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 Rep: 664 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

James wrote:

 Rep: 20 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

dalethirsty wrote:

it's crazy how much solo creative output bucket had while in gn'r. he dropped like 5 solo albums, played guitar for several other bands, and recorded for movie soundtracks, all while uncle axl sat around combing through different mixes of drum ambience.

it's even crazier how bucket could have saved his best stuff for axl, who only used a fraction and kept the rest hidden in storage lockers across america. thank the heavens we finally heard that zodiac riff! bucket

James wrote:

I hope he didn't take a bunch of his GNR stuff back and use it on his own material.

bermuda triangle and some of the electric tears stuff sounds inspired by the stuff he was doing with guns at the time. i could actually see bermuda triangle being built from ideas and sketches from the cd sessions. it's an electronic rock album with drum machines and killer guitar solos.

you could throw "sea of expanding shapes" on one of these leak files and it'd sound right at home.

but knowing axl, he probably had a clause in the contract that said "any music played or recorded inside the chicken coop is automatically property of guns n' roses" 14

another interesting note: bucket's song "jumpman" came out right before joining guns and the "dub suplex" riff sounds mighty similar:

 Rep: 341 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

bigbri wrote:
dalethirsty wrote:

it's crazy how much solo creative output bucket had while in gn'r. he dropped like 5 solo albums, played guitar for several other bands, and recorded for movie soundtracks, all while uncle axl sat around combing through different mixes of drum ambience.

it's even crazier how bucket could have saved his best stuff for axl, who only used a fraction and kept the rest hidden in storage lockers across america. thank the heavens we finally heard that zodiac riff! bucket

James wrote:

I hope he didn't take a bunch of his GNR stuff back and use it on his own material.

bermuda triangle and some of the electric tears stuff sounds inspired by the stuff he was doing with guns at the time. i could actually see bermuda triangle being built from ideas and sketches from the cd sessions. it's an electronic rock album with drum machines and killer guitar solos.

you could throw "sea of expanding shapes" on one of these leak files and it'd sound right at home.

but knowing axl, he probably had a clause in the contract that said "any music played or recorded inside the chicken coop is automatically property of guns n' roses" 14

another interesting note: bucket's song "jumpman" came out right before joining guns and the "dub suplex" riff sounds mighty similar:


GREAT CATCH on the Jumpman-Dub Suplex riff. I knew I had heard it somewhere before.

Sea of Expanding Shapes does have the feel of some of these instrumental leaks. And it is easily in my top 5 Bucket songs. The solo is orgasmic.

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

AtariLegend wrote:
sic wrote:

"95% of Zutaut's job was to listen to all the songs. 'There were probably 50 or 60 songs on four or five CDs with 12-15 songs a piece.'" (Classic Rock, 04/08)

sic wrote:

"'I had to go through those songs and then sit with Axl and work with him directly to pick and choose which songs would be worth finishing...' A nocturnal worker, Axl's irregular time-keeping was also causing its own problems... 'He'd come to the studio once or twice a week,' says Zutaut, 'and then we might be there for two weeks because he stays to work on stuff.'" (Classic Rock, 04/08)

I think there's a decent chance some of these tracks may have never got vocals.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

James wrote:
dalethirsty wrote:

it's crazy how much solo creative output bucket had while in gn'r. he dropped like 5 solo albums, played guitar for several other bands, and recorded for movie soundtracks, all while uncle axl sat around combing through different mixes of drum ambience.

it's even crazier how bucket could have saved his best stuff for axl, who only used a fraction and kept the rest hidden in storage lockers across america. thank the heavens we finally heard that zodiac riff! bucket

You're right. Not prolific as in ' let's release 50 pikes a month' prolific, but very active output considering he had joined one of the best bands in the world working on a major project.

The year before he joins Guns, he released Colma and Monsters & Robots, two of his best albums, probably what caused Axl to show interest.

Then he's got Slaughterhouse, Funnel Weaver, and 2002's double whammy of Bermuda Triangle and Electric Tears, arguably his best album yet.

The year of his official departure from Guns  is toasted with Population Override and Cuckoo Clocks of Hell.


Yeah there's one with Jumpman-Dub. There's gotta be more.

Years ago fans speculated that Axl would own any material recorded during Chinese. That may not be the case.

Anyone want to dig through his 500 albums since and find the rest?   tongue

 Rep: 16 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

ClaudeF wrote:

Possibly never got them, but possibly never needed them. It would have been exciting if Axl tried more instrumentals. It would give his voice a chance to rest, while giving him and the band a chance to cut loose as musicians.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

James wrote:
AtariLegend wrote:

I think there's a decent chance some of these tracks may have never got vocals.

I think so too.

Stuff like Dub Suplex unlikely to become a real song.

I'm starting to wonder if the talk of A & B list was tracks on a B list are instrumental/scratch vocals and if something gets deemed worthy, it moves up to the A list as a priority such as Oklahoma (Berlin) and Elvis(Soul Monster).

It that is a pattern, a song's working title changing appears to show it's in album contention.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

James wrote:
ClaudeF wrote:

Possibly never got them, but possibly never needed them. It would have been exciting if Axl tried more instrumentals. It would give his voice a chance to rest, while giving him and the band a chance to cut loose as musicians.

There's a song from his 2009 album A Diamond in the Rough called Squid Ink and the moment I heard it I wished he had gave it to Axl.

 Rep: 44 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

sp1at wrote:

I saw the other post, but Ben Hur was actually filmed at Circus Maximus in Rome. I don't know if that is another angle (wrt the track "Seven"). Chariot races typically took place over seven laps, Rome is built on seven hills and had seven kings.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

bigbri wrote:
sp1at wrote:

I saw the other post, but Ben Hur was actually filmed at Circus Maximus in Rome. I don't know if that is another angle (wrt the track "Seven"). Chariot races typically took place over seven laps, Rome is built on seven hills and had seven kings.

Circus Maximus is Seven.

That’s what we’ve figured out, right, with these additional “coincidences” of fact?

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