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- Topics: Active | Unanswered
- tejastech08
- Rep: 194
Re: New Design......
I don't like this new design. I wish we could choose between the old design and new one.
Re: New Design......
Tommie - you should now be seeing avatars
They were turned off in your profile. You wouldnt have been able to turn them on again yourself as that option is now hidden - everyone is supposed to see them on new design. That also explains why they were there when you viewed as a guest.
- tejastech08
- Rep: 194
Re: New Design......
tejastech08 wrote:I don't like this new design. I wish we could choose between the old design and new one.
For someone who likes Obama you sure hate change.:laugh:
What do you not like?
I don't necessarily like Obama that much. Mostly just hate Bush and company, including McCain, Mr. Bomb Iran. I've got big problems with Obama on taxes, abortion, offshore drilling, ANWR, environmentalism, etc. but the potential for a military draft trumps everything since I don't want to get shipped off to war. And yes, I think starting a war with Iran while our troops are stretched so thin right now will require a military draft. And it scares the hell out of me, more than anything Obama could ever do.
Re: New Design......
guys, i have a small question. is there a way to make the avatars appear a little bigger?
and another
i can't see everybody's titles or post counts. is there an option that i missed to hide them?
Just about to post this as well. I just wanted to know if it was like this for everyone else.
Re: New Design......
I just logged in for the first time today (dunno when it went live), but I'm having the exact same thing as Axl S. and cohorts.
Using firefox 3 on linux.
my user agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008072820 Firefox/3.0.1
*edit* nevermind, I missed the fact that there were two pages .
Only bug left for me is the quick-reply box (too wide), but I don't use that anyway.
- monkeychow
- Rep: 661
Re: New Design......
I also don't see the post counts, signatures or custom titles. Have I got something set wrong?
I can see that there has been a ton of work into this design. Great job guys.
Only room for improvments I see are:
1. I think something about the color scheme is more taxing on the eyes than the old one. Maybe i'm just old and crippled from too much rock and roll But i noticed in the shackler thread when people use a lof of bold and stuff - the colors against the background can burn into the eyes and it will make it harder for me to post whore as i'll need breaks to rest
2. When selecting "show new posts since last visit" i miss that it used to say what forum the post was in as well as the title from the thread. Thats a little thing I know - but handy when people name theads random stuff like "You'll be amazed at this" - if i can see its in GNR, VR or one of the OT areas I can decide if I want to view it immediately or read some other stuff first. (I tend to log on and check for CD related updates then start playing in the ot areas).
Overall i think maybe I just need more time to get used to it - but I can see you guys are all doing a killer job at keeping this place first-class and making it excellent for everyone. Thanks loads!
Re: New Design......
I also don't see the post counts, signatures or custom titles. Have I got something set wrong?
Those aren't current features. Not seeing those things isn't a glitch.
You guys gotta remember.....the site is a work in progress. It might always be a work in progress. There will always be new features added.
We also realize there is some sort of private message glitch where you either don't get a message, or one you send doesn't arrive. This happened to me several times since the launch.