Axl does will change it. Not now, not ever. Slash IS ALWAYS going to be known as former/original Guns N' Roses' lead guitarst. Axl can't change that, the fans don't want to change it, Slash isn't going to change it. It's a fact of life so Axl needs to accept it and move on. he can't pull bullshit stunts like this lawsuit to try and erase Slash. Axl thinks he's bigger than the industry and he's not. Guitar Hero featuring WTTJ but he doesn't want it have any mention of the guitar player who wrote it and please don't include his new band(which happens to be more popular than current Guns N' Roses)? yeah ok Axl they'll get right on that. Axl needs a swift kick in the head. Not outta spite but to maybe knock some sense inot him. He's in sucha fantasy world and he's lost all grasp on reality. In the eyes of the overwhelming public(music fans and joe blows) Slash IS Guns N' Roses every bit as much as Axl and there isn't anything Axl can do about it. All he accomplishes is direct more attention Slash's way and more resentment towards himself from fans all over the world. If you understand why Axl wants to do this you must also fully understand that by doing it he does everything but accomplish what he wants to. It's the wrong move on his part end of story cause he can't possibly get the results he wants. Unless of course money is his only concern.
Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
I support Ax and the lawsuit. I feel if they breached contract verbal or otherwise then go for it. I do feel Some of the wording of the complaint should have been edited out. I just do not care to get in the middle of a tabloid type lynch mob.
You guys enjoy your bashing!
Than all you're supporting is a money grab attempt on Axl's part. This lawsuit contradicts everything Axl is claiming to achieve. Unless of course liek I said Axl's just after some quick cash. If Axl was genuine in his concerns about having Slash connected to Gn'R he'd let it be and not mention it. But as it is he's created headlines that include Slash and Guns N' Roses together as one even if it's not so. Axl is the only one keeping the connection alive and he fails to see it and by continually reminding everyone who's not in the band rather than who is in the band he hurts the integrity of his own project.
Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
I side with Naltav on this one. I'm far from Axls biggest fan, don't own Chinese Democracy, but in this instance I'd back Axl. I'll say it again:
Axl gets another push of the GNR name out there, managed to take a few cheap shots at Slash in the process, and will get approx. 1 million $ out of court settlement I think. Win win win.
The internet will call him a dick for a few days and then it'll be forgotten about. Sure Axls used to that by now
You guys are the crazy ones. The Yahoo article that got front page was titled:-
Axl Rose's Hatred of Slash Results in $20 Million 'Guitar Hero' Lawsuit
This doesn't include Slash and GNR together. It clearly shows that Axl hates Slash, just incase we didn't know that already.
The article itself was lazy bullshit journalism, filled with easy Anti-Axl jibes, and followed by 600+ predictable replies from people hating on Axl.
At the end of the day, people can call him batshit crazy but he still owns the GNR name, and people won't stop shittin all over him until a reunion happens. That reunion isn't going to happen, ever, so fans just keep hatin and shittin on him. Doubly so if Slash' name is mentioned.
You can moan all you want but Axl holds all the cards, crazy or not.
My rather long $0.02, bitches
Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
Axl holds NO cards without the interest of a reunion.
You can call it anti-Axl all you want, and that's fine DL & Naltav or whoever...
But it's NOT lazy bullshit journalism. It's absolute concrete truth, and ALL OF IT was BROUGHT ON BY AXL.
THAT is truth. It's been said before, but Axl has absolutely no one by himself to blame for his bad relationship with the media and old fans, which are by far the majority of his fans at about 95%.
- monkeychow
- Rep: 661
Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
Bono you make some valid points that perhaps what Axl ends up doing doesn't actually achieve his end game of moving forward. I agree this kind of suit actually draws attention for the wrong reasons - like who isn't in the band, not who is.
