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 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

It's not's socialism. A form of government that exists successfully all over the world. Here's where I get so confused. I've seen you post about the rising costs of higher education and ridicule the current system. There are other options to consider to ameliorate this problem. You could remove government student loans....or you could do what Bernie suggested.

I stand by my comments. You're a Bernie supporter. You made that clear at the start. Here are some of your comments during the election. Read them now and you'll see why they're problematic for the DNC and why they knew Sanders supporters were a liability that needs to be kept at arms length.

"I dunno...I don't know if the U.S. deserves to survive. Not in its current form anyway. If this is really the best the world can do...I think I'm disappointed."

"who cares what the minn. wage is....ain't no one but the bottom of the barrel gonna work for that....and then they're gonna go do crack on their time off and miss work the next day"

"James, PaSnow....others....
If you learn conservative, and you truly believe Trump has lost....I would have to turn to outrage if I were you.
There is no excuse for Trump to have 1 office in Florida while Clinton has 50+. There is literally no excuse. This is a state that is won by a few thousand votes some times. He wasted a lot of time, money and resources. He wasted an election cycle. Now Republicans might be asking, "how bad is the damage going to be." In other words, who else is Trump going to cost during this election cycle? Democrats have the inside track to take back the Senate. It's not a sure thing by any means...but Trump is helping the cause."

"Do you know why? Hillary doesn't do any interviews because she doesn't have to.
That's how garbage Donald is as a candidate.
Hillary is kneeling the ball in the third quarter."

"I'm sick of this. I don't care how corrupt or terrible Hillary is which has far less facts to support it then obviously all of the Donald's, if you want to make your decisions based on propaganda then go right ahead.
If Donald went to the White House and called Obama a nigger and raped Michelle you guys would support it.
I support Hillary even with all of the alleged corruption."

"He will not win Wisconsin there's no chance. Wisconsin is weird because they have Scott Walker at governor. But Trump didn't even come close to winning the primary there. He is not well liked in Wisconsin."

I'm not sure what your point is here other than posting shit where I predicted things incorrectly...but I do stand by what I have said. I Think the Republican party is full of vile, disgusting, hypocritical white men who don't give a fuck about you or this country. What they care about is their wallet and their investments in wall street. They don't give a shit about anything else..."fuck the planet and fuck you too"

I am a firm believer that this country's mantra is "hooray for me and fuck you." I am not impressed by this culture and I see it for what it is...the greatest system for building wealth ever created. That doesn't make it moral or ethical or even 'good' in the eyes of God.

Remember...always remember...politics is not about doing what's's about doing what's popular. Now, more than ever, hatred and negativity is the lay of the land.

Wisconsin is not the place I grew up in anymore. Everyone hates each other. Neighbors who used to be friendly don't talk. I don't have friends anymore who supported Scott Walker. These people are the arm pit of the country...and they all got together in the spirit of negativity not to help themselves...but to take things away from other people. The American people in 2017 would rather hurt you than help themselves.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

It's not's socialism. A form of government that exists successfully all over the world. Here's where I get so confused. I've seen you post about the rising costs of higher education and ridicule the current system. There are other options to consider to ameliorate this problem. You could remove government student loans....or you could do what Bernie suggested.

I stand by my comments. You're a Bernie supporter. You made that clear at the start. Here are some of your comments during the election. Read them now and you'll see why they're problematic for the DNC and why they knew Sanders supporters were a liability that needs to be kept at arms length.

"I dunno...I don't know if the U.S. deserves to survive. Not in its current form anyway. If this is really the best the world can do...I think I'm disappointed."

"who cares what the minn. wage is....ain't no one but the bottom of the barrel gonna work for that....and then they're gonna go do crack on their time off and miss work the next day"

"James, PaSnow....others....
If you learn conservative, and you truly believe Trump has lost....I would have to turn to outrage if I were you.
There is no excuse for Trump to have 1 office in Florida while Clinton has 50+. There is literally no excuse. This is a state that is won by a few thousand votes some times. He wasted a lot of time, money and resources. He wasted an election cycle. Now Republicans might be asking, "how bad is the damage going to be." In other words, who else is Trump going to cost during this election cycle? Democrats have the inside track to take back the Senate. It's not a sure thing by any means...but Trump is helping the cause."

"Do you know why? Hillary doesn't do any interviews because she doesn't have to.
That's how garbage Donald is as a candidate.
Hillary is kneeling the ball in the third quarter."

"I'm sick of this. I don't care how corrupt or terrible Hillary is which has far less facts to support it then obviously all of the Donald's, if you want to make your decisions based on propaganda then go right ahead.
If Donald went to the White House and called Obama a nigger and raped Michelle you guys would support it.
I support Hillary even with all of the alleged corruption."

"He will not win Wisconsin there's no chance. Wisconsin is weird because they have Scott Walker at governor. But Trump didn't even come close to winning the primary there. He is not well liked in Wisconsin."

