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 Rep: 281 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

faldor wrote:
Olorin wrote:

Its a good interview, he sounds like he is desperate to get out on the road again, makes videos and work the album properly.
It doesnt sound at all like he considers GN'R dead in the water and CD to be toast tongue

I'll reset the reunion counter and see how long this thread lasts....

Yeah it sounds like he wants what we all want, well most of us at least.  From HTGTH though
A clarification from Ron himself for those that like to read into things:

That interview where I said I was unsure about a tour was from months ago - it doesn't mean that this is the current state of things.  And I NEVER announce GNR bizz, not for me to do, I don't do it.


Now I would HOPE (there's that word again) that that would mean he might be a little more sure about how things stand now.  The interview was probably done before rehearsals got underway.  Of course they seem to be back on hiatus, so who knows what the plan is, or if there is one at this point.  But I do tend to agree with you that we shouldn't pronounce GNR DOA just yet.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

faldor wrote:
Olorin wrote:
Fat-Drunk wrote:

That vid leaked in 2006. It's "official."

Cool, I must have missed it. I wonder what they do with all this footage if they dont have any plans to release it sad

Never saw that before.  That was some great stuff.  Is there any more like that available?  That's from MSG I presume?  I was there, just not nearly that close.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

James wrote:

Where do I start. Should I even bother? 14

Great interview, UNTIL he mentions GNR. Just a total buzz kill, and it never recovers from the mentions. They should all just go in complete 'gag order' mode because its better when they don't comment than it is when they do. There's zero band atmosphere  and its actually painful to read when its presented as that.

He's a very intelligent guy. He would be much more interesting as a solo artist than a member of GNR, no offense if you happen to lurk here sometime and read this.

If he ever does another interview/chat here, I'm not even gonna ask anything GNR related. I'd much rather hear him speak on the current state of the industry or his solo material.

That interview where I said I was unsure about a tour was from months ago - it doesn't mean that this is the current state of things.  And I NEVER announce GNR bizz, not for me to do, I don't do it.

Then why are you there, and why the crack at people who don't consider this GNR? You think its GNR, but cant comment on anything?

Reminds me of Richard's "I hope we can hopefully tour in the future, I hope" comments. Lame.

Other than the GNR crap, very insightful interview. If he wasn't a member of GNR he'd be alongside people like Reznor trying to put their stamp on this evolving industry.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

faldor wrote:

I think his not announcing any GNR biz is a choice of his and not a gag order of sorts.  No one talks or gives updates in the band, why should he?  I don't necessarily think Axl is telling any of the guys to keep quiet but they probably figure it's better off then to give out information that could ultimately turn out to be false.  We've gotten plenty of false information over the years.  Richard Fortus has given plenty and every time something he says doesn't happen everyone trashes him and says "he doesn't know shit!"  Maybe Ron just doesn't want to walk down that path.

He clearly stated in the interview being in GNR comes with its perks, but also drawbacks.  He's got 7 other guys to account for being in GNR instead of just himself.

I know it's frustrating not getting information, but I don't blame Ron for not wanting to be the one to give it.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

Aussie wrote:

Great interview by Ron.  As you say James, the non-GNR related questions/stuff I find more interesting now since he can't/won't give anything else away.

That interview where I said I was unsure about a tour was from months ago - it doesn't mean that this is the current state of things.  And I NEVER announce GNR bizz, not for me to do, I don't do it.

Regarding the above statement, I suppose you could look at that either way.  He WAS unsure about a tour when the interview took place but now that's not necessarily the current situation.  Therefore the current situation could be:

1. He knows there IS going to be a tour, or
2.  He now knows that there is NOT going to be a tour.

I suppose it depends if you are a glass half full or half empty GNR person as to how you want to read it.

Hmmmm - I can't believe I have sunk to the level of analysising individual words and statements from a band member to try and get a clue as to what is bloody going on  18  - Shame on me!

 Rep: 281 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

faldor wrote:

Well according to Marc Strigl, one of the Talking Metal guys.  He says not to expect anything from GNR until 2010, and as far as I know he's friends with Ron.  I think the summer had all but been ruled out, but there was still a chance for the fall.  I don't know exactly what Strigl knows, if anything.  He could be just speculating like the rest of us.

 Rep: 43 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

gnfnraxl wrote:
faldor wrote:

Well according to Marc Strigl, one of the Talking Metal guys.  He says not to expect anything from GNR until 2010, and as far as I know he's friends with Ron.  I think the summer had all but been ruled out, but there was still a chance for the fall.  I don't know exactly what Strigl knows, if anything.  He could be just speculating like the rest of us.

As a fan I could find this to be bad news and be discouraged.  HOWEVER I don't know why but reading this made me laugh.  2010.  Is anybody truly really surprised at this?  And will anyone really be disappointed or surprised if nothing happens in 2010?  I mean why tour CD?  They have toured several times before it was released.  So logic tells me if Axl decides to tour with his hired band (Ron can say what he wants but truth is they are hired guns) that it will be for another new album.  And Axl's logic (If such a thing exists) tells me that if Axl tours behind another new album that we won't see that said album for another at least 5 years.  Now some will blast me on this but before doing so please rewind your memories and see the pattern here.  Will it be pathetic?  Oh hell yeah!  Will people still believe in Axl and think he has some huge masterplan?  Yep!  Will I be one of those who falls in the trap?  Nope!  But I will follow the saga just to have a good laugh.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

Axlin16 wrote:

The Chinese Democracy World Tour in 2010... omfg. 14

The best fans can hope for at this point, is it'll be a tour to support Chinese II.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

elmir wrote:

That's the most political way I can say I know nothing.

finally, someone said it....if they had only said it years ago, then they wouldn't be hassled by the fans all the time....we assume that they know, they play us like they know....why not just come out say that you're as clueless about it as we least you're being honest about it...

well done Ron...kudos to you on that one...

 Rep: 768 

Re: Tales Of The Bumblefoot : An Exclusive Interview With Ron Thal

Axlin16 wrote:

Because Elmir, if Ron comes out and says that, or any of the new band members, they are countered their own argument of "Axl's just a good guy" and "this is a band".

A band is not kept in the dark, as it's dictated to by one single isolated member. A good guy, does not control a band member, and people's livelihoods by his own whims, like a facist.

Everyone has known for years that the new band members, hell Dizzy included, don't know a damn thing of what GNR's next move is. Only Axl does, because Axl makes all the decisions. He chose that route.

I'm not going on some 'Axl bash', but seriously, for all of those really ignorant folks out there that are still calling this a band, or pressing these guys for info they don't have.... please stop. You'll get nowhere, and look stupid in the process.

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