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Re: Baz blames internet for album tanking, no new album for "a LONG time"

Acekicken wrote:


And people wonder Why Axl dose not want to put out a CD?
How many so called Axl fans Down loaded the 3 songs from Sebastian's CD
instead of buying it? As for the Record sales it is 14,000 sold in the US & even
,more internationally.   As for the guy who brought up Bring em Bach Alive
there was ZERO promotion for it Sebastian put it out did a short tour & then
went on to Star in a very successful Broadway play known as Jekyll n Hyde.

If I where Axl I would "NEVER" put out the new CD.. Are you really a fan or do you just want the music at no cost?

good point ace.  I can't believe people are excusing illegal downloading just because of the fact that its 2007.  its stealing and its fucked up no matter what.     And its even more fucked up that Baz funded this album out of his own pocket.   So I don't blame him for being pissed about it.

Re: Baz blames internet for album tanking, no new album for "a LONG time"

Jimmy Zig Zag Bobiadis wrote:
Acekicken wrote:


And people wonder Why Axl dose not want to put out a CD?
How many so called Axl fans Down loaded the 3 songs from Sebastian's CD
instead of buying it? As for the Record sales it is 14,000 sold in the US & even
,more internationally.   As for the guy who brought up Bring em Bach Alive
there was ZERO promotion for it Sebastian put it out did a short tour & then
went on to Star in a very successful Broadway play known as Jekyll n Hyde.

If I where Axl I would "NEVER" put out the new CD.. Are you really a fan or do you just want the music at no cost?

good point ace.  I can't believe people are excusing illegal downloading just because of the fact that its 2007.  its stealing and its fucked up no matter what.     And its even more fucked up that Baz funded this album out of his own pocket.   So I don't blame him for being pissed about it.

Sure he can be pissed, lots of artists are pissed but NOTHING gets done about it, how can the industry stop it from leaking, where is it leaking from before it hits the shelves, who on the inside is obtaining tracks or what promotions people that get the album before it's released leak it, it's such a mess to track down it's not even funny, which is why it's getting worse.   

I buy albums of those that I support.  One can look at downloading in 2 ways, if you have already purchased an album years ago and decided to download it or some of the songs now, I really don't see the harm as long as it's not excessive considering you already forked over for it the first time.  New projects on artists that I support, I'd never download from.  Maybe that's a weird way of looking at it buts thats how I see it.

With that said, to say he's never going to put an album out again, is a bit harsh when I am sure he's fully aware of the downloading that goes on.   An artist nowadays HAS to be prepared for this.   Until something gets done it's not gonna stop.

This whole Axl thing, I am gonna start a new thread in the gnr section.   Lets get a feel of the people on this board and their stance on buying or downloading CD.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Baz blames internet for album tanking, no new album for "a LONG time"

Neemo wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I buy albums of those that I support.

same here...not a baz fan, and yes i dl'd the tracks but i deleted them afterwards, i didnt care for them, for me axl wasnt even enough to save them

no biggie i know some people like them but they werent for me, and i buy lots of albums...i've bought close to a dozen this year...of bands i enjoy, music is to expensive to just buy something for novelty sake...for me anyway

 Rep: 664 

Re: Baz blames internet for album tanking, no new album for "a LONG time"

James wrote:
Acekicken wrote:


And people wonder Why Axl dose not want to put out a CD?
How many so called Axl fans Down loaded the 3 songs from Sebastian's CD
instead of buying it? As for the Record sales it is 14,000 sold in the US & even
,more internationally.   As for the guy who brought up Bring em Bach Alive
there was ZERO promotion for it Sebastian put it out did a short tour & then
went on to Star in a very successful Broadway play known as Jekyll n Hyde.

If I where Axl I would "NEVER" put out the new CD.. Are you really a fan or do you just want the music at no cost?

Oh please, you're grasping at straws now. Could you point me to the Axl quote where he said his hardcore base has to buy this record?? Axl didn't really say shit about it. Yeah, I downloaded the Axl tracks when they leaked, and then promptly deleted them because they weren't any good. Am I supposed to buy something I don't like?? Only album I did that with is Libertad. Not doing it again. Only artists I support 100% are GNR, M.I.A., Buckethead, and if Elastica ever reunites add them to my list. If/when I buy something from those artists, I know I am going to get my money's worth, and I feel those artists deserve as much support as they can get.

The day I feel like I'm supposed to buy music I don't like is the day I stop listening to music completely.

If Axl is one of these artists who are worried about downloading and thats playing a role in no album, add him to the growing list of artists that are completely out of touch with reality and don't deserve one sale let alone millions.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Baz blames internet for album tanking, no new album for "a LONG time"

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 212 

Re: Baz blames internet for album tanking, no new album for "a LONG time"

BLS-Pride wrote:

I think he is taking it a little too far. Sure downloaders played a part in it but they weren't the only reason why it tanked. That's the world we live in at this point in time. I'm a fan but throwing in the towel for this would be a bitch way out. 13,000 people went out and bought his album and other fans paid for tickets to see him perform so for those people they get shitted on? Like russtcb said why feel bad? I bought the album and if he wants to bitch then let him look like the idiot. He also has to realize he isn't today's news and expecting high numbers especially in the downloading age is dumb. There was radio promotion and it was good. That's what prob got the CD to 13,000. His TV spots were all geared at the wrong audience. He did that Rap show for MTV and none of those kids are going to buy his album. They should have focused his TV time on programs where his audience would be watching.

 Rep: 88 

Re: Baz blames internet for album tanking, no new album for "a LONG time"

Gunslinger wrote:

I like Baz's music, could give a fuck less if someone else doesn't.  That's the way it should be.  I like music from before my time up until the current music.  This idea that something is "too 80's" or "too 90's" is silly to me.  If people think that only teenagers can move albums then why did the Eagles last release go number one?  Everytime a new Beatles compilation is released it goes straight to the top.  I'm not saying that Sebastian Bach is ANYWHERE NEAR that playing field but my point is that the idea that it is solely some sort of "dated" sound hurting him flies about as well (to me) as Baz's excuses of why his album didn't sell well.  The album is good but it is his own fault more copies were not moved. 

Promotion and lack of releases from Baz since 95 has much to do with it.  The prior album "Bring 'Em Bach Alive" was not even intended originally as a proper release.  It only showcases four or five new songs, the rest of the album is simply live material with his "new" band.   The one really solid album he has done in between this album and the new album was with a band called Frameshift but due to legalities only fans know this as he isn't promoted anyway whatsoever as the singer for Frameshift. 

Now the BIGGEST problems.  Not everyone goes out and keeps up with music like the people (we of the forums) you will find on forums like this one.  We are more of the die hards.  My point being if I were not a heavy collector of music or at the least had the love for music at the level I do then why would I buy (have bought) Angel Down?  Baz hasn't released hardly anything, there was very little real promotion for the album and (let's face it) if I'm basing my opinion of Baz on his most recent "claims to fame" then what would I know of him?  I'd see a guy who acted like an ass on Supergroup, a dude doing some opera on Broadway and a guy approaching middle-age trying to get some publicity by being on a show RAPPING!!??  These reasons would not interest me to go and buy the current album IF I even knew he had one out and I believe these are the main reasons the album did poorly.

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