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 Rep: 109 

Re: Your Top 10 Albums of 2007

Saikin wrote:

Not to be a downer or anything, but i found this year very dissapointing in music. I don't even know if i could compile a top 10 list for albums this year.

There have been a handful of albums that have really inspired me and just connected with me instantly.

Avenged Sevenfold
Carry On
Into the Wild

Off the top of my head that's really the only ones i can think of that came out this year. For me, Kid Rock, Velvet Revovler, Alter Bridge, Linkin Park, Foo Fighters and Ozzy were let downs. I was expecting more out of them, and i was expecting albums that had more staying power in my stereo. Right now i have Carry On, Avenged Sevenfold, Revelations, Out of Exile and a mix tape in my stereo.

To be honest, i think this would have been a perfect year for Chinese Democracy. Those leaks we got were way beyond almost anything that came out this year. I've seen articles that list Chinese Democracy as the best album of 2007 just based off the leaks, imagine if the whole album was out.

It's just been a sad year in music for me. There just doesn't seem to be anything out there that i want to listen to. I have to turn back to stuff that was released many years ago and try to dig up new stuff from the past that i may have skipped over.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Your Top 10 Albums of 2007

James wrote:

Only thing better in 07 than the leaks was M.I.A.'s album. She wiped the floor with everyone this year. The Amy Winehouse record is pretty good. That album from New Young Pony Club is pretty damn good. I still cant believe 'Get Lucky' was not a massive hit.

Cornell and VR were the big disappointments this year.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Your Top 10 Albums of 2007

Neemo wrote:

see i liked


megadeth & Down were good disks too

I bought those 5 disks

cornell & morello were both ok albums but not worthy to buy IMO

White stripes icky thump was surprising as im not a stripes fan but i didnt buy it, my buddy has it though

i want to check out linkin park but dont wanna invest the $$$ to check it out or the time to dl it 16 all the singles i heard are alright, but i dunno if it's purchase worthy

Re: Your Top 10 Albums of 2007

AtariLegend wrote:

6 Albums In No Particular Order:

Neon Bible - Arcade Fire
Chinese Democracy - Guns N' Roses
In Rainbows - Radiohead
United Abominations - Megadeth
Year Zero - Nine Inch Nails
Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist

^ I liked "Icky Thump", but it didn't make my list.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: Your Top 10 Albums of 2007

I would say that easily the best album of the year was Endeverafter's 'Kiss or Kill'.

2. Saul Williams - The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of Niggy Tardust

3. Smashing Pumpkins - Zeitgeist

4. Avenged Sevenfold - Avenged Sevenfold

5. Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero

6. Unified Theory - Cinematic

1, 2, and 3 were all very good and better than I expected them to be. 4 and 5 were disappointments initially but still pretty good and even some very bright spots on both albums. YZ gets on the list as much from the ARG and idea as it does the music. And then Unified Theory's closing album was good, just like their debut, but not up to what Brad Smith and Chris Thorn could do.

GN'R leaks would've been number 1 on my list, and new Blind Melon leaks and samplers would've come in around 4 I think.

Cornell and VR, as James said, were very big disappointments.

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