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 Rep: 69 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

esoterica wrote:

The best part was the announcer's delivery. It sounds so goofy.

The "We Will Rock You" / "If The World" remix is the kind of terrible garbage EDM pump-up music that is played at basketball halftime shows so at least that halfway fit.

I miss Pitman.

 Rep: 664 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

James wrote:
dalethirsty wrote:

she could honestly make guns relevant to an entirely new demographic

I've said it since the first day she walked through the door.....tons of potential is being squandered. If they're really going to move forward in some capacity, give her a bigger role and market her properly.

That version of Sorry she just did should be played at clubs. It's a completely different song. Turns into a mess towards the end though.

Wagszilla wrote:

I miss Pitman.

I don't.

Talked up new music for years and then in the last couple years said new music doesn't matter anymore....and this was before he labeled it an oldies act on his way out the door.

 Rep: 661 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

monkeychow wrote:

she could honestly make guns relevant to an entirely new demographic

I've said it since the first day she walked through the door.....tons of potential is being squandered. If they're really going to move forward in some capacity, give her a bigger role and market her properly.

I don't think there's really a market for it though.

Like the general public of casual GNR fans, to the extent they want any new music rather than classic hits, they want GNR to do another AFD or UYI sounding record.

The GNR fan base apart from the odd exception isn't looking for electronica from GNR. They're looking for GNR and they've already waited a lifetime for it.

Which then means for it to be successful it would have to appeal not to GNR fans but to the wider pop market.

While it's fun to hear an Axl song like "Sorry" done in a contemporary's a long way from this to Taylor Swift and proper pop stuff like  "Shake It Off" or whatever.

The CD remix album might be fun for novelty value, but realistically their electronic skills are not anywhere near on the level they would need to be to be famous in that sphere just for doing that stuff.

In my mind GNR should re-release a proper mix of the original CD album for the 10th next year (like Sixx:Am did this year), with a bonus disc of the dance remixes for fun....then get on with doing what the world actually wants....a follow up rock album with Slash and Axl.

But that's exactly why they won't i guess.

 Rep: 664 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

James wrote:

Release that version of Sorry to clubs. It'll chart.

Actually promote her and a different demographic will start paying attention.

Let her sing lead vocals on a song or two. Release those songs as singles.

The CD remix album might be fun for novelty value, but realistically their electronic skills are not anywhere near on the level they would need to be to be famous in that sphere just for doing that stuff.

She has music in a bunch of TV shows.  She's in video games. She's done commercials. She's worked with a bunch of artists...including taylor Swift.

She's as close as you can get to being a household name without actually being a household name.....

so make her one.

Its not like she's some random groupie they've propped in front of a keyboard for the T&A value.

She's marketable.

 Rep: 69 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

esoterica wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

I don't.

I like his music. I own both Lusk and SexTapes. BeatRazr was ok, great production.

 Rep: 194 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

metallex78 wrote:

The question is, why do you even want Guns to appeal to a bunch of club going dance music lovers....? That in itself is odd...

Guns at its core is a fuck off hard rock band. They don’t have to transcend other genres to gain acceptance for a genre of their own that they already dominate.

And I still see no point in Melissa being on stage with them. Dizzy should up his game and cover all the keyboard bits, which are already mostly unnecessary anyway

CSS 2.0
 Rep: 35 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

CSS 2.0 wrote:

I mean, I can't change anyone's mind but having seen them live I feel she makes the band sound a lot better. Even if most of that is down to her backing vocals.

Plus the lady looks cool and seems like a nice person.

metallex78 wrote:

Dizzy should up his game and cover all the keyboard bits

No offence but it's not as easy as it seems. What they do - though similar on the surface - is vastly different.

 Rep: 475 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

misterID wrote:

Her backing vocals alone add a dimension to the songs they never had before. I love her as an addition. And I'm a mother goose fan.

 Rep: 194 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

metallex78 wrote:

Each to their own I guess.

What you guys see as cool, I just think looks completely silly.

She’s a J-Pop looking thing bouncing around on stage to songs that I couldn’t even hear her keyboard parts playing in, let alone didn’t need keyboard parts in the first place.

Yeah, Axl’s CD stuff has some electronica stuff, if it’s even that, but I still think she’s unnecessary.

 Rep: 661 

Re: melissa & brain perform sorry remix at nba halftime show

monkeychow wrote:

The situation reminds me of the DJ Ashba conundrum.

Musically, he had the credentials to be a suitable replacement for Robin, and perhaps add an extra dimension in the studio should that ever be needed. However, his stage persona and style were awkward, ill fitted to the band and capable of inspiring derision from people even though he is talented and a cool guy.

Melissa is the same.

Musically she seems to be an accomplished musician, she can easily handle all pitmans effects triggering, her backing vocals add an extra dimension and in the event GNR ever decided to record something her production skills might be useful.

However, just like DJ, her onstage persona and personal style are at odds with the band's image and brand, and perhaps a bit like in Robin's 2001 alien look, it just comes across as out of place and awkward.

Musically she's fine, but her style and stage presence is from some other genre and watching it one tends to feel awkwardly embarrassed for the band. It's not so much that you even dislike her it's that you feel embarrassed for them that they went ahead like this. Much like when DJ mimicks Slash so blatantly. 

I hope like how Robin came back in 2006 looking like he maybe could be in the band afterall, maybe in 2022 during the retirement tour by then Melissa will look and act less like she's running a jpop rave and more like she's in a rock band.

This is GNR folks, there's always hope 16

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