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Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

Naty-Rose wrote:

I'll always be here for Axl
DailyBetter Group® Exclusive Interview

DailyBetter Group © In another effort to tell the story of Guns N 'Roses, brings you an exclusive interview with who was the muse and friend of the band, Adriana Smith. In that, she tell us his feelings on the song Rocket Queen, Chinese Democracy and Axl, as well as the beginnings of the band. Following the interview:

1- "Rocket Queen is taken by GN'R fans as songs of the emblems of the early years, the final part of it is one of the most beautiful music and compositionally. It shows a protective Axl and extremely loyal to their friendship. What do you feel when listen it and about axl?
When I listen to that song .....I listen to beauty too. Also did you know that song was actually concieved for a girl named Barbie Von Grief? Many don't. Barbie was a girl that Axl really adored, and she wanted to make a band called "Rocket Queen." I hear the last part and think of her, and all the other people that have moved through the life of Axl. I could never tell you who that piece was actually written for, because I donn't know. All I know is I really miss Axl in my life. His humor and personality are traits unique and his alone. I think of him. He is beautiful.

2- "What do You know about the Axl tattoo?, Many say that it's the old Izzy's girlfriend, the inspire muse to Don't Cry. What do you can say of that?"
I was under the impression that it was the face of another girl named Monique. I have no idea who "Don't Cry" was written for, but it is re-written on "Use Your Illusion". It actually was different on the demo. I like the demo version better.I just listened to it today though. I think it is special considering who is singing on it. it is still a beautiful song. It gets all of the girls"involved.' LOL!

3- How was the relationship between Axl and Slash during the creation of Appetite? and with the rest of members?
As far as I could see it was fine. Some stories may not be appropriate to share now in regard to this, However, Axl never pissed his pants on my couch.

4- You had the good fortune to be with them during the beginning of GN'R, What do you can say about Paul Huge? Getting to know? How was his relationship with the remainder of the band? Why do you think that always kept hidden his name despite being forever linked to the band? "
I have no idea who you are talking about....but his name sounds great! How did he get that name?....and what's his number? LMAO!

5- What do you think about Vicky Hammilton?
She was someone who somehow helped the band get signed, I think. I did not know her well, in fact my only memory of meeting her was at the "Reckless Road" book signing.

6- What do you think about the relationship between Sthepanie Seymour and Axl?
It's over.It seemed he loved her, or believed he loved her greatly. She pulled his heart from his chest, stomped all over it; pissed on it, and walked away.

7- How is your life now? Does it feel to be the inpire muse of a song that is inside one of the biggest selling records of all time?
My life is a work in progress. Today it seems relatively great! I try not to live in the past, I hear it causes depression. I try not to live in the future, I hear that it causes anxiety. I try to live for the day; for this very moment, for it is called "The Present"
I am amazed that something I did turned out right! No, seriously, I am grateful for all of my experiences on this planet. I did not have an imaginable idea that the simple act of somthing natural like having sex, could end up impacting my life and so many other peoples lives in the way it has. I am glad everyone enjoyed it! I sure did!

8- Do you talk with Axl in recent years? How do you see Axl today, as person, artist?
(heavy sigh) I am still waiting to speak to him directly. Maybe I always will be. It does not matter. I will always be here for him, like I have been in the past. Time and distance are illusions. We will always have a special is kind of neat.
Axl as a person, is still Axl. He may have changed on some levels. Mabe he has disposed of, or changed some older, unusable ideas or behaviors; but the essence of who he is will always remain. This is what I have learned about all people. as they grow older, more is also revealed about them, it seems. Anyone can see Axl is a man who has gone on and conquered many obstacles he has faced. I believe his new friends have helped him grow on his path. Beta, his assistant, and her son Fernando, and daughter Vanessa are angels. I can't believe the lies and rumors I heard about them before I met them. They are nothing but kind and helpful. I do not know how things get so conveluded and masked. The truth always exposes itself in the end.

