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 Rep: 633 

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

RussTCB wrote:


Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

johndivney wrote:

they're not awful.
they still have a lot to offer.
just is they're weak from a negotiating perspective. all's left is a tarnished brand & the promise of a bunch of 2nd rate songs written by a guy housed in a chicken coop. aside from that they have potential. but nothing more than a diminishing online community actively supporting them.

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

Sky Dog wrote:

John, buddy, I love ya and you have some good taste in rock, BUT BUT BUT....let it go. Ax has a good band and they showed some nuts sticking out across hostile territory.

Me, I'm excited as hell for 2012. of new music...the possibility of a mini reunion. Gnr in the press for 4 straight months. Pretty cool in my matter which way the worm turns.

See, I have grown to accept the present. Only because I lived through the past. No mini reunion will ever match what I saw 7 times between 91-93. So, I'm happy Ax has a band that is competent to play the Gnr Revue and it's a damn good Revue right now.

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

johndivney wrote:

they stuck it out cause they were touring UNDER DURESS from the livenation/azoff lawsuit.
bumble alluded to this on the webcast he suffered a breakdown .

GnR is in the press for the wrong reasons - the old lineup/RnRHoF instead of awesome exciting new music

i am happy for Axl & the stability he's found, but i want & demand more.

 Rep: 661 

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

monkeychow wrote:
war wrote:

i dont think it was beta that held the release of cd back but a good question is can beta force axl's hand like azoff did?

Yeah see I see that as her skill. She's been Axl's handler for a number of years and in that time things like cancels and riots happen less than they did prior to her introduction. He doesn't seem suicidal like he once was, and while there's moments of anger, he seems very happy with her running his affairs and in general GNR's been starting to do things "properly" this tour (interviews, live videos etc). I think she's quite adept at dealing with Axl's emotions and the overall unusual world of GNR. Assuming that she's also on the same page with Axl about what should happen (new albums with the new band, no reunions etc) then maybe it's actually the key that will get something done.

 Rep: 281 

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

faldor wrote:
Naltav wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Saw Mark Canter posted this at mygnr, referring to the  Lebeis':

They have been running things for a long time. They will also save 15% that they would have to had paid someone else to do the things that they have already been telling a manger to do. I know that sounded a bit twisted but what I'm trying to say is that they are the ones who have been running things anyways, so why pay the extra cash. It will free up money to get more things done.

Nothing new obviously as we all knew those guys were really pulling the strings and management had to go thru them.  But interesting to hear someone close to Axl confirm it.

It makes sense, if you are paying someone for management and advice that you aren't taking, you are wasting your money.

The logical next question following that statement is if they are the ones that have been running things anyway, why should we expect anything different going forward when they are "officially" in control?

Hope I'm wrong because I want new music from Axl and bloody anyone he cares to get in the studio at this stage.  Plus I would love to see this band function even remotely like a normal band.  So I will cross my fingers and hope for the best, but sadly my expectations are low. I hope I end up with egg on my face and they prove me wrong.

I think the Leibeis family running the GNR operations is just as wierd as a lot of you guys have stated in the past pages.

But when I really think about what I actually KNOW for sure about ANY of them and what they have done in the past or what they haven't done, I find out that I really don't have ANYTHING concrete to base my sceptisism on.

And like Canter said, they have been running things for a very long time. But all though there are episodes in the past that the fans have been dissapointed about, when it comes to touring since '09, things have been running fairly smooth as far as I can tell. And during these last tours in South America and the US, prolly as smooth as it ever has! Not to mention a welcomed increase in fan-interaction (fb, twitter, interviews with the band AND Axl(!), live streaming of concerts, possible new website).

Hopefully these last positive things will continue into 2012 and beyond!

But like someone mentioned a few pages ago, letting family or close ones run the business, can cause some unwanted tension. For my own selfish reasons, I hope that doesn't happen for Axl, so that he can continue to put on shows and hopefully release new music in the future.

Yeah, you can't have it both ways.  People are saying, "oh great, Beta is in charge now.  There goes the neighborhood".  Yet a month ago everyone was thrilled that Axl was doing an interview for TMS.  Everyone's been pleased with GNR's more fan friendly attitude via social media.  Everyone was psyched about the PPV live streams.  Everyone assumes these things were done while Beta and Fernando were at the helm.  So why exactly is everyone freaking out so much?  Maybe they know a hell of a lot more than we give them credit for. 

