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- elevendayempire
- Rep: 96
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
James wrote:I just looked her up...was gonna check the film she did before this (Cruel Intentions). How in the fuck is she worth 400 million?!? I see she became a producer in the 2010s...I assume a lot of it is from that. I know she was popular in the 2000s obviously...but that's like Jodie Foster- Julia Roberts level.
Cruel Intentions was watched many times in my house as a young horny teenager
I'm tempted to go watch it again now lol.
I'm not surprised Reese is worth $400m to be honest, though not sure how accurate these internet "net worth" posts actually are? I can think of plenty of big movies she's been in without even needing to Google it - #1 being Legally Blonde (and its sequels), Sweet Home Alabama, Walk The Line, Little Nicky, obv Cruel Intentions and Election too. I seem to remember she was also a guest on Friends as well? I think she's a decent actress, enjoyed just about everything I've seen her in tbh
Latest movie I watched was "Underwater". I watched it once before and enjoyed it so thought I'd give it another watch. Has that "Alien" vibe y'know? Kristen Stewart even looks like Ripley in Alien 3 with the shaved hair. Wouldn't surprise me if she's worth $400m too, she's been in tons of movies and again I seem to recall enjoying the majority of them.
It's likely not $400m just from acting; that kind of money typically comes from producing and investments. Another actress who's made bank outside of her acting career is Jessica Alba, thanks to her beauty company. Stewart (and Pattinson) are both pretty comfy thanks to Twilight, IIRC.
- monkeychow
- Rep: 661
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
I remember watching state of grace on VHS randomly when a friend showed up with it in like 1998. I should revisit it, I remember it was good.
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
Twilight Zone: The Movie - Never really liked this film other than the intro. I always thought Kick the Can was pure garbage. Now that I've watched it as an older man, it actually packs a punch. Other than my 180 on that segment, it's just not very good. It's A Good Life mainly exists just to show the wacky FX.
They should've told all new stories instead of the lazy route of remakes.
Crazy how young everyone is here( Akroyd, Brooks, Lithgow, and Quinlan).
Wrong Turn 4 - This franchise a little over the top with the gore/cheese mixture.
Night Shift - This is going to be one of my "regulars" that I watch a couple times a year til the end of the line. This deserved to be a hit.
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
Night Shift - This is going to be one of my "regulars" that I watch a couple times a year til the end of the line. This deserved to be a hit.
Is this the early 80s film w/Micheal Keaton and Shelly Long (I think) as workers at a morgue? I have to rewatch that it's been maybe 10 years since I've seen it.
Charley Varrick--a 70s classic. This is one of the few non Clint, Don Siegel films. I think it improves upon every viewing for me. Hits multiple notes as a crime film. Also perfectly plotted, in the sense that the information /plot points that you are given don't go to waste. Also a great look at small town/rural Americana. I don't know why but 70s films were always great at this. Speaking of "regular" films, watching something once or more a year you pick up on stuff /appreciate characters more, in this film it's the Sheree North character. It's a minor role but there's a certain MILF hotness to her as well as the fact that she knew the score and played both sides (slight spoiler...she works as kind of a producer of fake passports).
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
Is this the early 80s film w/Micheal Keaton and Shelly Long (I think) as workers at a morgue? I have to rewatch that it's been maybe 10 years since I've seen it.
Yes. Hopefully you can find it on one of those apps/sites. I had downloaded it eons ago and luckily still had it.
For any Beverly Hills 90210 fans, Shannon Doherty's first role is in this. She has a small scene as a girl scout. Kevin Costner is an extra in this as a frat boy at that morgue party.
I really love Shelly Long now. I wish she had done more movies at that time instead of striking gold with Cheers...which I've always hated.
I've brought this up before but it trips me out how various actresses back in the day I didn't pay much attention to because they were older I now like since they're younger.
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
I really love Shelly Long now. I wish she had done more movies at that time instead of striking gold with Cheers...which I've always hated.
I've brought this up before but it trips me out how various actresses back in the day I didn't pay much attention to because they were older I now like since they're younger.
Long's problem is she was in the wrong decade. If she leaves Cheers in the 90s, she probably has a bigger career. TV actors/actresses leaving shows to pursue movies was more accepted in the 90s. And she would have had more movie roles to pick from, just in terms of the 90s landscape. She could have probably had a hit or two playing a neurotic/off kilter female. This is just a really long way of saying the 90s were a bit creative than the 80s.
On that last point, yeah that's one of the benefits (or perils) of growing old, depending on your perspective.
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
It's also funny how movie stars back in the day didn't want to do TV shows because it was looked down on. In today's world, a shit ton of them go on those shows and even star in them.
Yep....timing is everything. She thought she timed her Cheers exit perfectly but she didn't.
I could easily see her as one of those Lifetime movie stars too. The mother framed for a murder, the mother of a pregnant cheerleader, the mother of a druggie son, etc.
She was also facing the problem quite a few others during that period dealt with...she was getting too old even though she had only been on the radar a few years at that point.
She's 33 in Night Shift.
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
A woman in her 40s is not going to have much of a career unless she is something special. Long is not even lead actress material. Should have realized she would never become another Kathleen Turner and stayed in the show. It's like Neve Campbell and all those others, they have their time and that's that.
When Shannen Doherty can't make the jump from tv to movies it shows how hard it is. She was a very talented actress, carried 90210.
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
Taking of Pelham 123 (original) - This was great. I saw the remake last year and really liked it. This was better. 1970s NY and Walter Matthau as the star... What more could you ask for?
Identity - Also watched this last year. Top 5 Pacino movie in my book. Killer story and he does a great job selling the fact he's having a breakdown.
Animal Factory - A Tubi recommendation. Prison movie directed by Steve Buscemi starring Willem Dafoe and Edward Furlong. I really liked it even though it did have a bit of a B movie feel to it.
Re: Most Recent Movie You've Seen
Doherty's problems were that she was really difficult to deal with.
LA Confidential: seen this one a few times. First off, great adaptation from the novel. I've never realized how great some of the acting was in this film. I totally missed how Cromwell nails the role of Dudley Smith. Ditto Spacey (even though it's not popular now) as the glory hound cop , Jack Vincennes. Heck, I even missed how great Russell Crowe was here as Bud White. When you rewatch stuff you end up having different favorite characters. The kicker is that one of the least interesting acting roles--Kim Basinger--ends up winning an Oscar for best supporting actress. Go figure.
Rosemary's Baby. I'm conflicted on this. I was bored in parts of this and really liked some of the set pieces. It's not really a horror thriller. It's a psychological thriller with a message on female independence/feminism. There's nothing wrong with this film, other than it was too long and there were a bunch of dead spots.