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 Rep: 30 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

bucketfan wrote:

Check out the latest episode, the Slash part is piss funny.

Some screen grabs from the show;



 Rep: 30 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

bucketfan wrote:

"Heed ye not the false riffage of Buckethead and Robin Finck (though Buckethead can totally shred, I mean, have you seen that guy?)."

 Rep: 30 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

bucketfan wrote:

Slash's latest twitter;

I'm not......real? : (

 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

Axlin16 wrote:

Holy shit, are you serious?

I haven't seen last night's episode yet, I gotta check this out.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

bucketfan wrote:

I'm serious smile

Youtube link added in first post.

I believe this is the second time Bucket has received praise on the show, the last time was the Guitar Hero episode.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

Axlin16 wrote:

"Slash is NOT hard to find. He'll play anything if you pay him. Hell, he played my 8th birthday party" - Eric Cartman

"You guys are 10 years old, and just now you're parents told you Slash isn't real?" - Stan Marsh

Cartman: "So who played my 8th birthday"?

Craig: "One of our parents"

Cartman: "Get the fuck out! So who's the guitarist in Guns N' Roses?"

Craig: "One of our parents"


 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

Axlin16 wrote:

The GN'R/Slash stuff is hilarious. Episode doesn't really have a point (yes, I know South Park), but the episode comes across as just Trey & Matt making an excuse to do a GN'R-themed episode, and turn Slash into Santa Claus.

I believe in Vunter Slash!!!

 Rep: 633 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 194 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

metallex78 wrote:

Missed the Robin and Bucket jokes, as those book pages were shown so quickly, you'd blink and miss them.

I find it quite funny, but over at HTGTH, they're using this to attack Slash and Slash fans, but I don't think even Slash himself would take it too seriously.

All in good fun!

 Rep: 287 

Re: Slash on Southpark - Finck and Bucket also get a mention

Aussie wrote:

I thought the whole thing was bloody funny. Yeah it takes the piss outta Slash for basically being willing to play at the opening of an envelope, but it still made me laugh. The vid is on YouTube I'm on my iPhone so it's a hassle finding and pasting the link so if someone else wants to...

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