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 Rep: 205 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

PaSnow wrote:

So I got this email the other day, one of those "You know you're from the area if...." and one of them said "You refer to your state as PA and don't find it wierd". I had to reread it, because I didn't get it, but I never thought about it. Tommie/CrashDiet can vouch for this, here we easily call Pennsylvania "PA" when speaking such as "Yeah he lives up in northern PA" or "Oh, it's a town out in western PA" or "Are you going out west skiing?  No, probably just some places in PA" Heck, my screen name is PA SNOW!! 

So I am wondering, does anyone from other states ever call their state (or country, do you say UK?) by the abbreviation?  I guess it would sound wierd, "They are moving to southern OH"  or "He's from the middle of MI"


 Rep: 633 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 212 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

BLS-Pride wrote:

We here in New Jersey call our home state hell.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

PaSnow wrote:

Yeah, I was going to say Jersey usually just seems to call it Jersey. That or North Jersey, Central Jersey, and South Jersey.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

Never heard a New Yorker refer to the state as NY and never have myself.

I think it works better when your state abbreviation ends in A, because now that I'm in Virginia I could see myself saying VA at some point.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

Axlin16 wrote:

Never have I ever referred to any state in speaking by it's initials.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

jorge76 wrote:

I live in Iowa.  Using the abbreviation doesn't really make it that much shorter.

 Rep: 205 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

PaSnow wrote:

Yeah, dropping the "Wha" doesn't save you very much.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

Aussie wrote:

Well for an Aussie example, I live in Western Australia and we always refer to it as WA.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Do you ever refer to your state by it's abbreviation??

faldor wrote:

Oh yeah.  Connecticut is long, so CT is used on many occasions.

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