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 Rep: 149 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

slcpunk wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

I'm sorry, I disagree with this shit.  It's nothing more than some backdoor bullshit.  Regardless of how you feel about her being found not guilty, the fact is the justice system found her so.  So she was found guilty for check fraud and sentenced to like a year in jail and a year prohbation.  All the time she did in kail waiting for the results of her child's death case, should be counted towards that time served. 

If you believe in the American justice system, then you have to let people who you feel to be guilty, yet our found not so, walk the same as people who you believe are innocent.  This girl was found not guilty, so all that time she did in jail waiting for a trial and during, was time she shouldn't have had to serve due to her being foudn innocent.  That loss of time should count.

I agree. Why couldn't it be counted as time served already? It would have for anybody else but her. They want to get her on probation, keep her close, and hope she violates.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Its really simple and Axlin already explained it. The time she served was for misleading police in the investigation, the probation she has been given is for check fraud which was a seperate issue.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Axlin16 wrote:

Thanks Irish

Even if they want to keep her close and hoping she violates. Who cares? She gets everything that comes to her - if just for being a lying slut, let alone anything else.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

There's no problem with her serving this probation time in FL, but I am against killing her extralegally, which sadly is not a position that can be taken for granted.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Axlin16 wrote:

Well as much as I joke about it - I doubt it happens.

For as much as people are up in arms about the whole thing, I highly doubt anyone will kill her. They might shoot AT her or something like that to just scare her a bit.

I frankly don't think anyone really has the guts. I agree with Randall on that, if you're that pissed - do something about it. Kill her, or shut up about it.

To be honest, if you kill Casey, you gotta kill her parents. Because those two jokes are just as guilty for turning Casey into what she is, as Casey is. And suddenly 1 murder, becomes 3, which becomes how many cops, etc. You see how mob-like gangland justice dominos like that? It's never as simple as "take your shot".


 Rep: 59 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Thanks Irish

Even if they want to keep her close and hoping she violates. Who cares? She gets everything that comes to her - if just for being a lying slut, let alone anything else.

No prob, just telling it like it is.

There is no victimization of Casey going on here. She broke the law and was given the maximum sentence for it, partly (I believe) because the judge knew she killed her child but sadly, not enough evidence was presented for a conviction.

I followed the case from day 1, when interviewed after the trial a juror said they believed she was guilty but could not give a guilty verdict as the prosecution didn't "legally" prove it. She also said they (the jury) were deeply saddened and some even cried because they couldn't convict her.

Regardless, she should be fuckin happy, she got away with murder.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

polluxlm wrote:

Somebody should have told the jury they don't need to legally prove anything. If they feel a person deserves punishment they are in their right to convict, or not. Law doesn't matter. In this case it seems obvious they jury thought she was guilty but were convinced by some leo that they couldn't convict. Bullshit, they could and they can.

Of course the judges don't like that so they don't tell them anymore.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Axlin16 wrote:

Bleeding hearts have convinced them that is "wrong".

But ultimately the jurors still take the fall. It's not the fault of the judge, prosecution, defense, your mother, God, that you don't have any goddamn GUTS to make a decision.

Bottom line -- they pussed out on killing a child murderer.

 Rep: 231 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

-D- wrote:

Problem was the prosecution.. u can't go for death penalty with no smoking gun.

If it has just been life in prison.. she prob is in there.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Judge: Casey Anthony must serve probation in FL

Axlin16 wrote:

There were NUMEROUS smoking guns.

But i'm not gonna get into that trial again. Turns me into Clint Eastwood.

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