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 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

metallex78 wrote:

^ Ah right, of course! Lol

Nah, just going to Sunday night.
As much as I bitch about Axl here, I'm actually really looking forward to it... Hahaha

Last time I saw GnR was in 2007, I missed the 2010 gig, so it's been a while since seeing Axl live in person

Get to catch up with Monkeychow too!

 Rep: 221 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

polluxlm wrote:

Whole story is fishy. If he got clocked in the mouth he was obviously standing in a position to see it coming. It's not a bullet we're talking about. And most importantly, unless this guy is 7 ft tall how the hell is the mic able to travel through the dozens and dozens of hands jumping up to get it before it reaches his head? 

So the chance that this happened inadvertently is pretty slim and there's enough reasonable doubt to throw it out. Once he actively tries to pursue the mic all bets are off. He deserves what is coming.

Drunk dude jumps to catch the mic, fails epically and loses his teeth. Tough luck.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

Axlin16 wrote:

This is the gayest lawsuit Axl's ever been apart of. And that's including the Brazilian dude that tried to stick it in his ass on stage in Rio.

Axl should personally give him a check and a free mic... then take that mic and throw it full blast in his face at point blank range.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

monkeychow wrote:

Ticket to Event: $200
Meet and Greet without the band: $180

No Front Teeth on the Train Home: Priceless.

You have cash for the little things, and for everything else, there's Axl-card.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

Neemo wrote:

dont put your teeth in the way then lol

 Rep: 194 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

tejastech08 wrote:

I don't have any sympathy for him. Either he wasn't paying attention (his fault) or he has the worst hand-eye coordination ever to let that happen (also his fault).

 Rep: 475 

Re: Axl Rose set to be sued after throwing mic into crowd

misterID wrote:

I've invested too much money in my teeth to expose them to flying microphones 16

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