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Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

AtariLegend wrote:

So I have to decide now, what do with my life, I was thinking/expecting to go to Uni later this year.
I was wondering for those of you guys that went/go, do you think it was a good idea, would I maybe be better working my way up the job ladder or going for a degree?

 Rep: 67 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

Tommie wrote:

I went to a small local college.  I only stopped attending because I simply ran out of money. 

It really depends on what type of job your interested in.  If its something in an office setting (sales, marketing, ect) you'd probably be better to go to college.  Its its something in the medical field, then of course you'll have to go.  If its something industrial, you'd be best to go to a tech school.

 Rep: 22 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

Yes, i studied drama, film, radio and litterature in a school affiliated to two London universities and got commended too, looks nice on my

 Rep: 80 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

Backslash wrote:

I'm in university.  It was a good choice for me, but it isn't for everyone.  Here in Canada, there are only a few undergrad degrees that can get you a job.  Luckily, I pursued one of those.  A lot of people are stuck doing degrees that they'll never be able to use, unless they continue into Grad school or decide to teach.  Nowadays, trade schools and colleges are educating the most employable people.  People with pipe-fitting, construction, plumbing, and instrumentation certifications are better off in the end.  They tend not to owe as much money when they're done school and they get higher wages because they're in demand.

Unless you're doing some form of business, engineering, pharmacy, or nursing as an undergrad degree in university, you really don't have much choice but to continue education here (whether through grad, law, or med school).

 Rep: 130 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

mitchejw wrote:

I dunno...but it sure does cost a lot.

 Rep: 286 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

Aussie wrote:

I did - I studied Finance.

Uni was bascially a good excuse to do nothing for about 3 years - well for me a good excuse not to get a serious full time job.  Plus it was bascially just a party - my contact time was 12 hours a week (assuming I went to all the lectures etc).  I was basically out partying and drinking most days/nights. - Man I would love to do it again.

It all depends upon what you want to do.  For me is was purely a piece of paper to get me in the door where I wanted to work and that's about all,  (well what I learnt does have some relevance and practical application to my job surprisingly enough) but it's not like I got really high results or anything.  When it came to job time it was basically "ok you have a relevant degree - good" and that's about it.  Then it was more about who I was as a person that was important as to whether I got the job.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

Gunslinger wrote:

I went to a community college (cheaper to get your basics, which is the first two years) then went to a University.  The best advice for a University degree really comes down to what you are hearing from depends on what you want to do.  The medical field/engineering (etc) would require it of course but if you don't really know what you wish to do yet go to a community college while you decide.  That way you at least will have an associate's degree in 2 yrs (and a degree will help you out in your personal life as well as virtually any job) and it will give you time to decide what you want to do and if you will indeed need to attend a University while you decide.  Win/win situation.  This way you are acheiving something without going into heavy debt without good reason.  Keep your GPA up and many of these courses will transfer to the University you may or may not attend in the future.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

Once I am finished with high school I will be going to college, but I can't speak to its importance as it is the expected 'norm' in my area. Since I see things as I am, I can only assume that higher education is a positive if its affordable without any severe long term handicapping of your finances.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

polluxlm wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

So I have to decide now, what do with my life, I was thinking/expecting to go to Uni later this year.
I was wondering for those of you guys that went/go, do you think it was a good idea, would I maybe be better working my way up the job ladder or going for a degree?

Depends on what you want to do with your life.

Unless you're planning on doing business on your own, have some unusual talent or if you're very persistent, you should take some courses. It's not like the old days where all you had to do was show up and start working your way up. Granted, that can still happen, but it's not something you should take to the bank.

Re: Is Higher Education A Good Idea?

AtariLegend wrote:

Well thanks for your views guys, I'm gonna go the education route, probably with Computer Science.

I've done Business for 3 years at college and although its easy, I'd be a pretty lame boss.

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