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 Rep: 109 

Re: The Cold War Isn't Over

Saikin wrote:

The Soveit Union is reformed, and just a few days ago Putin said if we attack Iran, the Soviet Union will attack us.  Tell me that isn't a scary thought- especially with the president we now have, who wants to attack Iran, he just needs to win the support.  That's why he's warning us about Iran having nuclear capability.  That's the key word.  It's very hypocritical to own something yourself, but tell others that they can't. 

It's like since the fall of the Soviet Union, the cold war has been in one big half time.  Well, now the Soviet Union is back playing football, and we are off playing badmitton somewhere. 

It reminds me of the Peloponnesian war.  Athens was revered by all of Greece when they defeated the Persians, just 50 years after that they were hated, to the point where there was a 27 year war in Greece while Persia sat and waited for them to finish killing themselves.  I think we are Athens.  We were loved and sympathized with September 12th, 2001, and now just 6 years later we are hated.  Our biggest ally England's support for us is only 30%.  That is bad.  That's every 3 out of 10 people there would say they like us.  What does the rest of the world think of us? 

Just thinking today i guess.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The Cold War Isn't Over

Mutual Ennihilation is better than not. That's why terrorism is more frightening than the Cold War.
Terrorists will be happy to destroy everything they have and are to hurt us. The USSR's will to survive makes that a somewhat safer conflict, except the Svoiets would have more power than terrorist groups.

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: The Cold War Isn't Over

Axl S wrote:

Did he actually say Soviet Union?

 Rep: 109 

Re: The Cold War Isn't Over

Saikin wrote:

That i'm not sure of.  I'd have to re-read the article.

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