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 Rep: 77 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

smoke wrote:

So some schizophrenic gets some homeless people to post to some Bizarro-Oprah Winfrey message board from the library, can't give an online pamphlet away for free OR compose a complete sentence, and WE'RE the pussies?!

Are you Mel Gibson?

 Rep: 58 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

Stepvhen wrote:
smoke wrote:

So some schizophrenic gets some homeless people to post to some Bizarro-Oprah Winfrey message board from the library, can't give an online pamphlet away for free OR compose a complete sentence, and WE'RE the pussies?!

Are you Mel Gibson?

I am the ghost of Mel Gibson's golden Retriever.

Oprah? No no no.

Get involved see how you feel after 10 minutes talking to someone there.

 Rep: 58 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

Stepvhen wrote:

Actually that's lazy of me, heres a better description

There is no you.

No you to feel, just feelings.
No you to think, just thinking.

No you to hate, just hate.

No you to love, just love.

There is no entity driving the human experience no self, self is nothing more than an erroneous concept

 Rep: 664 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

James wrote:

So Woody Allen was right that nothing is real and only that fat guy in the third row exists?

 Rep: 286 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

Aussie wrote:

ok I went and had a look at the site, despite the less than appealing manner you posted about it.

So i looked around and poked my head in a few threads.  There were a couple of interesting conversations but they were littered with some much BS name calling and crap.  So I kept looking for something to give me a start as to what you were all discussing etc but NOTHING.  Some dude has posted some free book to download which I thought might have some background reading as to the concepts you were all discussing but even the link for that was broken.

 Rep: 58 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

Stepvhen wrote:

^^ Yeah the book is getting a re-jig.

It's a simple logical thing here.

The assumption of self is false.

"You" are the sum of thoughts and memories nothing more or less, in truth, your sense of self your "you" is an illusion.

Yup, sounds crazy right? TAke a good deep look at it for yourself, where are you? Are you just a concept in your own mind? Or a real thing?

You are not your body. You are not your mind. These two things work in and of themselves no matter what you try and do about it.

There in truth is no you.

Crazy, just this basic realisation will transform your life

 Rep: 58 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

Stepvhen wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

So Woody Allen was right that nothing is real and only that fat guy in the third row exists?

Woody is always right big_smile

Were purging the board, that's why shit's so crazy there at the minute, were scaring off the lurkers.

There are about 10 posters who just hang around don't actually try for the truth and post B.S. the only way to get rid of them safely is to be better liars than them.


The blog, the blog is golden

You'll like this James

The Dream And The Parasite
04:13 |  Posted by Ciaran
It's common knowledge that enlightenment is like awakening from a dream.

This is the first way, and the main way, in which it is described to people.  As an 'awakening'.  The sanskrit word for awakening is buddhatva, and it's from there we get the word Buddha.

Awakened from the dream of separation, into a glorious world of unity and oneness with the beingness of reality.

Let me be the very first 'enlightened' master to state that this is a massive, steaming pile of horse-shite.

Calling it 'enlightenment' in the first place is pretty fucking stupid, frankly.  But to then go on to this dream crap?  For real?  That's just wilfully pretentious.

More than anything else, I feel Buddha was a pretentious man.  He liked to be right more than he liked to actually break people out.  He loved that look they gave him, the look of being stunned into incomprehending awe at the beauty and wisdom of his words.

Fuck this man.

I hate it when people look at me like that.  If anyone looks at me like that I immediately tell them to go fuck themselves, I hate it.  It means I have failed.  Failed utterly.

If someone's challenging me with crap - that's fine.  They've failed.  They've failed to engage with what I'm actually saying.

If someone's challenging me with stuff that's really strong - they've succeeded in engaging, and they're probably really close to getting it.  We've both succeeded.

If someone's looking at me cooing over my brilliance, I have failed totally.  They've actually succeeded in seeing something good in what I'm saying, but I've totally failed them, because this take one second to get - there is no you - and once that's got, you're done.

Any time spent in worship of anything is a waste of fucking time, myself and my work included.  I've had people doing this already, by the way, telling me my work is awesome.  It is the most annoying thing a person can tell me.  I hate it.  I hate it so much.

Well, sometimes I like it, don't get me wrong.

But I hate it when you get someone 'Doing a St Paul'.

To 'do a St Paul' means to completely ignore the content of what's being said and turn the person speaking into this bullshit, one-dimensional hero-figure who is totally out of reach of the normal man, and the best thing everyone can do is just kneel down and suck his cock for all time.

It's creepy as fuck, frankly, and I don't like it.  Genuine compliments are actually quite nice, so if you've got something nice to say, don't necessarily be a stranger.

But I digress.

It's common knowledge that enlightenment is like awakening from a dream.

