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#1 Re: The Garden » My buddy died » 803 weeks ago

Young tragedy always reminds me of the three lit crosses on the Hollywood hill side just down form the Hollywood sign. I am glad they were always were there to remind me that "Hollywood" "money" isn't all that.. Sorry about your loss...

#2 Re: The Garden » Obama banking on large-scale public works project » 803 weeks ago

"Hospitals also should be connected to each through the Internet. He said he wanted to ensure the facilities were using the latest technology and electronic medical records."

Well with his stance on abortion that should be easier as all the Catholic Charity Hospitals will probably close down...

"I'm kind of getting bored with reading all this stuff. People are treating him like he's president, and Bush isn't even out of office."

He sounds more like Bush by the day, and here we are again The Clinton's machine back in Control. The economy is going to get much much worse before and "If" it gets better at all. Never trust an attorney all they really care about is if they look good in court, not the truth and sure as hell they are not concerned with being right.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy Breakdown » 803 weeks ago

Your right Jessica, one can hope the airing of these old ghost will release him from his past.. The past is history. I hope he will at least consider reaching out to the old band one day. He seems to me to be caught in the loop of endless anxiety manifesting as a circular patterns of Anxiety  This is so typically associated with childhood PTS its a wonder no one has been able to show him, he s smart, no one wants to stay this way, its miserable.
In part I think it's why we all pull for him, we are waiting for that breakthrough. It is just one record he probably has ten better ones in the bag...RAW WAR. Going through similar issues myself, over produced music, think I am just going to record it all over again live and f all the production.... Not like I am going to Master it within the Radio Monopoly frequency anyway...

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Chinese Democracy UNDER 300,000 copies sold first week? » 803 weeks ago

No West no u-curb.. No West no reins.. It is classic Axl without the people who balanced him and pushed him. I loved Guns and Roses to me this is just Ax. I will listen again when i can let that go of the fact it is NOT Guns and Roses,  maybe I will be able to hear it more clearly then. It was hard to listen to it, sorry it's not selling but that said I was listening to this band years before they broke, cause they came up large in Dallas. Geffen never gave up on Appetite, maybe it till be the same for this.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » What song(s) have grown on you the most? » 803 weeks ago

I find the over production so disturbing I had to put this down after a first listen,.  My cousins really like it and are looking at me like why don't you like it, I suppose because to me it in no way comes close to the kind of work I expect out of Axl, it seems thrown together,  after this long I just resent that. maybe i will listen again after the first of the year. Thought the band when they toured sounded far better than this sounds. All those guitar players and nothing stands out, no single in the whole damn bunch, just not a well thought out release in my opinion. Maybe next time after all this shit is out of the garden hose he will show us some clean clear water again, this seems like fodder.

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Interesting read on Chinese Democracy (from their myspace) » 803 weeks ago

Wow use to have all the names of all the players and rings of the family tree written down, but it was all stolen. I know the face I associate with this but the name evades me......Is it a blessing or a curse forgetting shit? I will go with the blessing, the curse is how the stuff i wrote down went missing..

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » New York yawns at Chinese Democracy » 805 weeks ago

Records sell more in the South that anywhere else there was a big display where I am to and they said it was selling very well. But most music is sold in the South East so who would have thought it figures. I do not think they (ax and Co.) are all that interested in this disk, think it was just money talking that got this CD walking..

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rate it?! » 805 weeks ago

What he could have done and this is it?

When Ax dies and they all start trying to tell their unofficial/official stories of Ax, then you will see just how fucked up all the people around him really are.
Anyone who lived through the era after UYI will tell you.  They killed the music. This to me just verifies it.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rate it?! » 805 weeks ago

I waited 17 years for this? Overproduced piece of shit record. Whoever thought they could do better than the band and West for Ax, ruined many more peoples careers that just the Ax. All of these people shut down not only his voice but many other peoples voices in our generation as well because of their hysterics.

I am just sick this is it. All the lives touched  and this is it? I am really just in stunned disbelief....IS this just the first chapter? Could we have cut it down a little?

I find it hard to believe listening to this that his affairs were not taken over by a conservator years ago.


Yeah I a a bitch and apparently he needed a little bitch in his life because West would never have let this shit happen. Which is why one man is not a band. This is not Guns and Roses not even close...Just like the Spaghetti Incident was the beginning of the end... this is the end.. Just a whole bunch of YES men fucking up a creative genius to the point he cant step outside of the circles his head is running in.

Get your shit together ax, get a real analyst and call the boys... Cause this is crap when not played through big studio speakers where the rest of the world lives.....and where maybe one song about unrequited love would have been enough....PUNK

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