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 Rep: 633 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 633 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

monkeychow wrote:


Once I would have been horrified at this, but to be honest I didn't like the prequel films, and the directions the franchise took from there (Clone Wars Anime) and so on - it's all felt a little soulless to me - so maybe it is time for someone to have a proper go with George's universe.

Here is a disturbing thought though. What does that mean for Indiana Jones?

 Rep: 70 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

It took me awhile to think about the process and in some ways it's not going to make things better for fans of the franchise; but it does look like a step in the right direction if you look at it from a business and entertainment perspective. Lucas besides the Clone Wars TV series and some of the licensing for other products hasn't made a smart move in film in quite awhile. The last release from Lucasfilm was Red Tails and besides all the hype, it was a major flop and hurt the brand more than anything. I think that was one of the reasons for Disney to step in and make their move. They've been trying to gain Lucasfilm since the 80s. It's not shocking. Especially since Star Wars and Indiana Jones content have been around the Disney theme parks for many years. Star Tours, the Indiana Jones show, the Mickey Mouse and other character toys dressed up like Jedi, etc etc.  This is a actually a great business move on Disney's part. It will basically be similar to the Marvel purchase where they will fund the films and products and gain profit. As well as keep as close eye on films and TV production; so nobody fucks it up. Lucas is a great producer and visionary when it comes to effects and story; but acting and plot structure is his downfall. (cough cough most of the prequels running time) He needs a great team of writers and a keen director to make sure Episode VII is a true redemption in the film's sagas. I would like to see them take a crack at the many books that have been told after the events of Return of the Jedi and the re-construction of the Jedi Temple. Also to have at least a few cameos from past alumni of Hamill, Ford, and the others. An original story with a thrilling adventure and deep development would work in it's favor as well.

As for Monkey's previous comment, Speilberg and Ford are considering getting a new Indy film off the ground that would turn into a true conclusion of the films and help retain it's former glory. I actually liked Crystal Skull for the most part except for the alien subplot that went nowhere and was useless as well as some missing plot holes, some characters needed to be tuned up a tad, and a few minor details that didn't need CGI. If Speilberg handled the film more professionally and didn't bow to some of Lucas's demands/ideas  then it would of turned out better. There is a great fun film in it if you strip away those bad side effects.  I didn't like the Temple of Doom either; but that's for another discussion. 14

To sum everything up, we all know Lucas has had many fucks up with his properities (kind of a control freak in a sense); so it's time for some people to take it into better hands with his ok of approval.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

Bono wrote:

To be honest I really feel Lucas ruined the Star Wars franchise from an artistic standpoint not only with the prequels but with the tinkering with the originals.  When I think Lucas films I think Star Wars(I knwo there's more to it though) but given how I look at the original Star Wars as THE trilogy and given that I don't care anymore what comes next I think this is a good move. At least there's a chance that a new Star Wars movie might be good. With Lucas in charge  I highly doubt thered ever be a quality Star Wars product released ever again. The originals will stand alone forever as absolute classics but Lucas watered the franchise down and for me ruined it to the point where it doesn't matter. Might as well make a whole bunch of stuff and Disney will.  I guess despite my jaded attitude towars it all I think this is a good move for Disney and Star Wars fans.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 386 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

Bono wrote:
RussTCB wrote:

Super dumb question directed at ANYONE more educated in Star Wars lore than I:

What happens after Jedi?

Oh tons! There's so many post Jedi stories they could go with.  The best would be if they went with the Thrawn Trilogy which takes place 5 years after Jedi.

Heir to the Empire: by Timothy Zahn
Dark Force Rising:  by Timothy Zahn
The Last Command: by Timothy Zahn

casting would tough though given you'd need to recast Luke, Leia, Han and others.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

Axlin16 wrote:

It's insane that Lucas has done nothing other than those two franchises to his name, and he was still able to sell his production company for $4 BILLION FREAKING DOLLARS.

God man, i'm in the wrong business.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

Neemo wrote:

Oops just saw this here

As long as depp doesn't play Vader I'm

Disney has had some pretty decent movies in recent years.

I wonder.if the sale includes industrial light and magic...Lucas has done more.than just those 10 movies, he revolutionized special effects and how movies are made

 Rep: 633 

Re: Disney Buys Lucasfilm (Lucas giving $4bil to charity)

RussTCB wrote:


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