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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » LEAKS THREAD » 347 weeks ago
I’ve been dying to hear this studio version of the Blues since they played it at RIR 3. Anybody want to throw me a pm?
#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » LEAKS THREAD » 347 weeks ago
Hey guys. I’ve been a longtime member here and just happened to check in for the first time in what feels like years. Anyone able to pm me some links? I’ve been dying to see this show and to hear these versions.
#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Leaked GN'R Songs Thread » 582 weeks ago
Can someone hook a brother up with a PM?
#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Leaked GN'R Songs Thread » 599 weeks ago
To me, the Ashba version is completely useless. It's boring, slow and murders the catchiness of the original. The Ron version is cool because it's acoustic and he completely dominates on that guitar. Going Down is alright. I'm not blown away by it but not disappointed at the same time. Sounds like something Tommy would do on a solo album.
#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Leaked GN'R Songs Thread » 599 weeks ago
Anyone wanna hook a brother up with a PM?
#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Detroit, MI - The Palace (December 1, 2011) » 688 weeks ago
Bono wrote:Axlin08 wrote:It's wrong. But I wouldn't say massively.
Was higher than 8,000. My guess is it was more like 11,000-12,000.
While these numbers aren't bad they defiitely don't equate to the big huge welcome you just described. Seems pretty indicitive of the interest as a whole in the United States. Varying interests in regions give or take a few thousand is expected but I'm guessing it's not like Miami will get 20 000 people where Detroit gets 7000. the descrepency between Detroit and Orlando doesn't seem all that much really. Just seems like an average interest across the board.
They aren't pushing ANYTHING.
CD was D fucking O fucking A, regardless of what Axl thinks. For as good as an album it was, it appeals to diehards only. Nobody gave a flying fuck about it in the states. They just didn't. No amount of Universal pushing it would change that.
Despite the fact it's GN'R v.6.3, the fact that Axl can still fill an arena half-full despite nothing to push, shows that U.S. interest is at 50% without Slash.
Pretty much obvious imo, considering they had the same average numbers in 2002, 2006, & now.
And btw, 6,000 compared to 12,000 is half the crowd.
You telling me that Orlando at 12,000 versus Detroit at 6,000 isn't fucking embarassing. The small market smokes Detroit? Says something about Detroit... not America.
Plus I thought Miami was a near sellout.
As I stated earlier, Foo Fighters sold out the Palace on a Monday in September. Says something about GNR, not Detroit...
#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Detroit, MI - The Palace (December 1, 2011) » 688 weeks ago
Bono wrote:Axlin08 wrote:Russ says... "Not even close to being true" about the stage
Agrees with the less than 7,000 assessment.
Too bad it's not true as it would create a much better atmosphere if there is less than 7000 fans in an arena. What's the capacity at The Palace?
23,000 for end-stage concerts.
Jesus Christ that turn out sucks if true. Fuck that's terrible for a city like Detroit.
Is it the economy possibly? Or just a lack of interest?
Probably a little of both but leaning more towards lack of interest. Foo Fighters practically sold out the arena when I saw them there in September on a weekday. I wanted to go tonight but end of the semester projects, two jobs and the fact that the Palace is quite a hike if you live south of Detroit kept me from going this time around...
#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour » 696 weeks ago
alexh0618 wrote:Just in case you fellow Detroit members are wondering, there will be a presale starting tomorrow at 10am on Live Nation. Password is "energy"
I was told the pre-sale password for both Live Nation and Ticket Master is "GNR"
Did that change? Or maybe either will work?
Not sure, I got an email from Live Nation telling me "energy" was it.
#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » 2011-12 Guns n Roses Tour » 696 weeks ago
Just in case you fellow Detroit members are wondering, there will be a presale starting tomorrow at 10am on Live Nation. Password is "energy"