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 Rep: 4 

Re: Only Big Guns left

wasted wrote:

And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”—Revelation 13: 4

 Rep: 485 

Re: Only Big Guns left

Neemo wrote:

^wtf are u on about? Lol

 Rep: 36 

Re: Only Big Guns left

zombux wrote:
Neemo wrote:

^wtf are u on about? Lol

on lack of schizophrenia medication, I think.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Only Big Guns left

wasted wrote:

I think it’s something we all have to take in our own special way.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Only Big Guns left

Neemo wrote:


 Rep: 44 

Re: Only Big Guns left

sp1at wrote:
Axl S wrote:
15239123111 wrote:
Axl S wrote:

Can you please stop with the lists. Please.

You just lurk on forums and chat rooms with alts and make these lists about what you read and half the time it isn’t even correct.

I'm not the list troll. This info came from an american "Big B" source. Please, I hope you don't bother this information. Thank you.

Your “source” Brasky is posting all this info on GnFnR and in the Discord. You’re also taking what he says and filling in any gaps with guesses and are spreading false information. You aren’t some insider and you don’t know anything.

All you do is shit up messageboards and chat rooms with your endless lists.

You type exactly like the list troll, even down to the same kind of grammar and spelling mistakes, because you are the same person.

Just to add, the Stay of Execution trademark expired in 2015, so that is not going to be the name of the next album unless it is re-registered … 02577.html

 Rep: 1 

Re: Only Big Guns left

uruguns wrote:

the OG didnt mention Elvis/Soul Monster, I think that one has lyrics too.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Only Big Guns left

wasted wrote:

I’m behind on leaks but at some point

1. Jackie Chan
2. Zodiac
3. Soul Monster
4. Seven
5. Berlin
6. Thyme
7. Atlas Shrugged
8. The General
9. Quick Song
10. Down by the Ocean
11. Going Down
12. Ides of March

What are the updates on these titles?

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