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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » AXL SUED FOR RAPE » 24 weeks ago

Was there ever an update about this case or the Fernando case since?

No sleuths checking/tracking documents/filings?

#2 Re: The Garden » The Wrestling thread » 24 weeks ago

mitchejw wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

Cornette is someone who ran out off ideas decades ago.

His idea of wrestling was a disaster for both tna and roh.

Cornette booked an era of roh that had kenny omega, the young bucks, Kevin steen, sami zayn, Adam cole, briscoes, seth rollins, insert the name of 1/2 of aew and several of the feds biggest names.

It was completely unwatchable and probably it's lowest point in it's existence and yes that it includes today where it's basically just a ppv company c brand of aew.

Same with his run booking tna and his disastrous nwa stint (mlw thing is trivia pursuit).

He may be charismatic and say the thing you guys who grew up in 80s wrestling like, but his record managaing wrestling promotions is horrendous. He was a terrible booker with ideas that turned off audiences in multiple promotions.

His stchick now days is saying things he himself doesn't even believe including burying people and pretending he doesn't know who people are for clicks.

He's a living gimmick.

I think this is overly critical of Cornette. I disagree that he was a failure in roh. All those names you mentioned are a testimony in his favor. He always worked on a low budget and the goal of ROH was to teach and develop. As it still is….

TNA did itself absolutely no favors and to blame Cornette for that is disingenuous.

Mitch, ROH/TNA and even MLW promotions he got sacked from all went on to have their most successful runs years later. I'm betting you don't even remember the eras he ran those companies and or seen anything of it.

ROH was not a developmental at the time and he did not develop any of those wrestlers. Most went on hate him and he despised half of them, and/or did not see anything in him. Like James he was a product of his time. Which was the 1980s-mid 1990s.

Being charismatic does not equal intelligence. He was a terrible booker.

Also there's probably some vince mcmahon ish- skeletons in his closet too. There's been allegations down the years.

As for James comment on wrestling not being wrestling anymore. It's something which changes by the decades/generations. 2024 is not the same as 1999 in the same way the late 90s weren't the 1970s.

Vince Mcmahon's sport entertainment is it's own thing.

#3 Re: The Garden » The Wrestling thread » 32 weeks ago

Cornette is someone who ran out off ideas decades ago.

His idea of wrestling was a disaster for both tna and roh.

Cornette booked an era of roh that had kenny omega, the young bucks, Kevin steen, sami zayn, Adam cole, briscoes, seth rollins, insert the name of 1/2 of aew and several of the feds biggest names.

It was completely unwatchable and probably it's lowest point in it's existence and yes that it includes today where it's basically just a ppv company c brand of aew.

Same with his run booking tna and his disastrous nwa stint (mlw thing is trivia pursuit).

He may be charismatic and say the thing you guys who grew up in 80s wrestling like, but his record managaing wrestling promotions is horrendous. He was a terrible booker with ideas that turned off audiences in multiple promotions.

His stchick now days is saying things he himself doesn't even believe including burying people and pretending he doesn't know who people are for clicks.

He's a living gimmick.

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rank the Post CD Songs » 37 weeks ago

If The General/Monsters aren't 2 parts, then I'd guess -

The General

I could swap Perhaps/Monsters and I like The General, despite expecting something different something else. It really does make me think a little of Portishead (though I'm not sure which track).

If Monsters is Leave Me Alone, then I am a little disappointed to be honest, because it's good - but not that good for the built up fantom mythology.

The redone Perhaps grew on me, after repeat listens.

I don't really care for the redone Absurd/Hardskool though. Hardskool isn't as interesting as the 2000 rough mix version and Absurd is actively one of my least favourite things in the discography.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Me And My Elvis Instrumental Leak (2019) » 39 weeks ago

Axl S wrote:

While I don't think it's as clear cut as the New Song 2/Prostitute debacle, the possibility is there.

It could be always considered part of The General and it's just that, a song with two parts.

It could be Monstrosity.

It could be Soul Monster. It's also possible Monstrosity was another working title for Soul Monster.

We won't know unless someone gets to ask questions, or if the band ever just speaks.

Right now you can pay $100 for five minutes of chatting with Robin Finck. There is one way you might be able to find out.

Maybe it's what can "Daddy Can the Devil do Mommy and me?" became.

I still think people are reading too much into lyrics Nd words that Axl occasionally reuses.

Had he said "Soul Monster" I could have bought it. I don't buy Monsters as being their most "black sabbath" moment either.

Regardless, I'm updating the name of the thread.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Me And My Elvis Instrumental Leak (2019) » 39 weeks ago

James wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

I still think this is Leave Me Alone/Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul and nothing to do with Monsters. Axl did like reusing lyrical themes.

However I'm skeptical we'll ever hear it or ever know without an interview where some one straight up asks someone from that era.

It's not just lyrical's Beltrami.

[GNR] was sort of just work for hire. [...] I met with Axl and he played me these songs, asked me my ideas about them, and I told him what I thought they needed. They gave me four songs to orchestrate. [...] A song called 'Seven,' which is the one [...] I actually wrote a guitar part [on]. There was one called 'Thyme,' one called 'The General,' one called 'Leave Me Alone.'" (Marco Beltrami, IGN, 07/20/03)

Me and My Elvis would make it 5 songs instead of 4.

Leave Me Alone is Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul.

Which is listed separately from The General.

It's fairly possible Leave Me Alone was originally Elvis (before Beltrami touched it). It was at least 2 years before he touched it from the rough mixes.

If Leave Me Alone was renamed Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul, it's entirely possible it was originally Me, and My Elvis.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 39 weeks ago

I'd think the original version has a buckethead guitar solo or something in-between The General and Monsters, where the song restarts for the Monsters part like a Pink Floyd epic.

Just guessing.

Surreal that we actually heard this.

I think 9 mins plus on 1 7 inch vinyl side is probably where the issues arose, but if that's the case then it's entirely on whoever thought a 7 inch vinyl was a good idea.

Also why was this going to be buried on a Perhaps vinyl b side anyway?

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Me And My Elvis Instrumental Leak (2019) » 39 weeks ago

I still think this is Leave Me Alone/Elvis Presley and the Monster of Soul and nothing to do with Monsters. Axl did like reusing lyrical themes.

However I'm skeptical we'll ever hear it or ever know without an interview where some one straight up asks someone from that era.

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General confirmed next » 39 weeks ago

The red flag was that it didn't leak weeks ago.

The fact that it didn't, suggests these mass printing didn't happen.

I'm 50/50 imo on it getting pulled from the Perhaps vinyl for a random live track instead.

Very unprofessional to wait several hours beforehand to announce, when the German/French releases were talked about a week ago.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Atlas Shrugged (2023 ) - Rumour » 39 weeks ago

I'm gonna say, this one is almost certainly a no at this point.

Even if there had been anything substantial mentioned in the past 2 months, it wouldn't be anyway.

The General pull ends this 1.

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