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 Rep: 281 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

faldor wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

^ yeah I'm sure it would be awesome. There's no doubt at all.

But the thing seems it's more likely Axl will join my band than reunite with slash at this stage.

Exactly.  So it's not really worth discussing at this point how great it might be.  It ain't happening.  Let it go.

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

Sky Dog wrote:

wake up...time to die!

 Rep: 281 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

faldor wrote:

Not that this really means anything, but this is taken from Ron's most recent interview.

'Ya know what I'™d love to do? Write a song every time we do a leg of a tour, record it, make it available to people, play it at the shows, and do that every time. Ya never know which one will really have a big impact on people.  However, fans looking forward to the next Guns N'™ Roses album may be waiting a while longer. Bumblefoot admits he would love to make new music next, 'but we will have to see what the future holds. For now I'™m just looking at the immediate future, coming to Europe, coming to Belfast.

The rest of the article/interview can be read here. … foot-thal/

Also had this tidbit.  Not that it's a surprise to anyone.

While plenty of classic Guns N'™ Roses material is played live, Bumblefoot does not feel that additional material will be taken from the band'™s more experimental Use Your Illusion albums, released in 1991. 'I'™ll play any of '˜em, but right now it doesn'™t look like we'™re adding any more '˜Illusions'™ songs to the set. Anything could change at any time, but that'™s how it'™s looking'™ right now'¦ I do sneak in a little piece of '˜Estranged'™ during my solo.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

monkeychow wrote:

Given the focus on UYI during the massive UYI tour, like most GNR videos around seem to be those things, I personally am happy with a CD and AFD based setlist, but I do wonder if the band actually is purposely distancing themselves from UYI or if there's some other reason, or if it's just coincidence.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

Aussie wrote:

I honestly don't understand why Axl won't include more UYI.  Most of the songs on the current set list have been done to death.  I can only guess he's saving that material for a rainy/reunion day.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

monkeychow wrote:

^ Could be...unless he's just sick of DTJ etc were played a ton back in the day, almost every night for years, but then I guess under that logic AFD would have even more hits on the playcount. Maybe he associates it too strongly with personal problems at the time? Like his relationships with partners or the old band, or maybe there's no reason, i've always just been curious.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

misterID wrote:

I always got the feeling he just doesn't like the UYI material, save a few songs.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

Axlin16 wrote:



 Rep: 485 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

Neemo wrote:

well by all accounts the UYI sessions didnt seem to be a very fun time for any of the parties involved, its really where it seems that the orig band came apart at the seams....we all know about Axl's involvment with spiritual advisers and the like (ie yoda) so if he was doing all he could to avoid the "negative aura's" around him, why would he pull material from a negative time in his life to play live? now i'm not saying thats the reasoning but if i had to guess i would say that the material was created in a time in his life that wasnt much fun in retrospect so he just doesnt wanna go back there

 Rep: 12 

Re: Dj Ashba and Dizzy Reed: "We're working on a new album"

huntermc wrote:

I wouldn't be surprised if Dizzy and DJ have been recording some tracks for a possible new album, but I doubt they'd be making an official announcement to a Norweigan newspaper. Typical media bullshit - a couple of band members make a vague statement that they're recording a few things and the newspaper takes the quote out of context and blows it up into a headline so they can get the "scoop" and sell some papers. No wonder Axl is so media-shy.

But even if it was true and they were in full-band recording mode, I wouldn't hold any hope that we'd hear anything before 2012. We all know Axl's relationship with Universal is (at best) strained, and the lawsuit/countersuit with Azoff only further complicates an already messy legal situation. So even if the band is the tightest unit since the original lineup, we'll still never hear anything they record until the lawyers have their way.

The only slight hope I have in anything new being released is if Uni or Azoff has something contractually that would force Axl into releasing the rest of the CD stuff so they can get their money back from their investment. And that's what I'd really prefer - get the old stuff out there and then sever the ties with the past and move on to new material with the new band.

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