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 Rep: 633 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 268 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Olorin wrote:

Eternally behind the times and outta touch, I finally got a Wii today.

First impressions...

Everything feels a bit flimsy, this is my first modern generation console but not that suprised, nothings built to last anymore hmm

It looks like shit, my fucking modem has more character. Why do all modern consoles look so shite? Fuck when I was a lad your console sat proudly on display and looked badass, these new ones are designed to be pushed under a unit and forgotten about, bollocks to that.

Graphics are not that far advanced from the Gamecube, I'm not bothered bout that though, I only got it to play Zelda anyway.

Fired Zelda on and tried to get to grips with the controls, this is my first time ever using a Wii.
It actually feels pretty natural and I and I havnt had any bother, very impressed to be honest. Just got my sword and giving it laldy, yee haa fuckin brilliant!!

Just noticed the fishtank beside my TV and suddenly that wriststrap doesnt seems so lame, especially now I'm half cut 5

 Rep: 59 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

Don't worry about the build quality, My kid has battered that wiimote off just about everything and the thing refuses to break. Nintendo has always built consoles that last and rarely give trouble.

If graphics are not too important to you then you should look forward to some good games on the wii. I prefer the xbox and like games to look good, but I do love some of the wii games too, gameplay always trumps graphics for me.

Heres a few Wii games you should look out for:

Donkey Kong Country - Returns

Dead Space - Extraction

Fatal Frame 4

Muramasa - The Demon Blade (old school 2d, think Shinobi)
Sin & Punishment

Monster Hunter Tri (not for everyone, but if it is, kiss much of your life away lol)

Red Steel 2 (do not buy the first one)

Pikmin 2

Sonic Colors

A Boy and His Blob (old school 2d)

Rayman Origins

The Last Kings Story

Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Deadly Creatures

Conduit 2

Metroid Other M

Resident Evil 4 (The best version by far)

Trauma Center - Second Opinion

Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn

Wario Ware - Smooth Moves

Metroid Prime Corruption (Buy the trilogy if you haven't played the first 2, MUST PLAY)

No More Heroes 2

Okami (a lesser Zelda)

Super Paper Mario

Super Smash Bros Brawl

Mario Kark

Zak & Wiki - Quest For Barabaros Treasure

Zelda - Twilight Princess (it's Zelda, you know it's good)

Madworld (tough and very short)

Super Mario Galaxy (outstanding)

Super Mario Galaxy 2 (possibly the best Mario of all time)

The Last Story (amazing)

Xenoblade Chronicles (Americans may need to hack the wii to play this, but it's worth it and wii is easy to hack, the best JRPG this decade)

Pandoras Tower

New Super Mario Bros

Kirbys Epic Yarn

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Back To The Future: The Game

A basic, easy, puzzle-game basically for all ages. Can only recommend it for fans of the Trilogy, but for those fans... very fun, and a must.

Takes place 6 months after the end of Part III in early 1986, and acts as a Part IV of sorts. The storyline is made up of cutting room floor storylines for Part II from Bob Gale, and is surprisingly good, interesting, and seems to fit well into the BTTF universe.

There's some unexpected twists and turns in the story, and for such a simplistic, no real gameplay-type of game makes up for it.

Definitely a recommendation for BTTF fans if just for the plot. There's also some winks at the Trilogy with little tidbits here and there referencing all the previous films, such as plotpoints from the original Trlogy built upons but not originally explored, Christopher Lloyd returns as Doc, as well as a couple other surprise guest appearences from the original cast.

The game consists of 5 episodes, "It's About Time", "Get Tannen!", "Citizen Brown", "Double Vision", and "Outatime". They treat the game as if it's Season 1, of a video game TV series based on the Trilogy.

Also of note is the guy they got to play Marty McFly is a DEAD ON impersonator of Michael J. Fox, circa 1982-1992.

It's one of the better video games based directly on a movie/TV franchise that i've seen (which isn't saying much, granted).

7.5/10 - Good

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Olorin wrote:

Cheers Irish, I'll check them out.

Got Super Mario Galaxy 2 yesterday, seen a lot of good reviews, only played it for half an hour or so but not that impressed so far. Mabye I'm over thinking it, is it just a case of running around with no real purpose? If so mabye I'll just plow through it and see where it takes me.

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:

SMG2 is the greatest videogame ever

skyward sword was a GREAT zelda. not the greatest zelda but close & the best since Wind Waker, maybe since Majora's Mask.

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Olorin wrote:

lol so tell me, why is this Mario game so good? Mabye I should get the first one and play that before starting this, would that break me in better?

I'm loving Skyward Sword, it takes me back to Ocarina where everything was new, the games familar but the contols are a whole new experience for me. I've started wearing that wrist strap, I'm swinging my sword around like fuck full of the voddy and its only a matter time before my fish tank gets it.

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Olorin wrote:

Is there any good tennis games for the wii?

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

johndivney wrote:
Olorin wrote:

lol so tell me, why is this Mario game so good? Mabye I should get the first one and play that before starting this, would that break me in better?

I'm loving Skyward Sword, it takes me back to Ocarina where everything was new, the games familar but the contols are a whole new experience for me. I've started wearing that wrist strap, I'm swinging my sword around like fuck full of the voddy and its only a matter time before my fish tank gets it.

in SS there is an option under the #1 or #2 button where you can adjust the sensitivity of the wii-mote. think it's something like 'beginner/medium/pro" the three options & if you select pro it means you don't need such large thrusts of the wiimote you can perform the actions with an easy flick of the arm/wrist.

as for SMG2, well it's head spinning & head melting. hilarious & achingly fun.
it's not only platforming perfection, it's nintendo perfecting their own blend of magic. exhilarating, breathtaking fun.

and at a time when videogames are obsessed with narrative as an attempt to justify their maturity or their worthiness as art, nintendo polish their imagination, wonder & splendour into the simple joys of what really make videogames special & unique (& artistic). it is sheer unadulterated pleasure. even when it's being mean & difficult it's then it achieves an heightened hilarity (star 242 anyone?!). you jump, bash goomba's, solve puzzles & rescue the princess - like all mario's, simple but effective. but the level design this time around is the greatest they've ever come up with.
it's like it pushes the laws of physics to breaking point, & then dances on it's grave.

in 20+ yrs of playing games, none have kept me smiling as long & as often as SMG2.

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Olorin wrote:

Zelda is pretty much the only game I've played in the last 6 years, even that was rarely. I just dont fancy modern gaming enough, feel like I'm too old for it, but mabye this Wii will get me back into it all. The only time I've really been tempted to get a PS3 was recently when I seen the classic mode in Sonic Generations, looks amazing, I loved the originals.

I wondered what that beginner/medium/pro thing meant, couldnt fathom it, mind you I'm only swinging the mote around like fuck cause I'm a badass swordsman, I'd still be doing it on pro setting 22

Gonnie chuck Mario G2 on for a wee while and see how it goes, I see there is a mario tennis out as well, any good?

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