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 Rep: 212 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

BLS-Pride wrote:

Got this from a poster over at MYGNR..


 Rep: 88 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

Gunslinger wrote:


 Rep: 3 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

Axelle01 wrote:

i checked it on amazon and be sure that its a bullshit ! there is not such comment to be found 2

NY Giants82
 Rep: 26 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

NY Giants82 wrote:

Seems really unprofessional by a major player like Amazon if true.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

James wrote:

Wow. Stores are even trying to distance themselves from CD.  They know if the casual rock fan hates CD, it might lessen sales on the rest of the discography.

Axelle01 wrote:

i checked it on amazon and be sure that its a bullshit ! there is not such comment to be found 2

You're in a different country. I would imagine what shows up in the US is slightly different than other countries.

Bright Eyes 2005
 Rep: 27 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

James Lofton wrote:

Wow. Stores are even trying to distance themselves from CD.  They know if the casual rock fan hates CD, it might lessen sales on the rest of the discography.

Axelle01 wrote:

i checked it on amazon and be sure that its a bullshit ! there is not such comment to be found 2

You're in a different country. I would imagine what shows up in the US is slightly different than other countries.

Many casual rock fans hate this, without even hearing it.  If the local DJ, or drunk wannabe hipster at the bar says it sucks, they just repeat it thoughtlessly because they think they sound hip, important, and like they know what they are talking about.  I figured with the information age, would come increased intellectual and analytical independence; instead the opposite has happened, especially with the younger generation of teens.  They seem fickle, and unable to determine on their own what is cool or not.  I find it funny, that after one week, so many are so willing to say this is a failure--that tells me they are following the pack, and think that it is "hip" to dis this.  Moreover, many determined six years ago, this was, in their minds, "bad".  I have seen fickle GNR fans and DJ's who praise this as great, and say it's a 8 or 9 out of ten, but then change their tune after perceiving that their liking this album maybe "uncool". Pathetic. Art is not defined by sales, and capitalism.  This art, which is great, is no different.  The desire to be "cool" is the path of losers.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

Neemo wrote:

its pretty funny regardless on whether its real or not.... 16

 Rep: 118 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

mickronson wrote:

Ive been hoping the axl rose project wouldnt leave a shitstain on the good name gnr, and Im still hoping it wont.. Im not bothered by sales either but a lack of sales and this abhorring in general of the cd wont do the name any good..I always said he should of left the name alone.
That said, i`m off to listen to C.D loop #2 of the day

oh, and i think its pretty shit to use SCOM in the tv advert for it too.. this isnt those guys, so why is azoff or whoever tryin to fool the general public it is. (i know i know , for sales)

 Rep: 768 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

Axlin16 wrote:

Bwahahahahaha that's great.

CD is an awesome album, but damn Axl. Time to face the truth. Reunite or fuck off, people don't care about new Guns.

When businesses are trying to distance themselves, ain't good hmm

I think James called it. Within a year, if not less, this bad boy will be in Best Buy bargain bins for $5.99, sitting right beside The Spaghetti Incident.

 Rep: 118 

Re: Amazon rips Chinese Democracy

mickronson wrote:

I dunno.  I think sales will be slow but steady and will keep it loitering in the charts for some time..maybe even get a boost by a re-release..a few bands have had success from failure the first time around....

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