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 Rep: 485 

Re: Metal Hammer Podcast - Guns N Roses Special

Neemo wrote:
madagas wrote:

Madagascar wasn't written in the mid nineties......what the fuck.:nervous:

actually he said he wasnt sure if madagascar was on that cd...he said there was a few live tracks and a few studio cuts on it and he cant remember which ones were live and which were studio

 Rep: 633 

Re: Metal Hammer Podcast - Guns N Roses Special

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 664 

Re: Metal Hammer Podcast - Guns N Roses Special

James wrote:
madagas wrote:

The media are all idiots.....they are literally playing this up like they have heard the album.:sick:

I predicted the media were willing to call it a day and consider this the album if nothing major happened soon regarding CD, so it doesn't surprise me in the least.

Re: Metal Hammer Podcast - Guns N Roses Special

Sky Dog wrote:

listening to this right now.... These guys are raving over it...the two guys running the show. They really have no idea what they is pretty funny. They are all confused between all the leaks. The Classic Rock guy says that he has no idea if this is the album because Zutaut told him he thinks it is a disc made for touring and practicing the songs.....that is why you have all the different mixes. The classic rock guy is pretty funny and they are now raving on Bucket/his solos and laughing at all the stories. Definitely impressed with Bucket. 22

Re: Metal Hammer Podcast - Guns N Roses Special

Sky Dog wrote:

The Classic Rock guy made a good point that through all Axl's craziness, he still feels that Axl is a very sincere guy and he is very believable when he sings his songs of heartbreak. I agree and that is what ties me to all these tracks. He is still believable. He laughed and said it is "not a fun sounding record". All the leaks are clearly tied to a central theme of lost love and broken relationships.:(

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