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 Rep: 485 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

Neemo wrote:

wow...great responses everyone! 5

to me the biggest disappointment is the poor sales figures, lack of marketing and wishes for a reunion are over riding every discussion that starts to pop up around here....i was psyched to get into threads really disecting this incredibly dense album...there is so much cool stuff happening in each song...yeah at times there may bee too much happening but its a good album none the less...i'm just disappointed that lining best buy's pockets is more important to most peopel than actually appreciating a new fucking album from Axl fucking Rose! Jesus Christ people....gnr's new album is in stores! Wake Up! its time to diiiiiiieeeee 9

 Rep: 88 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

Gunslinger wrote:

I have a few disappointments. The lack of promotion, no videos and a silent Axl being the first wave.  I think the album is good and I'm glad it is finally out but a video, some more (significant) promo and Axl acting like he gives a fuck would be nice.

Another disappointment is songs like The General/Something Always not being on the album and if this album flops the strong chance that the other rumored tracks will remain tucked away in a dark room for a long time to come.

Finally the Best Buy deal.  Best Buy has not, will not and could not help the sales of CD the way an exclusive at Wally World could or (better yet, imo) NO exclusive.  This along with little promo, silent Axl and no videos REALLY has hurt potential sales.  I think the album will creep along until we see decent sales but it will be a slow process.  It will happen...yes, I do think it will.

 Rep: 207 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

DCK wrote:

Some truly great posts here. The knowledge and insight into the GNR v.02 is amazing.

The way this has been done is a total contradiction.

Axl release the album but doesn't play the game involved in releasing it. Does anyone see how contradicting this is?

It's like signing a football contract, enter the pitch but refusing to touch the ball and score a few goals. Either he's in it or he's not. The only way for any artist to do this like Axl has done is to rely on the past. He does not need the money this album generates. He has enough. But then again, why even bother releasing it if you don't care if it gets spread around? You're the creator of the product, hand it over for publishing but stops at the last stage of the process which is making people buy it. It's abnormality (to use a word in another post) which makes less sense to me the more I think about it. So what was this for then? Just to cover a studio dept? If I had a product I would at least be interested in spreading it around as much as possible. However, it seems Axl relies on his past doings and just lets the thing run it's course. It wouldn't have been possible for anyone else than the biggest artists. And even they don't do it.

If pay isn't the issue, why even bothering going thru a label in the first place? Why not just release it all for free online? After all, it's not about selling out or selling anything at all. Right? It doesn't make much sense. I would guess that the people interested in making money off this album is not Axl at all but the record company trying to get some back for the costs. Which bodes well for another 2 albums considering how badly this one sells.

In fact, this whole deal does not make sense to me and it never will.

And the most horrid thing is, I can't even explain to people who is in this band. I don't know! Band members doesn't have the decency to tell the fans, the management got no clue either it seems.

 Rep: 221 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

polluxlm wrote:

I'm disappointed that what should be a great event is feeling more like some cop out ending to a Michael Bay movie. The album's out and it's a great album. Couldn't be happier really. Sure, a couple of more unheard songs would be cool, but that's got nothing to do with album itself.

Still Axl and the band acts like this is some non event on par with the Greatest Hits release. We the fans have stood by and waited for all these years, and when it happens the man himself acts like he couldn't care less. Well, if Axl doesn't care why should we? There are no announced plans, no tour lined up, no talking, no nothing. So what are the fans supposed to think?

I kinda feel he shouldn't have released it at all when this is how it turned out. If all CD is going to give us is another undetermined wait for an undetermined product I can't say I'm very interested in going along anymore. There's a tour coming up? Sure, I'm looking forward to it. There's another album in the works? Sure, I'm looking forward to it. There's a reunion coming? Sure, I'm looking forward to it.

This guessing game however is definitely over. Axl could be dead and nobody would notice for 3 months. Area 51 employees communicates more than this joke of a band.

 Rep: 1 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

shantaar wrote:

ok, uncle Axl once said the internet is like a big garbage can. I have to agree after reading some of the awful comments on the cd. I admit, the sales are dissapointing, the lack of promos, etc. That said, the disc is awesome. I defy anyone to listen to Axl's voice on "prostitute" and say he doesn't sound great.
Also please remember Appetite was not, i repeat not, an instant success. Only after the vid and single for "WTTJ" Did it take off. So be patience! Pun intended. Af for teh guitars, I think Robin is awesome, is he Slash? No, nor is anyone. i will never put down Slash. But I think Robin has his own style, awesome work on "Better" And "This I love" Please true fans unite, the cd is out, rejoice and enjoy! More will come, will it ever be '92 again? Probably not, but this is '08, so go see Mickey Rourke (who gets a mention by Axl) in the "Wrestler" and chill!!

R.B. Huckleberry
 Rep: 2 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

I'm not entirely surprised at the sales. I didn't think it would sell 10 million & change the world. I'm disappointed in the lack of promotion. Lackluster 1st week sales could have been avoided...or a media blitz of stories & interviews, TV appearances, or web events.

Axl dropped Chinese Democracy. And by that I don't mean released. He dropped it.

Which is a shame because I really think with some work to fix the perception of him created by delays, no shows, and irrationality...he could have rode this album to commercial & critical success, and been a major player for the next couple of years.

 Rep: 207 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

DCK wrote:

Also please remember Appetite was not, i repeat not, an instant success. Only after the vid and single for "WTTJ" Did it take off. So be patience! Pun intended

I often see this argument and it's just as as silly as it has been ever since people started to use it to comfort themselves because it didn't sell.

AFD came from an unheard underground band called Guns N Roses in modern rock's greatest moment of sales and interest in that type of music.

CD comes from a band the whole world knows the name of 20 years later.

R.B. Huckleberry
 Rep: 2 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

Actually, CD comes from a band named after a band whose name everyone knows 20 years later.

Sorry, but there is no way in this day & age that most people don't know about the Axl Rose $13,000,00 album story.

The AFD arguemrnt is flawed, but if you take the name of the band(s) out of it, it has a little weight.

CD could catch on.

Or Axl has just doen that much damage to his & the band's names over the last decade...

 Rep: 207 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

DCK wrote:

The AFD arguemrnt is flawed, but if you take the name of the band(s) out of it, it has a little weight.

Not really because the name is still Guns N Roses. If it was called something else it would have some weight to it, but this is not the case.

The argument is beyond silly.

And we haven't even included the differences between 1987 and 2008
and a whole million of issues that differs greatly.

 Rep: 227 

Re: what are we disappointed with?

Will wrote:

I'm disappointed by how unprofessionally this release seems to have been handled so far. For example, the "most anticipated album of all time" is released and we see the following on the GNR homepage:


Management must really believe their (upcoming) monumental marketing campaign to be strong if they have the balls to even use the word "soon" around GNR fans.

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