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 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Yep.  Didn't vote for trump, won't vote for trump, but my God when a guy with dementia is all you can counter with...

The left is as trash as the right; they just don't understand that for whatever reason.

I agree neither candidate looks stellar, it might be the worst top 2 choices of my lifetime. You could maybe say an unexpecting former actor Reagan vs a bad Carter first term, but in hindsight obvi Reagan wasn't awful & Carter sorta a bad time for the US & global economy (70s, oil issues, recent exit from Vietnam & Watergate).

With that said, I don't mean this to you specifically, I was going to post it on FB or reply to someone on FB with it (i forget), but, would you trade the package & next Presidency chances of 'Trump v Biden' with 'Hillary v Nikki Haley'?

Initially, I meant it more to a Republican as in 'their chances of winning' ie would they feel they improve, but really it could also be taken as in would you commit to that lineup for the betterment of the country?

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Yep.  Didn't vote for trump, won't vote for trump, but my God when a guy with dementia is all you can counter with...

The left is as trash as the right; they just don't understand that for whatever reason.

I agree neither candidate looks stellar, it might be the worst top 2 choices of my lifetime. You could maybe say an unexpecting former actor Reagan vs a bad Carter first term, but in hindsight obvi Reagan wasn't awful & Carter sorta a bad time for the US & global economy (70s, oil issues, recent exit from Vietnam & Watergate).

With that said, I don't mean this to you specifically, I was going to post it on FB or reply to someone on FB with it (i forget), but, would you trade the package & next Presidency chances of 'Trump v Biden' with 'Hillary v Nikki Haley'?

Initially, I meant it more to a Republican as in 'their chances of winning' ie would they feel they improve, but really it could also be taken as in would you commit to that lineup for the betterment of the country?

I haven't voted for a republican presidential candidate.  Ever.  So you're probably asking the wrong person.  As much as you guys love to think I'm some far right whatever, you're not trying to understand where I'm at.  In your (collective) minds because I don't have trump derangement syndrome you just assume I'm far right despite the ridiculous amount of times I've said both sides suck and given my third party voting history. 

Hillary was so bad as a candidate that we got trump as a president.  Think about that.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Thanks for answering the mostly innocent question & maintaining a civil conversation. 22

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:

if Biden wins, he's a one term president at best.  His VP selection will make him or break him.  Haley probably runs in 2024, so if he picks a token woman it's not going to be as beneficial as they might think.  If they try to run far left ideology if he wins, they will get buried in 2024.  If they really want to gain a hold, they need to move slowly towards their endgame.  If they swing way left, they're screwed.

 Rep: 287 

Re: US Politics Thread

Aussie wrote:

Is there any chance of having a presidential candidate that doesn’t have one foot in the grave?

Trump is 74 and Biden is 77, I find that  quite staggering. Hilary was 69 I think when she ran against Trump. At least Obama was 59 I think when he won the presidency.

There would have to be a big chance of Trump or Biden dying while in office.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Is there any chance of having a presidential candidate that doesn’t have one foot in the grave?

Trump is 74 and Biden is 77, I find that  quite staggering. Hilary was 69 I think when she ran against Trump. At least Obama was 59 I think when he won the presidency.

There would have to be a big chance of Trump or Biden dying while in office.

Obama turned 59 3 days ago.

 Rep: 287 

Re: US Politics Thread

Aussie wrote:

Oh wow so he was obviously quite young when he took office.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Oh wow so he was obviously quite young when he took office.

Yea...mid 40s I’m pretty sure.

 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

More EOs from president anti EO.

Oh well, i guess we don’t care about EOs anymore. Probably only cares about them because Obama was the one using them.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:

Journalist Paula Reid calls Trump out on a lie and he backs down, walks off set:

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