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Re: T minus --:-- and counting....
Edit : New design has gone live. If you're seeing huge white blocks everywhere try pressing Ctrl + F5 on your keyboard. This will force your browser to fully refresh the page. It seems the white blocks are caused by having the old design in your browsers history/cache.
Re: T minus --:-- and counting....
Just incase anyone gets there hopes up. This has nothing to do with new gnr material surfacing. We're planning to launch the new site soon and james is obviously rather excited about it
Maybe we'll have to work extra hard to make new material surface to mark the occassion.
Re: T minus --:-- and counting....
nugdafied wrote:Wait, what's going on? Will there still be a VR section?
Both James and I are sorry to report that there will be a VR section
Neemo and mods outvoted us on that one
Well fuck this board then!:haha:
VR are still (kinda) not really that active.
I swear though, if it's Royston, their section better be deleted!
Re: T minus --:-- and counting....
yeah the vote was pretty overwelming too i might add
this new layout is the work of many people, as we pulled in a few members to contribute to the layout..when it launches...take the time to take it all in there is more info contained in the site now than we;ve ever had before...we'll rival the other sites for content