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 Rep: 55 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

FlashFlood wrote:

feel free to move if this is the wrong section

...fantastic reaction to the album. the people that had never heard before said that it was awesome.

listening to the entire album...i couldn't believe how appropriate prostitute was as a closer...the perfect fit.

has anybody else gone to one of these things?? boston was fun, crowd was into the songs, some chick was out of her mind dancing, and free appetizers! yum.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

Neemo wrote:

cool man! did you get a shirt? was there alot of people? any band members there? (Though i suppose you woulda mentioned that one 16 ) any merch available?

 Rep: 88 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

Gunslinger wrote:

Sounds cool!  What were the biggest hits with the crowd?  Any tracks that were flops?

 Rep: 286 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

Aussie wrote:

Great stuff - wish there was something like that in Oz near me sad

Good to hear the positive reaction from people that had never heard any of the stuff.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

Axlin16 wrote:

I'd be interested to hear what the audience's reactions were to each track too.

 Rep: 5 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

Paxcow wrote:

i went to the hollywood one at the roxy. everyone clapped and cheered or whatever at the end of each song.

 Rep: 55 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

FlashFlood wrote:

ya i got my shirt. pretty cool...could do without the best buy logo though.
if i had to guess i'd say there were between 150-200 people... the room was pretty well packed.

lots of clapping and cheering between songs. big ovations for twat, street of dreams, cd. every song was applauded, no flops.

no merch was available, but you could enter a drawing to win a trip to see gnr anywhere in the world next year...didnt win though.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

BLS-Pride wrote:

So a 09 tour must be in the works. axl was spotted in vegas recently maybe due to that rumored gig wit RHCP?

 Rep: 55 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

FlashFlood wrote:

well there was the stipulation that if GNR didnt tour next year they would send you to see a cover band lol

 Rep: 768 

Re: Just got back from Boston listening party

Axlin16 wrote:

I hope to God it's not that Mr. Brownstone on Letterman last night.

I wanted to shoot myself in the head last night. I guess Letterman played it for laughs, but the band sucks. I've seen better artists on YouTube, and hell... I can sing 10 times more like Axl than the fucking guy last night.

If you're going to be in a tribute band - at least be the best you can be at it.

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