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 Rep: 341 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

bigbri wrote:

(sneaks in, tiptoes quietly about, leaves shaking his head)

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Axlin16 wrote:
apex-twin wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

There's just so many better ways Axl could make money. I mean i bet he gets a ton of publishing requests that he declines.

Ax doesn't control his share of the publishing rights. Uni does, following their buyout of Sanctuary.

buzzsaw wrote:

The cash grab is to keep the Malibu mafia alive.

I liken most GNR activity aside recording and performance to the Malibu Mafia. Too bad most of that is negative.

Axl DOES control his publishing rights. He only licensed the monetary payout for the 20 yr. / $20mil deal.

Axl still controls full say so, and all outlying rights to his share. And it will fully revert back to him or his estate in 20 years. 15 years now.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Naltav wrote:
Bono wrote:
Naltav wrote:


You're waaaay to personally involved, dude! The anger and venomous bashing of Axl and people who support him is outta of every logical and common sense of control. The bashing you have come up with here in the past months could fit a novel! I mean literally! I'm very sure your energy and time could be better spent.

Your theories on the Duff-incident in London leading to your precious reunion, must have taken a serious hit and tipped you right over the edge.

The behind the scenes ongoings, legal, financial and personal matters in GNR shouldn't mean this much to ANYONE! It really really shouldn't.

Take a break man!

14 You are such a  fucking tool man. Literally you are the worst poster I've seen in many years.  This righteous, hollier than thou attitude you present us with is so lame. Like you have more integrity than the rest of us 14 I'm too personally involved? Personally involved? How is that even possible?  ha! Dude the word you're looking for is emotionally involved and it's the guy who does nothing but defend and make excuses for this clown that is. I'm not the one blinded by my infatuation with Axl.  I call a spade a spade. Thanks for quoteing all my spades. Must've taken ya quite a while to put that together. Seems someone is a little too emotional involved in other areas as well.

Yes, emotionally is prolly the word I was looking for. English is not my first language, but you're a pretty smart guy, so you understood what I meant.

Bono wrote:

I'm not the one blinded by my infatuation with Axl.  I call a spade a spade.

Go read my comments on the two gigs I went to in Norway earlier in the year. I can dish up some critic when I feel it's due. But I won't let it eat me up...

Bono wrote:

Thanks for quoteing all my spades. Must've taken ya quite a while to put that together. Seems someone is a little too emotional involved in other areas as well.

With handy keyboard shortcuts, copy/paste and two browsers, it's literally only like a minute or two. But hey, whatever floats your boat man!

 Rep: 200 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

apex-twin wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
killingvector wrote:

I am confused how Axl suddenly owns the majority stake in the publishing rights. Slash and Duff were still part of the original partnership and had rights to 1/3 of the royalties for publication of the old catalog, including rights to allowing it used.

Yeah, I don't know the percentages but I didn't mean to imply Axl has a majorty or anything. It could easily be the 1/3 thing.

Ax, Slash and Duff own 1/3 each of the publishing rights up to 1998. This is because they were still partners at Guns N Roses Music up to that point. The publishing rights for Live Era and CD, for example, are on Ax, the last remaining partnership member.

All former members continue to receive songwriting royalties, which is where Steven makes most of his revenue even today. However, the royalty share doesn't guarantee you a say on how the publishing is handled. A rerecorded AFD, for example, would strip Slash and Duff out of their licensing fees, while they would receive royalties as songwriters.

Axlin08 wrote:

Axl DOES control his publishing rights. He only licensed the monetary payout for the 20 yr. / $20mil deal.

Can I have that in writing somewhere? You're on the money on everything else there, but I've never seen a confirmation that Ax would retain control on his share.

Nevermind, this stems from a misinterpretation by Duff's lawyer when the deal was made. Ax has handled his share of the publishing rights via his own company, Black Frog, since May 2005. The revenues go to Uni, however.

The deal, btw, was Ax paying ransom to Sanctuary as they financed CD for a few years following the Universal shutout in 2004.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Axlin16 wrote:

Apex I have busted my ass this morning to find a more in-depth publishing article from 2005, and honest to God, most of them don't even exist anymore with as much time has passed.