This is untrue.

The sleep/awake metaphor is just that - a metaphor. It's not actually what's happening. It's a pretty fucking crude metaphor, which is why I much, much, much prefer the terms liberation and freed.

The term liberation is far closer to the reality of what is pretentiously and damagingly referred to as enlightenment.

Here's the deal - the lie of 'self', which you believe in, means that you are constantly having to test to see what this 'self' is like. So you do this, or that, so you can prove to 'yourself' that 'you' are good.

Just this one process alone is the source of untold oceans of unnecessary suffering.

How much unnecessary suffering have you put yourself, your friends and your family through to prove that you are worth something?  That you are good?

How much?

How much better would your life have been without that?

And you might say to me - it pushed me to excel.  I'm always blown away by this argument.  The idea that the only reason you'd ever want to do anything ever is so that you can prove some bullshit assumption (the assumption of self) correct.

There are other motivations.  Better ones.  Joy.  Coolness.  Being awesome.  Amazing everyone with your fantastic brilliance.  Proving it can be done at all.

And the fact is that many things are their own reward.  And not in some bullshit zen sense - like the way that snowboarding is its own reward.  You don't need a reason to go snowboarding over and above the fact that snowboarding is cool as all hell.

The same thing here.  Do something cool because it's cool to do it, and do it excellently because it rocks to be excellent at something.  Right?

You don't need some bullshit 'I've gotta prove to myself that I'm worth a damn'.  Let me pop that bubble for you now.  You're worth nothing, because you are nothing.  There's no you in any sense of the word.  There's just no you.

The lie of self is wholly destructive. It has no positive effects - none. It is not like a dream, and you are not in a 'dream state'.

It is nothing like a dream.

A dream is immersive and in a way, external. I say external because although obviously it happens in your head, the dream itself has dream terrain, dream people, dream stuff. It's like walking around inside a fake world.

The delusion that's hurting you, that's killing you, that's controlling you for it's own aims - this delusion is, interestingly enough (and I've never really clicked to this before) - the opposite of a dream.

It's a delusion that is the opposite of a dream. That's your problem, it's not only not like a dream, it's actually the opposite of one.

For one thing, the word 'dream' is, as you might point out, quite a nice word. It conjures up images of random, harmless, playful wackiness, and the awakening to a big warm duvet.

If I could compare what has happened to you with anything, it would not be to a dream.

It would be to a parasite.

To be specific, I would compare what has happened to you with being infected by the parasitic wasp.

The parasitic wasp is a creature that can only reproduce by implanting it's eggs in another creature. Specifically, a caterpillar. It attacks the caterpillar and 'stings' it, like a normal wasp - but that ain't venom in the sting. It's eggs.

They punch inside the caterpillar, tiny, near microscopic. Then they hatch into larvae, inside the caterpillar's body.

They then consume his blood, and grow fat. And they grow teeth.

And when the time is right, and the caterpillar is bloated with writhing worms, they chew their way out of his body.

Nasty, right?

It's not over.

Because you know how caterpillars can spin silk cocoons?

Well. It's not just the caterpillar's body they took over. They infected its mind too.

And that wounded, mutilated caterpillar - I shit you not, look this up - spins a silk cocoon around the recently emerged, blood-covered larvae that have just chewed their way out of his body, so as to protect them while they grow into new, full sized parasitic wasps.

Then, and only then, does he die.

That is what is happening to you. Except it's not a wasp, it's a lie. It's feeding on you, drinking your blood, growing fat, consuming you. And it will chew its way out of you, and you will protect it as it does, and spread that poison to another generation.

It is a parasite. A parasitic lie.  The parasitic lie of self.

You are, essentially, infected.

Now. Does it make more sense, when you look at it like this, that I might want to urgently draw your attention to the one lie on which this whole monstrous process rests, and get you free?

Does it make sense that I would want my race, the human race, free of this plague? Does it?

I think it does. And that's why I do what I do, and why you should choose to burn with honesty and courage and focus all your strength on breaking the hold of this lie.

Because it's chewing you up from the inside, and weakening you so deeply that one day you'll use up the best of yourself to help that lie succeed at the cost of everything good about you.

Is that clear enough?

Source: … -results=7

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?


 Rep: 58 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

Stepvhen wrote:
Communist China wrote:



Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: What the Hell is a Ruthless Truth?

You don't know the meaning of what I wrote, and you didn't even inquire about it. Anyone who would respond to a statement they didn't understand with something other than a question, could never be wise. I'm guessing you just assume that there's nothing a 'free' person (am I allowed to say 'person' or is that a recognition of self? Would 'douchebag' or some other insult be more acceptable?) like you could learn from me, and that sort of willful dismissal of an opportunity to learn something is why I see you as nothing but a fool.

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