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- DoubleTalkingJive
- Rep: 74
As CSS wished everyone a Happy Easter in the Nothing Thread, I'll continue it here.
- monkeychow
- Rep: 661
- monkeychow
- Rep: 661
LOL it is your tomorrow here now (granted only 1.46am but hey...thats excuse enough for me)
well tommorrow is the actual day...but the town put on a easter egg hunt for today for the kids
it sucked though it was ages 3-5 so the five year olds are far more advanced that 3 year my daughter only got 2 eggs she looks at me and says i want more daddy
on top of that the parents were like runnning out and protecting big piles of egs for thier kids people are so rude..but this little boy came over and gave my daughter one of his eggs so that was really nice of him (or his mother to tell him to do it)
anyway all in all she had fun and i guess thats what counts but there is no way they should put 5yo's in with 3 yo's
on top of that the parents were like runnning out and protecting big piles of egs for thier kids
Thats got to be one of the lamest things I've ever heard in my life. This world has gone down the toilet.
Like my grandma says, the devil is on the loose......
Next year maybe you should skip egg hunts and just buy her one of those easter baskets that has candy and toys in it(you can mail me the Cadbury eggs ) At her age(and even a bit older), she'll like it because its basically a present. You can even add things to the basket. I don't have kids, but my youngest cousin is seven, and he has no one his age to do egg hunts with. My aunt bought him one of those baskets, and everyone put a few things in it. Tons of candy, and he even has two 360 games in it.
- Communist China
- Rep: 130