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 Rep: 130 

Re: A day in the need of perspective

mitchejw wrote:

The last 5 years of my life has been a whirlwind. The life experience and education that has occurred over that time has been second to none. I feel the desire to share my story. I hope you won't mind listening.

In the summer of 2006, I loaded up my car with everything that I could fit in it . And it wasn't much. I came bright eyed and bushy tailed. I had all the desire and willingness without any idea what the rules were in the big city . I came here broke and oblivious.

The lessons that the big city has taught me cannot be overstated. In a world with no father figure, no money, and no skills, and no connections....I can only describe this as the epitome of starting over. Laisez-faire....

The city taught me to be a man when no one or nothing else cared to do so.

Fast forward 8 years.....

After engaging in a business partnership that proved enormously successful, the opposite member of said business partnership awoke at the 5 am hour to his naked body laying on top me at a professional conference in which we are to present as a unit less than a few hours later.

He strokes my hair gently as I wake up and attempt to push him away. He repeats over and over again, "are we going to be okay?".....

Months later the most bitter dissolution of business practice commenced in which he took most of the business.

I had to start over...while he took all client referral sources.

In the ensuing months this man bashed me to anyone that would listen. This included showing up unannounced to meet with my clients.

This brings us to October 2012....would you like to know more?

 Rep: 221 

Re: A day in the need of perspective

polluxlm wrote:

I for one am intrigued.

 Rep: 205 

Re: A day in the need of perspective

PaSnow wrote:

I'm confused...?! 

but sure I'll read on.

 Rep: 212 

Re: A day in the need of perspective

BLS-Pride wrote:

I am also intrigued.

 Rep: 768 

Re: A day in the need of perspective

Axlin16 wrote:

I would've kept with the dick sucking until I could've stole the company from him.

 Rep: 212 

Re: A day in the need of perspective

BLS-Pride wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:

I would've kept with the dick sucking until I could've stole the company from him.

Didn't take you for a holes a hole kinda guy. 16

 Rep: 130 

Re: A day in the need of perspective

mitchejw wrote:

Set up the scene.

On Labor Day weekend in 2012, I lay quietly asleep in my bed. I remember distinctly waking up for seconds at a time to a jostling of sorts a few times. Close my eyes....close my eyes again.


At at bit past 5 am, at the W hotel in Seattle Washington, I awake to a 200 pound man laying on top of his underwear.....weeping. I am 155 on a fat, bloated, bender of a weekend.

After a very bizarre sequence of events....I find myself sprinting from the hotel room without my wallet or suitcase.

I spent the entire night looking out over the Puget sound wondering what I was going to do for the night, let alone with my share of the business. You see...I knew this man well enough to guess what was going to happen next.

I was right....

I had spurned his advances. This closet homosexual man with a PhD in entitlement was going to respond....and respond hard.

God....the Puget sound was pretty that night. The smell of fresh sea food, and the sound of happy people was overpowering.

On the flight home 2 days later, he insisted on sitting next to me. The hatred that had built up in me was boiling over. It was the best I could do just to keep silent.

Not because I have prejudice against anyone. It was because this man had falsely represented himself for years.

Almost exactly 6 months later,  I was served with an order...not a order to dissolve the company and allow him to continue on as 100 percent owner.

From 3 different lawyers with 3 different arguments.

 Rep: 39 

Re: A day in the need of perspective

-Jack- wrote:

Damn playa. Need to see a therapist if you have any PTSD like symptoms. (Or take pure MDMA and come to grips with what happened.. probably still under supervision of a willing therapist.) Your mental health is more important than your business life. Sorry to recommend MDMA but if you get the real stuff it's being shown to be very effective at warding PTSD and trauma (google PTSD and MDMA.)

Either way, you have to come to grips with what happened/let go of fear and shame, the truth will set you free. You can be successful in your counterclaim or whatever you decide the best course of action is, if you are able to help your mind cope with the event. Don't be ashamed or fearful.


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