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Re: Does age difference matter when it comes to dating?
Either that, or you've just been creeping her your whole life and didn't know it...
It certainly seems that way. I was telling my brother about her and as we were talking he figured it out that he knows her cousin and her older step brother(who I met last week) from years ago. Weird. It's like a twighlight zone.
Re: Does age difference matter when it comes to dating?
So open subject here. Does age matter when it comes to dating or is it just a number? What if any is an appropriate age gap between two people or is it all fair game? I remember a few weeks ago some of us(myself included) frowned upon 50 year old Axl Rose hanging with 18,19,20 year olds. Now suddenly I find myself in similar(though not as extreme) situation. Plus Axl was likely just banging chicks
I'm legit interested in this girl.
the last 3 weeks I've been spending a lot of time with a young woman. She just turned 20 last week. I turn 35 in December. Now believe me this isn't anything I went looking for. I've never dated anyone more than 6 years younger than me so 15 years is a huge jump
Her and I just randomly met in a coffee shop(how cute hollywoodish) and had an instant connection We've hung out 13/19 days since meeting. That's a LOT and people don't do that unless they are interested in each other. At least that's what I would think. Now let me be clear we are not "dating" at the moment. Nothing physical has happend between us in terms of sexual stuff. Although all the flirty touchy stuff takes place minus holding hands(that's for couples). There is without question huge chemistry between us and the age difference doesn't seem to exist when we're together other than inside my own head. Mostly wondering what she thinks since I've kinda decided I'm ok with it.
15 years is a big difference and in reality probably creates too many differences down the line for a serious relationship to work. But it would be crazy not to pursue something that feels like a great fit because of what might not happen. I don't know. In a normal situation I'd have made a move by now but with the age difference I'm hesitant. Also add into it I'm new to town and she is in essence the only friend I have so far I'm legitimately worried about making that move and losing a friend. Although everything in my being tells me she wants me to. Still it's such uncharted territiory for me. I've messed around with women up to 11 years younger than me but have never been genuinely interested in them so this is new.
Anyways give your thoughts on this topic. Not necessarily my situation directly but what you think of age in relationships overall.
I didn't read your post, sorry, but I will answer your question.
The answer is yes. Short and simple.
The longer answer isn't much more complicated. Yes age matters. It is not just a number. Older people are more likely to be mature, secure in their lives, have more experience, have much more solid expectations, know better how to be in a committed relationship etc. There's also societal reasons but we will ignore those.
But should you meet someone, older or younger, that you click with, go for it. If you have similar outlooks, dreams, wants, are able to fulfill each others needs, can communicate and love each other, why the hell not go for it? Fuck what anyone else thinks.
Re: Does age difference matter when it comes to dating?
In most cases IMO age doesn't matter. Having said that, as you age(I'm 37) my interest in younger women has declined. Last year I had a very short fling with an 18 year old girl who worked at the mall. The generation gap blew my mind. She was texting me every five seconds and I almost went insane.
smoking guns, tight pussy only goes so far......
In my early 20s I could have handled that situation with ease, but now? No way in hell. The young generation in this era is different than any other.
- Smoking Guns
- Rep: 330
Re: Does age difference matter when it comes to dating?
I agree Matlock, they are. I have a very mature one.
Re: Does age difference matter when it comes to dating?
I gotta be honest and say the age gap isn't even apparent to me really unless we talk about pop culture. Then we just bag on each other. I've been away since yesterday. She drove me to the airport in the morning and since she dropped me off she's text me more in the last 2 days then she has in almost the entire time I've known her. She has never used skype before and messaged me on facebook saying we need to get on skype so we can chat face to face haha. Someone misses someone. She doesn't text too too much so it' not overbaring. Obviously being 20 she texts me more than friends my age but i can handle it. I'm not typically attracted to women her age either James that's why this is kinda crazy for me. We just click and I cant ignore that. I've decided I'm making a move immediately when I get home. She'll pick me up at the airport so....
- Me_Wise_Magic
- Rep: 70
Re: Does age difference matter when it comes to dating?
Well Bono it seems to me that you've found what you're looking for!
- Me_Wise_Magic
- Rep: 70
Re: Does age difference matter when it comes to dating?
Thought it would be appropriate. Glad you enjoyed it!