But I do think on a business level it's quite logical that he doesn't want the game to promote VR and Slash. As you said, he's just as GNR as Axl, and if Axl wants to keep control of the name and move on with a new band it's not in his best interest to do things to any further solidify slash as the GNR guitarist (to a new generation as happened with all the youngins that played these games) or to promote VR in general - as at 3/5 of UYI GNR they're a serious compeditior to his brand.
I seriously don't think it's much different from getting Jack Daniels to sponsor your movie and them asking for you not to promote Jim Beam in it or whatever. It's just looking out for the IP value of his own brand.
As for the suggestion that it's about money. I don't think it's logical to think it is. If you have NOTHING it can be worth going after someone with deep pockets like activision cos hell you aint got shit to loose. But if you are already financial, the risks involved are far worse than the likely dividened.
We know Axl can earn $1m a show and stuff like that doing private gigs. Probably a lot more in the right places. So he does 15 or 20 gigs and he can earn all of these damages. And that's a blunt way to think about it. There's heaps of better ways he could earn buckets. He's famous.
But if he doesn't win this lawsuit - he could wind up paying for his own and activision's very very costly lawyers. It's just plain not worth the risk as a pure money making venture. I'd say he's doing it mostly because he actually feels he got screwed out of a deal he made.
Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
They got bottled off the stage in Dublin, yet they soldiered on.
Now that's not strictly true, I was there.
Axl provoked the crowd by being late on stage. He further provoked the crowd by not even acknowledging the frustration he had caused by being so late.
He poured petrol on that fire by threatening to leave rather than face four of five highly lethal empty plastic bottles hitting the stage.
He was refused permission to leave the venue after he walked off for fear of a riot breaking out and GNR fans who paid their hard earned money to see a show getting hurt (again).
They pleaded with him for an hour to go back on.
He went on, sang a great set (which is the job he got very highly paid to do ), said nothing and left.
It was a night very short on heroism or soldering on I can tell you.
Thanks for your take on the events of that night and I'm sorry you had to go through that, but you kind of missed my point. What I meant was they had a shitstorm of negativity from that show. Whether it was Axl's fault or not is besides the point. People were convinced the band was going up in flames and that the tour would self implode sooner, rather than later. People hated Axl Rose if they were at the show, if they read about the show, basically nothing changed. Yet the band kept playing shows, many of which were sell outs.
So now this lawsuit comes to the forefront and the media is all over Axl again, people are hating on him again. GNR fans, Slash fans, Anti-Axl organizers, grandmothers, etc. Everyone hates Axl. Basically nothing has changed.
So I see no reason to point out how the comments on this subject are anti-Axl. Did you honestly expect anything less? And in a few months, the band and Axl will still be doing their thing. And people will STILL hate Axl Rose. Basically nothing will change.
Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero
What's new is that I didn't see 1 person supporting Axl. Maybe on page 300 or so of the Yahoo post someone came along and defended him, but the typical defenders were nowhere to be found. I suppose it's possible that the blind supporters are all too busy to bother, but the reality is that they have defended him viciously in the past and now they aren't there. At the very least, they are likely tired of defending him.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I don't see the point in defending Axl at this stage of the game. Not because he's indefensible, more because I'm not going to change anyone's mind because, well, pretty much because he's indefensible now that I think about it. It's not worth the time or effort. People are going to continue to hate Axl Rose, regardless of what he does or doesn't do and Axl seems just fine with that. He COULD make attempts to bolster his reputation and curry favor with the general public but that doesn't seem to be at the top of his to do list. And that's fine with me. It's his life. I'm sure he probably wishes things went a little differently over the last 20 years or so. It probably would've made his life a lot easier and more enjoyable. BUT, decisions were made, things happened. So this is where we're at. He's seemingly been in a lose-lose situation since the turn of the century. Granted, he hasn't done much to help himself out, but lots of people had already made their minds up and more and more have done so over the years.
If people want to curse him out every chance they get, that's their prerogative. I'm not about to waste my time trying to sway people who obviously have no interest in being swayed.