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 Rep: 268 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

Olorin wrote:

Doesnt he fuck up a couple of lines in the Live Era version of November Rain? And isnt that rerecorded vocals? I dont remember him ever sounding like that on any bootlegs from back then, but always found it really weird thats theres a line thats botched and thats the one they chose for the album...

 Rep: 268 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

Olorin wrote:
faldor wrote:

One thing I haven't heard discussed that I wondered about.  What was the deal with the whole "It's Beta's fault" thing?  I mean, I get it was a joke, but was there more to it than that?  Was he saying he wouldn't be performing still if it wasn't for her?  And if so, did he mean that in a good way, or a bad way?

That would no doubt have been a big talking point if the show had went otherwise smoothly.

I found it rather weird and came out the blue with no explanation, I cant really remember exactly, but did he just randomly pull Beta's elderly parents out on stage? Seriously... Axl was so frickin odd that night lol!

Gotta say, I wonder about those 2, they are waaaaaaaaaaay to close to be just friends, colleagues or whatever... they look more like a couple than anything else.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

Axlin16 wrote:

The whole Beta thing was just bizarre. It didn't flow at all with the show, it was abrupt, and it was obvious to even the Brazilian audience (i'm sure Brazilians will tell me how wrong I am), that they were kinda like "who?"

And then the whole thing is used as an intro to Better.

If the man wants to show his mother and her family off, that is perfectly fine, but the whole thing seemed ill-timed. Like at the end of Rio III, it was a very touching moment and very sincere.

Rio IV was just weird and akward.

 Rep: 2 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

he was on drugs, he couldn't handle it end of story

 Rep: 287 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

Aussie wrote:

I can completely understand forgetting where you are in a song and what lyrics are next. Your mind can wander and think of other things in between versus and then the next thing you know it's " oh fuck!".  But he did fuck it up a few too many times that night to excuse.

I sometimes forget the lyrics myself when singing along, or forget which gear i was in when driving a manual car, or have a mental blank and forget my bank account PIN number etc. It's part of being human.  If I were Axl I'd have the prompters there too, not to read off all the time, but just to save my ass in those one or two moments a night where your mind goes blank.

I agree the Beta thing was weird!

 Rep: 661 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

monkeychow wrote:

My theory

#1: Axl is CEO of his orginisation - so at any moment on stage he is assessing every part of it  the band, the lighting, the crew, the sound etc. Add in an un-healthy amount of pressure and anxiety like it would be natural to have about RIR4 and it's pretty easy to loose the plot.

#2: Axl's songs are hard to sing at his age - he's concentrating on pitch, delivery, tone, aspects of the peformance in general like hand movements - expressions etc

#3: He's an emotional guy and these songs are emotional songs written about specific incidents and feelings in his life. If they effect you imagine how they effect him - very easy to loose focus when you're singing about something personal - can fuck with your whole mood.

#4: Human error is natural - although he's played these songs billions of times - in a way thats more likely to make it all happen on autopilot and be very easy to loose focus - as your brain is only half at attention - not like if your concentration was required as intensly as the first time u sang it.

Combintation of those factors I think means it's relatively easy for him to loose the plot in the song. Can't say I blame him.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

Axlin16 wrote:

Plenty of solo vocalists all the time have full-blown epic stage shows and are the CEO of their brand name, and are more prepared vocally.

In some cases, i've actually seen and heard vocalists get bitchy and pissed off that they are even bothered by the stage/engineering aspect because they're too busy worrying about getting their voice in shape and keeping it there.

Axl just doesn't strike me as that kind of guy. Everything about him over the last 20 years just SCREAMS lazy.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

monkeychow wrote:

You know how the song says:

"I know it looks like I'm insane, take a closer look I'm not to blame" or whatever it is.

I sort of feel it's really  the opposite...on the surface it looks like he's to blame and lazy and stuff but I really think it's just his personality and he's a bit nuts.

Sort of a good nuts - like a creative genius nuts. But I think it's just the way his head works. One day he can write estranged. Next day he can't remember the lyrics to SCOM. Next day he can write madagascar. I mean who really understands why our minds work like they do.

I can see it looks lazy. But that would just be so dumb of him. And he never struck me as dumb. Whatever else he may or may not be I don't think he's stupid.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Why is Axl fucking up 25 year old songs?

Axlin16 wrote:

Well hold on a sec, I don't think he's consciously lazy. I don't think he wakes up and goes "how can I fuck up this show today, hmm".

I think it just comes with the territory. We ALL do it. You tell me if you were jobless, or had downtime for 8-9 months, no work at all, just at home, occasionally go out to dine or party, but mostly stay at home and do nothing...

If you suddenly start a new full time job, there's gonna be a transition phase, and even worse if you're getting older, like Axl. We all would be there.

I just don't think Axl took or is taking these aspects into consideration.

If it had been me I would've at least walked on the treadmill so many miles a day for weeks, and been performing mock concerts, so that when the concerts DID start, I was already in "working" condition, and not as quick to get the aches and pains and windedness and exhaustion that comes with being "cold", from so much time of inactivity.

Like I said, we ALL would do it. Anybody remember being off in the summers from school? How even young, it'd still take you about a month to catch a gear once the school year first started?

Same shit here. I just think Axl should've taken that into account.

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