9- What do you think about the GN'R today? and about Chinese Democracy?
Today the band is Axl's vision. The artists who commit to that perception seem to last. Apparently some have not lasted. I am still learning and have a lot more learning to do, about new members, their histories, etc. I guess I would consider myself a FAN of the new band! Yeah! I get to fall in love with this band's music all over again. The cd Chinese Democracy is something I listen to almost daily. it sounds different to me everyday. I hear little nuancesI didn't discover before! It is symphonic! It grips my heart, and tears at my skin. The songs are moody and uplifting. It must be listened to as loud as you can possibly stand it. The lyrics are masterful, of course! The music is perfect, and I don't care who dissagrees with me. I don't care if Axl himself disagrees! This cd saved me and pulled me through a very tough time. It gave me angst, bellowing guitar leads, drums of a tribe, and rythm...big bass....big f'n bass.....piano keys music words light love loss inspiration hope deceit curse vengence esteem strength love and light. It gave me Axl. It gave me something I needed really bad. Only one other recording of songs did that- Smith & Wesson. You can't get it. It is stuff the late, great West Arkeen recorded early on.

10- any comments you want us?
I thank you very much for being interested in my opinions. If you have anymore questions or wish further correspondence, please contact me through facebook. Thank you. Adriana Smith.

Adriana, thank you very much, we appreciate your time in giving us this great interview. Is proud to DailyBetter Group © someone so tied to the beginnings of the best band of all time has told us a bit of history that we love so much.

Credit: DailyBetter Group©
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DailyBetter Project©
Eres Fan, Eres Daily!

 Rep: 768 

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

Axlin16 wrote:

Adriana isn't credible.

She admitted a few interviews ago that she hasn't seen Axl in 20 years. She's an opportunist using the fact her body took on Axl's cum years ago as 'fame'.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

gavgnr wrote:

Have to say her description of Chinese Democracy and how it flows through a person's soul is pretty spot on

"It gave me angst, bellowing guitar leads, drums of a tribe, and rythm...big bass....big f'n bass.....piano keys music words light love loss inspiration hope deceit curse vengence esteem strength love and light."

"It is symphonic! It grips my heart, and tears at my skin. The songs are moody and uplifting."

Spot on.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

monkeychow wrote:

I think your being harsh there Axin08...........she may not have seen him for years...but she clearly feels a deep connection to Axl.

He's obviously had a profound impact on her life from the way she talks about him.

Interesting that she didn't know much about Paul. I guess his friendship with Axl in those days was probably something kept pretty seperate from the AFD guys maybe so she wasn't exposed to it. Unless she was just playing around with his stage name.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

buzzsaw wrote:

She feels about Axl the way Axl feels about Stephanie.  There's a patheticness to it actually.

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

AtariLegend wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

She feels about Axl the way Axl feels about Stephanie.  There's a patheticness to it actually.

Good to know Slashites don't know how to love...

 Rep: 53 

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

elmir wrote:

Cmon guys...she dated a drummer, and then decided to lash the lead singer one day...if she had any connection to axl other than that, we would have heard about her on a few different occasions from everybody in the band...she was a groupie chick they were hitting back in the day, and that's that...she's just trying to score some free publicity for herself and her new band...if axl got a cent every time one of these hangers on used his name to get themselves their 15 minutes...he'd be even richer...

 Rep: 768 

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

Axlin16 wrote:

Buzz & Elmir, spot on.

Monkey, seriously dude, if this was anybody other than Adriana Smith talking about Axl Rose... if it was just some chick out in public talking that way about a guy she used to fuck over 20 years ago, 99.99999% of the general public, myself included, would think she was a fuckin' psycho.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

monkeychow wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Monkey, seriously dude, if this was anybody other than Adriana Smith talking about Axl Rose... if it was just some chick out in public talking that way about a guy she used to fuck over 20 years ago, 99.99999% of the general public, myself included, would think she was a fuckin' psycho.

If it was that situation I'd say it sounded like a chick who was still in love, or at least had grown heavily attracted to someone she's no longer in contact with.

But what you said was that she isn't credible and is an oppturnist.

I'd say she isn't credible as a source for Axl's current psychology or actions seeing as she hasn't seen him in 20 years, but I do think she's credible as an insight into the AFD era. Although I'd also factor in that what she says will be colored naturally by her obvious feelings for axl and desire to reconnect with him.

Saying she is an opportunist implies she's lying or promoting something else. I think she's on the level. Read that interview and tell me that woman wouldn't be thrilled if Axl called her tonight. Now...sure it might be the case that she 'should' have moved on from an association that old...but i'm just doesn't make her a liar or uncrediable....

 Rep: 287 

Re: Adriana Smith: I'll always be here for Axl (DailyBetter Group)

Aussie wrote:

She was recepticle for Axl's load.

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