I do agree though, it's tough to mix family/friends with business.  I can see that argument.  But this whole, Beta can't manage a housekeeping business argument doesn't make sense to me when things are seemingly improving under her watch.  And if she does suck at the job, she'll be replaced and we won't be any worse off.  Just take a deep breath and see how this thing play out.  I remember Fernando talking a few years back about them trying to work out streaming live shows.  Well, it may have taken awhile, but we got that the other night.  They've gotten things done.  Let's not forget that.

And one more thing.  Vanessa is HOT!  I'd love for her to be a part of my management team. 11

 Rep: 41 

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

Ali wrote:
misterID wrote:

Pittman was also a songwriter, he not only handles "industrial sounds" he also does production work, arrangements, orchestrations. I love his additions, especially to Estranged. And imo, he's one of the best post Izzy songwriter's GN'R has had. If you can hear the instrumentals of CD, and hear his work, it's totally mind blowing.

And I like what Dizzy brings, with the organ and keyboards.  They're both "real rock."

Lets not slag mother goose, here. 4

Yeah, no shit.  Anyone who thinks all Pittman is an "industrial guy" is mistaken badly.  He is a talented songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.  Go listen to Lusk and SexTapes and tell me that's all he is.


 Rep: 485 

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

Neemo wrote:

listend to Aenima by TooL today and Pitman does some synth stuff and production on that album...pretty dark crazy stuff...not sure how much is just cuz its TooL and how much of a hand he had in it

 Rep: 108 

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

war wrote:
johndivney wrote:

CD was 4/5 yrs ago

just making a livin' baby, well that's enough for me....

so what?

 Rep: 768 

Re: LA Times Interview With Axl

Axlin16 wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Saw Mark Canter posted this at mygnr, referring to the  Lebeis':

They have been running things for a long time. They will also save 15% that they would have to had paid someone else to do the things that they have already been telling a manger to do. I know that sounded a bit twisted but what I'm trying to say is that they are the ones who have been running things anyways, so why pay the extra cash. It will free up money to get more things done.

Nothing new obviously as we all knew those guys were really pulling the strings and management had to go thru them.  But interesting to hear someone close to Axl confirm it.

It makes sense, if you are paying someone for management and advice that you aren't taking, you are wasting your money.

The logical next question following that statement is if they are the ones that have been running things anyway, why should we expect anything different going forward when they are "officially" in control?

Hope I'm wrong because I want new music from Axl and bloody anyone he cares to get in the studio at this stage.  Plus I would love to see this band function even remotely like a normal band.  So I will cross my fingers and hope for the best, but sadly my expectations are low. I hope I end up with egg on my face and they prove me wrong.

But see that's the problem right there. We all know that. Canter isn't revealing anything new.

Wanna know why GN'R has been run like an utter joke for years... BECAUSE the Lebeis have been running GN'R, or at least been a buffer between Axl (who's basically GN'R) and the industry.

People have been sick to death for years of how GN'R has been run, yet suddenly now have some sort of re-birthing moment because Beta's officially in charge, so why freak out?

Because it's MORE of shit that hasn't worked in a decade.

It's HORRIBLE news for the future of GN'R. Not that it'll get WORSE, but that fact it won't get BETTER.

GN'R can do all the Twitter updates, and iClips shows they want, it's still a band overplaying Chinese Democracy and another band's hits for the upteenth time.

Beta could send Vanessa in for a private negotiation with Iovine... it ain't gonna get it done.

They're fucking done with them, and Uni ain't releasing GN'R from their agreement. Not gonna happen.

So what's that get you? Either no new album, or an immediate reconsideration and getting rid of Beta in that role.

Something tells me no new album will happen before Beta gets demoted. And if no new album happens, the band will fall apart, starting with Tommy.

Axl is in the tighest spot he's ever been in, in recent memory. The world is looking at the reunion, the diehard fans are looking at the current band, Tommy is looking at the album, and Axl's got Beta and this attitude of "we'll see, but no current plans".

Smells like napalm in the morning...

*cues "Taps"*

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