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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Interview with Skwerl » 811 weeks ago
I don´t believe a word by this guy.Never did.
#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » ok i take it this is official confirmation dj ashba hasnt left gnr... » 811 weeks ago
The hat reminds me of British singer Jamiroquai, I don´t find it very slahy.
#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Who has the album and when did you get it? » 846 weeks ago
I bought mine yesterday at a small record store. The dude there told me he had it since last week.
#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » Moved due to album details revealed. » 846 weeks ago
Ah good Almighty L!VE FREE....I was going to say a couple of things but I´ll better shut up.
#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » A photoshopped picture that will make everyone laugh » 862 weeks ago
I saw this at another forum.
#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rumor: Unheard GNR song on Rockband 2 » 866 weeks ago
Probably bullshit but who knows? I had never heard this title.:wtf:
#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Some one answer these questions I have » 870 weeks ago
1.) Why isn't there any news?
a.) Because we as fans screwed it up due to all the bitching and moaning last year about set lists from people who never were even in attendance
b.) It's just a dead year - face it- 2005 all over again
c.) it's the calm before the "storm"
2.) What is the "storm"
a.) a reunion - minus Adler
b.) CD's release
c.) More silence
3.) Why did Axl hire Azoff?
a.) he liked his portfolio
b.) he had no choice - no one was actually knocking down doors to represent GNR
c.) he's the best man for the job
4.) Will Axl keep Azoff or make him hit the door like Merck?
a.) not likely, as Azoff is a close friend of Merck's so it's obvious Merck more than likely put in a good word to Azoff about Axl
b.) yes, he'll get the boot just before Axl has to do a reunion
c.) Azoff is the only man who can get GNR back on track
5.) Are you tired of hearing Baz preach about CD?
a.) yes, because he knows that every time he mentions Axl's name, it's free publicity for him and more people will probably read the interview
b.) no, Baz is genuine
c.) dcn't care either way
6.) Will Slash endorse Coke and Axl go with Dr. Pepper?
a.) not sure but why not
b.) no, that comment from Slash was tongue in cheek
c.) yes
Anwer away forum members
1) I´m between a and c
2) b
3)I guess c
4)I don´t know
#8 Re: The Garden » One of my cats died » 876 weeks ago
Thank you all. It´s good to find people who understand how sad I feel in this situation. Thanx again.I really really miss him.
#9 The Garden » One of my cats died » 876 weeks ago
- November Rain
- Replies: 11
I had a cat I´ve been taking care of for 4 years. I loved him with all my heart, maybe I´ve told you about him before. He was abandoned where I live and I took him to live in my porch. I took care of him as if he was mine, the same than the cat I have at home and the other day when I arrived home my sister was waiting for me...
She didn´know how to tell me what happened. He was hit by a car and he died but what I find more strange is that a little bit later of having killed my cat, the person/s who killed him made the cat disappear and cleaned it all.
All my neighbours know the cat was mine so that is why I find it strange. I´m so fucking sad, I can´t believe it when I open the door and he isn´t there anymore, walking around my legs witing for me to touch him and give him his breakfast.
We don´t know who´s done it yet...and I would like to think it´s all been an accident because if I find it´s been on purpose...
#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » *FALSE* "The Collective's" unofficial statement regarding C.D. » 886 weeks ago
You don´t have to be too intelligent to realize this is fake. And it comes from so... isn´t it proof enough?