I'm not sure what your point is here other than posting shit where I predicted things incorrectly...but I do stand by what I have said. I Think the Republican party is full of vile, disgusting, hypocritical white men who don't give a fuck about you or this country. What they care about is their wallet and their investments in wall street. They don't give a shit about anything else..."fuck the planet and fuck you too"

I am a firm believer that this country's mantra is "hooray for me and fuck you." I am not impressed by this culture and I see it for what it is...the greatest system for building wealth ever created. That doesn't make it moral or ethical or even 'good' in the eyes of God.

Remember...always remember...politics is not about doing what's's about doing what's popular. Now, more than ever, hatred and negativity is the lay of the land.

Wisconsin is not the place I grew up in anymore. Everyone hates each other. Neighbors who used to be friendly don't talk. I don't have friends anymore who supported Scott Walker. These people are the arm pit of the country...and they all got together in the spirit of negativity not to help themselves...but to take things away from other people. The American people in 2017 would rather hurt you than help themselves.

I also watched Trump supporters hate Hillary to the point of wanting to kill her and laud Trump for the same's a gross mentality.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:

Trump joked that Russia should hack more of Hillary's emails. Never before had a Presidential nominee suggested a foreign country should commit espionage. Republicans are OK with it.

All of our intelligence agencies say that Russia hacked our election, and undermined our democracy. Flagg says he needs "proof" of this. There is proof, it's been submitted in both classified and unclassified reports.

Trump promises to build a wall and have Mexico pay for it-all for an illegal immigration problem that simply doesn't exist. The reality is a proposed 700 mile wall with prices ranging anywhere from 5-15 billion dollars. This doesn't include maintenance, and other long term upkeep costs. Trump promises to have Mexico pay for it later, which clearly isn't going to happen without fuzzy math and blatant lying. Conservatives are fine with that too.

No it doesn't surprise me that Republicans want to get rid of ethics oversight or put laws into place so they can target government employees that rub them the wrong way. That's business as usual. But never in my life could I have imagined Republicans as apologists for Putin, working tirelessly to defend a massive, far reaching cyber attack on their own country. How much lower can conservatives go? Everything is brushed off with indifference, or demanding proof. What a sad lot you've all become.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I am still glad the hacks happened. The end result justified the means. We found out how shady and corrupt our folks can be. It is a shame that Russia had to reveal this. Russia is not our friend. They "shouldn't" have hacked but the info we got was valuable.

That's a very cunt thing to say. It was worth reading backbiting comments on a campaign to justify Russians trying to influence our elections and undermine our democracy. Yes, the world needed to know this, we could not have survived the injustice of Democrats not wanting Bernie to get the nomination, it would have changed so much had she won. It was totally worth Russia committing cyber terrorism and espionage, and Julian Assange's little Hillary hard on, was so worth it because the oh so valuable, world changing information that Donna Brazil wanted Hillary to win.

You are a true patriot.

How was our democracy undermined?

I don't like Russia. I'm the only one here who has been anti Russia the entire time. The only one who has been anti Wikileaks from day one.

But how the fuck was our democracy undermined by Russia releasing the emails of the DNC?

For weeks after the election you were claiming Trump had an asterisk next to his name cause Clinton won the popular vote. It was anti Democratic you said. So how is showing how undemocratic the DNC truly is, in both their handling of Sanders and leaking information to Clinton ahead of debates, undermining democracy.

"Russia undermined our Democracy by showing how the DNC undermined democracy."

Do you not see the problem with this?

I have no problem with the DNC working to keep Sanders off their ballot. Sanders isn't a democrat. He had done nothing to benefit the party or its candidates. I can't think of anyone who has done more for the DNC than the Clinton's. the amount of money and campaign assistance they've provided the past 30 years is unprecedented. There is no doubt where their loyalties lie. Sanders isn't even decent enough to change his party affiliation to the DNC. So I get why Schultz and the party didn't want Sanders taking advantage of their infrastructure.

But they lied about it. They publicly said they weren't advocating on Clinton's behalf. And they got caught. No one else is to blame but themselves for creating this predicament.

But the DNC wants to exploit the retards who think a $15 minimum wage and free college and healthcare for all is feasible. The GOP is no different. They use the retarded tea party types for the same purpose. I have very close friends in both the GOP and DNC and both privately mock the Sanders/occupy and tea party dipshits for their beliefs. But they both acknowledge the importance of their activism come campaign time, so they tolerate them.

The difference is it was crystal clear the GOP was working to keep Trump out. Name one serious primary candidate in the GOP who didn't call Trump a fraud. Now contrast that with the DNC's public persona regarding Sanders and what we know happened behind the curtain.

So tell me again how Russia undermined our democracy by revealing the truth?

Gimme a break, a foreign power interfered with our election to get a specific candidate elected. They performed cyber terrorism and went on a propaganda campaign. They got their candidate. They won. If they shaped one opinion, cost her one vote, that's undermining our democracy. Comparing Donna Brazil to that is laughable.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Cunt?  Yet again, good thing I was away so this thread could stay so nice.  Fuckers.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Well, I laughed.

 Rep: 475 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Trump's team won't make it six months before it implodes. And that's being generous.

Re: US Politics Thread

AtariLegend wrote:

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Trump is very foolish to reply to this shit. Just shut the Fuck up already Trump!!

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