I do know what I read, and I can tell you that it DID NOT come out in the initial news break of the deal. It was something that became a discussion, once Slash & Duff started contesting Axl's rights to sign such a deal, I believe it came out in a bit more detail the details of the deal.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

Aussie wrote:
apex-twin wrote:

Ax, Slash and Duff own 1/3 each of the publishing rights up to 1998. This is because they were still partners at Guns N Roses Music up to that point. The publishing rights for Live Era and CD, for example, are on Ax, the last remaining partnership member.

Apex-twin how is Axl the last remaining partnership member.

I thought the original partnership still existed today, but theoretically it would only have Slash and Duff left in it because Axl left that partnership around 1996.  He left with the name and set up a new GNR partnership/dictatorship.  He then offered Slash and Duff to join as contract employees with Slash telling him to shove it and Duff signing on for a while before leaving   

Is the above correct or am I mixing up the publishing agreement with the GNR name/band agreement?

 Rep: 130 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

mitchejw wrote:

Waaaahhh...Axl this...Axl that....waaahhh...can you believe it? Wow...waaaahhhh...what a loser...

 Rep: 475 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

misterID wrote:
bigbri wrote:

(sneaks in, tiptoes quietly about, leaves shaking his head)


 Rep: 84 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

jamester wrote:
Neemo wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Finally re the quote above, if what Axl claims is true and clearly this was a big issue for him why the fuck would you not get this shit in writing first.  Any dumb fuck with even half an ounce of business acumen would have got Activision to put in writing their assurances re. Slash's image, VR songs etc. 

Look I laugh at this lawsuit etc but if what Axl claims may actually be true then it's fucked up what they did to him.  BUT as I and others have said for years now, Axl really needs to start getting some professionals running the business side of things for him rather than family, friends and amateurs.  If these negotiations had been handled by professionals and all this was in writing not based on "conversations" between Beta and Acitivsion, the lawsuit would have been a slam dunk for him.

pretty much my feelings on the subject...I deal with binding contracts on a daily basis and first rule of thumb is to get it in writing, i am the type of person that likes to talk to someone on the phone or face to face, but when the conversation is over its a trip to the email machine and i put it in writing...and email is at a point now where an email is as good as a signature, if i send an email and nobody responds, the protocol is that what was in the email is binding

28. In order to avoid conflation of the images and reputations of Guns N' Roses and Slash and VR, Rose reasonbly did not want any imagery of Slash or the songs or VR to be used in association or conjunction with Guns N' Roses material. At the initial request for inclusion of "Welcome to the Jungle" in GH III, Rose inquired as to whether Activision intented to use [underline]any[/underline] images of members of the old GUns N' Roses lineup, the then-current lineup, or VR in the game. Rose told Activision that he would consider its request if Activision would confirm that no images, avatars or other characters of any of the old lineup or then-current lineup of Guns N' Roses or VR would be used. Activision verified that no images, avatars or other characters of any of the old lineup or then-current lineup of Guns N' Roses or VR would be used and "Welcome to the Jungle" would not be used in any way that would indicate an association between SLash and Guns N' Roses or promote Slash's separate and post-Guns N' Roses interests.

29. However, before giving his approval, Rose began learning through online sources that Activision was planning to use the songs of VR and prominently feature Slash in GH III. This greatly increased the apprehension that Guns N' Roses and "Welcome to the Jungle" were going to be misused and/or misrepresented in GH III.

30. In May 2007, Milligan spoke with Young regarding Roses's concerns. Young again reassured Milligan that no Slash images or VR songs would be used in GH III or in connection with "Welcome to the Jungle." In a follow up confirmatory email, he wrote: "In light of our earlier conversation, this email serves to confirm that given the approval for "Welcome to the Jungle', we have no intention of using Velvet Revolver in Guitar Hero 3."

 Rep: 84 

Re: Axl Rose Suing Activision / Guitar Hero

jamester wrote:
Neemo wrote:

not only that... but GH III is ancient history, wtf took him so damn long to get around to it?

54. Starting in December 2007 and continuing in 2008. Activision engaged in negotiations with Guns N' Roses' manager at the time, in a calculated efford to forestall or prevent a lawsuit. As a means of compensating Rose and Guns N' Roses for the wrong it perpetrated. Activision floated the idea of a video game with a theme based on "Chinese Democracy," Guns N' Roses' new album.

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