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Re: ok...lets try this then

johndivney wrote:

lol@kozygodd^ the crazy thing is part of me still agrees w/you
actually, are u del?!
edit: or axl?! that username sounds like the sort..

faldor wrote:

I thought the 25 year vision remark was said in jest.  Not to be taken seriously.  Just my take.

maybe so.. i'll have to review bumble's recent comments..
edit: yea still not convince faldor.. bbf starts by sayin, "the fact axl started this band, it's his 25-year vision.." i guess i'm just curious how the vision has deflected all the shit that hit the fan(s) to remain so powerful & appealing..

 Rep: 423 

Re: ok...lets try this then

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:

I thought the 25 year vision remark was said in jest.  Not to be taken seriously.  Just my take.

I thought so too, or at least I hoped so.

I like Ron, but quite frankly the things I want to hear about are the things he won't discuss.

Re: ok...lets try this then

johndivney wrote:

i quite like ron, but quite frankly the things i want to hear about are the things he probably knows nothing about..

 Rep: 281 

Re: ok...lets try this then

faldor wrote:

Yeah I think you're both right.  On the one hand, it's got to be hard for Ron seeing as the Axl is really the only one in the band whose word really matters.  I mean, DJ has spoken about GNR's touring plans, as have Frank, ie. a US tour and they obviously missed the mark.  So Ron is probably just playing it safe.  Why say something if it's not definitive.  And yes unfortunately, there's probaby a good deal that he's not privy to.  He's said as much in interviews.  How he can't plan too far ahead with solo stuff because GNR business could come about at the drop of a hat.

I don't think its a "gag order" per se, just avoiding putting his foot in his mouth.  DJ and Frank are newer to the game.  They'll learn, and then we'll REALLY hear NOTHING.

 Rep: 109 

Re: ok...lets try this then

Saikin wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

1. Have you seen the Lemmy documentary that just came out on DVD, and have you ever met God in person? If so how much impact did this have on your life?

Amazing documentary. That guy is not human.

 Rep: 768 

Re: ok...lets try this then

Axlin16 wrote:
downliner wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Brilliant idea, I just wonder if he'd have some legal issues with official releases of Guns N' Roses instrumentals that weren't written by him.

So he can cover John Lennon, but he can't cover the band that he's a member of?

You know how Axl is.


Re: ok...lets try this then

ppp wrote:

With GNR, he'd need the permission of not just Axl but also Slash and Duff to rerecord GNR stuff. With John Lennon, he only has to go through Yoko.

 Rep: 33 

Re: ok...lets try this then

skippy wrote:

Dear Bumblefoot,

I like your "when I was a kid listening to Kiss and Van Halen" stories.

Please share more.

Also, share more about being in bands that opened up for second or third tier hair metal bands when they came to town.

I did this as a youngster as well, and it was damn amusing how folks like Lillian Axe and Enuff Z'nuff behaved.

 Rep: 661 

Re: ok...lets try this then

monkeychow wrote:

I think you guys missed the point of the 25 year vision thing. I think the phrasing got people off the point...

To me it's just saying that GNR is Axl's band these days.

When GNR started maybe Axl had an idea of where the band would go - did he expect all the bullshit that happened - I'd guess no - probably didn't expect the exact success either. Just like how when you are 8 you have an idea of how your life might go. Somethings are right some are wrong, but it's your life still. I don't think the comment was ment to imply that everything proceeds under some prophecy foretold by Axl in 1984 or something.

I think the point was that Axl has now clocked 25 years in this band, and he's been in charge directly for a good 15 or something. It's HIS band and not Bumblefoots. Compared to Axl's tenure, Bumble is a recent addition, and it's therefore not his role to be the guy to stear the ship and set the directon of the band. It's his role to kickass on guitar - the whole business end of the band is the job of other people - like Axl who owns the name and who has clocked up all that time. In my opinion that was his point. And it's clearly correct.

As for the covers. It's a fun idea. It would be cool for us all to do something that helps charitys etc. As for if it could be GNR songs or not - it might be that he prefers other songs - because that way it's a bumblefoot activity more than a GNR activity. a GNR guitarist doing loads of GNR covers and releasing them might be interpreted by the powers that be in the media as an offical GNR release of some kind, and if it was - then presumabely he'd then have to OK it through the whole GNR machine - for the reasons outlined's not his role to drive GNR. So it might be easier all around to do general covers of famous tracks or it's probably easier for bumble to be captian of the bumblefoot machine if you see what I mean. Of course I don't know any of that for sure - i might be 100% wrong - just saying I see it as one reason it might be ok to do a beatles song or whatever but complex to play a gnr track.

As for questions: This is entirely selfish, but i'm working toward trying to work in the industry eventually in a business capaacity (cos my musical skills just arn't like his hahah), so I'd be interested to hear his advice to people looking to start out in the industry overall and any anicdotes along those lines. But that might just be me!

 Rep: 84 

Re: ok...lets try this then

jamester wrote:

to Neemo

BBF has so many interviews in print and a place on his website to find possibaly every "official"interview post 89

I have also read every interview of his that i posted here in gnr evo. So he has actually answered way more than i wanted to know in that type of interview.

I say the idea of the forum members here interviewing him in a thread a much better idea.  mabe its something you can ask him about. pm active members of a time and date to avoid all the knotheads from being on time from all over the net.

Just an idea!

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