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 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Hey remember when Trump spent like a drunken sailor while the economy was allegedly good...remember when that bill had to come due?

Massive deficits just like Reagan...fake economy....fake quality of life...all of it fake...

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:

Facebook and Instagram are down from what looks like an inside hack. It's supposedly significant, like they've been erased.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Current Events Thread

polluxlm wrote:

If true that could be...significant.

 Rep: 221 

Re: Current Events Thread

polluxlm wrote:

Alarm cancelled apparently. Back up.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Current Events Thread

bigbri wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

Alarm cancelled apparently. Back up.

It was fun while it lasted.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote: … 49276.html

Why anyone backs this idiot I’ll never understand

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events Thread

James wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

Massive deficits just like Reagan...fake economy....fake quality of life...all of it fake...

Holy you're doing it.

I love how our garbage culture is retconning the 80s into this hellish landscape we barely survived.

It's bullshit.

Those Reagan deficits were nothing. Take away the military spending to outspend and bankrupt the Soviet Union, we're practically running a surplus.

The Reagan debt was nothing.....three trillion over eight years.

Go look up the debt increase over the post- Reagan specific attention to your fave...Obama.

The 80s were amazing. It was the only decade where even the dirt poor had mountains of Christmas presents. Christmas 85-86, our family couldn't even fit the presents in one room....

Under the Christmas tree, two corners of the living room, the back room, and the garage.

It's also the only decade where every person in my family had a job at some point.

It was also the last decade of delicious school lunches. They actually cooked real meals for kids. To this day, liberals laugh at ketchup being classified as a vegetable.

I don't see what's so goddamn funny about it. It was a way to keep the gravy train rolling. As soon as the Reagan-Bush era ends, you got your wish.... goodbye to real lunches and hello to the hot dogs with green spots and microwave garbage era, which then led into the serving kids prison food era we are still in.

Look at the commodities the poor got back then...cheese... canned pork, beef, and chicken...powdered eggs and milk.... cereal...etc.

After? Canned fruit cocktail from China, generic, expired boxes of mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, etc.

Funny how the president who apparently cared nothing about the poor made sure their bellies were full and could get a job but the president's who came after who were advocates for the poor gave them expired garbage and sent their jobs overseas.

This was also the era before everyone with a pulse was handed a wallet/purse full of credit cards to keep the house of cards propped up.

People can fuck off with this retconned, dystopic 80s timeline that gets pushed. What's funny is they are now convincing people who lived it that it was a nightmare.

If that was a nightmare...or "fake", what the fuck do you call everything that came after?

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:

$3 trillion in the 80s is $768,000,000,000,000 now.

Either way…i didn’t experience those 80s…my dad was too busy abandoning his wife and 3 kids. People like Reagan saw us as a problem and a liability. Ketchup was a vegetable in public schools.

It’s where this country had its best lesson in the hooray for me fuck you economy.

So uh…yea…i didn’t have any Christmases like that…

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Hateful bigots like this love posting stuff like this….ever been to South Dakota? Fucking wasteland outside of the nation parks…and i think they like it that way.

‘South Dakota won’t be taking any immigrants that the Biden administration wants to relocate. My message to immigrants call me when you’re an American.’

-Kristan Noem

What a bitch

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events Thread

misterID wrote:

I think your dad was the problem, not Reagan.

Biden was secretly sending illegal immigrants to states without them knowing. None of them vetted, none of them tested for covid. Had he not changed the illegal immigration rules, where illegal immigration was at historic lows, this wouldn't be happening.

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