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 Rep: 475 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

misterID wrote:

Tomorrow Trump drops Pence for the only black woman he knows.

"I'm proud to introduce you to vice president cleaning lady"

 Rep: 664 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

James wrote:

Biden will likely be PINO (Prez In Name Only) and more of a figurehead with advisors telling him what to do

This is exactly why his VP pick was so crucial.

Remember all the people who laugh at the thought of a senile Reagan minding the store?

Are they still laughing?

In the 2020s.... such a possibility isn't humorous.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

PaSnow wrote:
James wrote:

Biden will likely be PINO (Prez In Name Only) and more of a figurehead with advisors telling him what to do

This is exactly why his VP pick was so crucial.

Remember all the people who laugh at the thought of a senile Reagan minding the store?

Are they still laughing?

In the 2020s.... such a possibility isn't humorous.

I view it more like a committee tho, like his advisors/cabinet, or just a general DNC thinktank. I guess really she's in step with them, but I think Cheney usurping W is more along the lines of what your saying, where the VP became the Prez. I don't think what she says will go. Not without any question.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

misterID wrote:

No way does he have the ego that will allow him to be a co-president, or President by committee. He's very abrasive, has a bad temper and has serious discipline/boundary issues. It will not be a smooth partnership.

 Rep: 18 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

exoterica wrote:

Social media companies are censoring a very tame anti-Kamala Harris website.

It includes sources to back their claims.

The Ministry of Truth strikes again. We've always been at war with Eastasia.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

misterID wrote:

China has been all in for Biden. Iran, too, but China will have a greater impact. They really don't have to back they already own the mefia, entertainment industry, sports, education system... Russia never had that power.

 Rep: 205 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

PaSnow wrote:

To me the most insightful thing in this article is the concept the Michael Cohen was (theoretically) locked up the second time as retaliatory from Federal officials for writing the book?!  That's like 'Enemy Of The State' type government stuff. To think the Feds sent someone to tail him, catch him doing something wrong (not wearing mask in public) and release an image of it to the media, giving reason to lock him up?  Strange. Scary if true.

The other stuff, yeah that all happened. … ook%7Cmain

 Rep: 149 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

slcpunk wrote:

Trump has started his birther conspiracy theory shit with Kamala now. What an absolute disgrace.

In addition, his fuckery with the USPS is beyond the pale. Brazen in its criminality and straight up election interference. He's saying the quiet part out loud, and why wouldn't he? His party is complicit in this treasonous behavior.

 Rep: 149 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

slcpunk wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

I will impose a 7 day moratorium on myself in good faith.

Just stop being mitch.  If it takes you 7 days to do it, great.  If it's 30 seconds from now, great.

Your first two posts in this thread were personal in nature. It seems like you're the problem here. You posted nothing of substance and only made snide personal remarks.

You have a bad attitude and this "new" thread proved it inside of the first few posts.

Post something of substance or take a hike.

 Rep: 149 

Re: The new and God willing improved politics thread

slcpunk wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

VP debate is gonna be fire. Pence has gotta be shitting himself.

She's on a completely different level than Pence. There is no comparison IMO.

That said, I don't believe debates make a difference anymore.

Here's the latest "Republicans Against Trump" ad, going after Pence for being a suck up.

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