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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Current Events Thread

I’m not a victim and neither are you. You’re just being an asshole. You’ve decided to post about me as a poster and chose not to engage with any of my posts in weeks. Then when I respond to your post about your shock at an elected official being verbally accosted, as normalized and encouraged by that same member’s party, furthing my posting history that this most recent event is not separate from all the other events that occurred in my country in 2020, you chose a combative and dishonest tone with the sole intent of getting me to respond like Buzz. Because you chose to also engage with Buzz’s worst behavior, and it didn’t look good if I didn’t join in on the profanity and insults.

That’s what happened dude. Go back and tell me where I’m wrong. You just told me to fuck off, and haven’t responded to anything I’ve said. Your sole purpose is to create conflict.

I’m not interested in doing that in case you’ve ignored the whole reason you started to participate in this thread.

You can have the last word. Unless you actually want to talk about anything I’ve said on topic.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Current Events Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Irish, I got banned for putting mitch in his place much like you're trying to do here.  I'm sure they wouldn't have a double standard on that here...

No you got banned for trolling every post mate. Don't worry about the mods, they have eyes to read. I'm sure they will see who is on here to cause shit and who ain't.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Current Events Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

I’m not a victim and neither are you. You’re just being an asshole. You’ve decided to post about me as a poster and chose not to engage with any of my posts in weeks. Then when I respond to your post about your shock at an elected official being verbally accosted, as normalized and encouraged by that same member’s party, furthing my posting history that this most recent event is not separate from all the other events that occurred in my country in 2020, you chose a combative and dishonest tone with the sole intent of getting me to respond like Buzz. Because you chose to also engage with Buzz’s worst behavior, and it didn’t look good if I didn’t join in on the profanity and insults.

That’s what happened dude. Go back and tell me where I’m wrong. You just told me to fuck off, and haven’t responded to anything I’ve said. Your sole purpose is to create conflict.

I’m not interested in doing that in case you’ve ignored the whole reason you started to participate in this thread.

You can have the last word. Unless you actually want to talk about anything I’ve said on topic.

Last word eh?
Dude the victim angle ain't working I told you already.

Again, where was I told to stop, liar?

 Rep: 661 

Re: Current Events Thread

monkeychow wrote:

I think we’re all getting a little personal here. We can agree and disagree without it.

One of the interesting (to me) aspects of this polarisation that occurs though is that people can no longer understand the other side has reasons to think like they do.

Both sides think they are right, and that the other side are morons or stupid or mental or evil or whatever.

I’ve noticed in America both sides think they are the ones fighting to protect democracy. Both sides think the alternative leads to dictatorship. See how weird this is? We need to find some common ground as a society.

I want to go back to the difference (if any) between the storming of the Capitol and the ‘trump in the bunker’ incident at the White House.

So far things I’ve seen suggested here or elsewhere:

1. The Capitol incident was far more serious as it was moments away from killing members of government.

My thoughts on that: I agree it worked out that way BUT I feel that that’s only a function of the differing levels of security between the capitol and the White House.

I am sure there are radical members of the far far left who would be more than happy to use violence on Trump and I am sure there are members of the far far right who would do the same to Pelosi or other democrats.

To me that’s the reality - there are violent extremists on both sides.

So if we have a problem where speech is setting off extremists then we need to work out a solution to that - but the solution needs to be honest and recognise that it can and does happen on both sides.

2. The left violence is responding to a social injustice white the right violence is predicated on a lie of election fraud.

The key to this one is that it comes down to people’s perspective of the situation and what they believe to be true.

Many right wing people who support Trump feel marginalised by globalisation, they feel under represented and they have doubts that the election system is working. This probably sounds like nonsense to the left.

But keep in mind also - many of the left’s concepts - that there’s institutional racism and gender bias and doubts about the justice system - these sound like nonsense to someone living a totally different life on the right.

I think both sides need to stop and take a look at what life is like for the other side and realise that almost everyone feels alienated for some reason for another.

We need to work towards a political process that encompasses everyone and finds the things we can agree on. But instead the media, the social media, and the whole shit storm of this stuff seems to be pushing us farther and farther into distinct camps.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Current Events Thread

Aussie wrote:

Monkeychow, I have to say all of your posts on this topic over the last few days have pretty much echoed my sentiments.  As outsiders looking in on the whole situation, just about all of the concerns you have raised I have also felt since the start of this whole shit show 4 years ago.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Current Events Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
IRISH OS1R1S wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Irish, I got banned for putting mitch in his place much like you're trying to do here.  I'm sure they wouldn't have a double standard on that here...

No you got banned for trolling every post mate. Don't worry about the mods, they have eyes to read. I'm sure they will see who is on here to cause shit and who ain't.

Interesting take, but let's say you're right. What exactly are you doing the last few pages?

Thanks for the laughs.

 Rep: 59 

Re: Current Events Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Erm responding to posts directed at me. Are you simple?

 Rep: 149 

Re: Current Events Thread

slcpunk wrote:
IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

NYT: "McConnell has told associates he believes President Trump has committed impeachable offenses and to be pleased democrats are moving to impeach him."

All these antifa double agents coming out of the woodwork. Crazy huh?

Liz Cheney:

"The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President."

"The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not."

"There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,"

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Current Events Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
slcpunk wrote:
IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

NYT: "McConnell has told associates he believes President Trump has committed impeachable offenses and to be pleased democrats are moving to impeach him."

All these antifa double agents coming out of the woodwork. Crazy huh?

Liz Cheney:

"The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President."

"The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not."

"There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution,"

Her statement would be a whole lot better if she looked at the time line and realized the people that breached the Capitol were not the folks at his rally.

 Rep: 149 

Re: Current Events Thread

slcpunk wrote:
IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Rf is certainly no genius despite his claims, but he is also not stupid. He knows exactly what the difference is and that folks is simply more evidence of his dishonesty.

Lyin' Randy strikes again.

buzzsaw wrote:

Irish, I got banned for putting mitch in his place much like you're trying to do here.  I'm sure they wouldn't have a double standard on that here...

Irish is a bit more subtle in his approach.  You were more like an angry caveman, who eventually devolved into a complete psycho troll.

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