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 Rep: 44 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

sp1at wrote:
bigbri wrote:
sp1at wrote:

I saw the other post, but Ben Hur was actually filmed at Circus Maximus in Rome. I don't know if that is another angle (wrt the track "Seven"). Chariot races typically took place over seven laps, Rome is built on seven hills and had seven kings.

Circus Maximus is Seven.

That’s what we’ve figured out, right, with these additional “coincidences” of fact?

I don't know. It's just a suggestion more than anything

 Rep: 4 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

Vale wrote:

Just like with Cuban Skies being If The World, we don't know anything until we get another song title fact check with Axl or more developed demos with the according titles. So maybe we'll never find out sad

 Rep: 44 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

sp1at wrote:
Vale wrote:

Just like with Cuban Skies being If The World, we don't know anything until we get another song title fact check with Axl or more developed demos with the according titles. So maybe we'll never find out sad

Very true. It just dawned on me there that Circus Maximus sounded Roman, so I thought I'd see what it was haha

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

AtariLegend wrote:


Ermm. I thought about it and I'm not sure how my original conclusion came about.

Worth pointing, I went back to the old mygnr thread with wes and it was claimed he actually had the 2006 leaks since nov. 04. So just for reference with the time line of those mixes and lack of the orchestra arangements, they were probably 02.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

bigbri wrote:
sp1at wrote:
bigbri wrote:
sp1at wrote:

I saw the other post, but Ben Hur was actually filmed at Circus Maximus in Rome. I don't know if that is another angle (wrt the track "Seven"). Chariot races typically took place over seven laps, Rome is built on seven hills and had seven kings.

Circus Maximus is Seven.

That’s what we’ve figured out, right, with these additional “coincidences” of fact?

I don't know. It's just a suggestion more than anything

That would be a helluva lot of coincidences for Circus NOT to be Seven.

I think we’re on to something.

 Rep: 44 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

sp1at wrote:
bigbri wrote:
sp1at wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Circus Maximus is Seven.

That’s what we’ve figured out, right, with these additional “coincidences” of fact?

I don't know. It's just a suggestion more than anything

That would be a helluva lot of coincidences for Circus NOT to be Seven.

I think we’re on to something.

It helps that it sounds like a song that could be turned into a ballad, and it is melodic at the end

In the bible, Rome was known as the city of the seven hills. Ben Hur was apparently set in AD26

More about the number seven … hills-148/


The number seven pops up a lot in Italian culture. It’s the most used number in the Bible, is sometimes used to symbolize completeness (if you believe the Earth was made in seven days), there are seven Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church and Rome had seven kings.

Rome itself began life as seven individual communities, each sat on top of a hill. According to legend, the original settlement called Rome was founded by the first king, Romulus, in 753 BC on Palatine Hill.


Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

AtariLegend wrote:

Circus is listed as version 1. Ides was supposed to have been around for a few years earlier.

I know Chinese is listed as version 1. So my first thought was that maybe the version 1 beside it (not the bracket numbers) means it was the first version considered ready?

I'm not sure, but Circus doesn't have vocals. I'm just saying maybe it isn't ides, just because it starts with a loop and has a roman themed name.

I cannot make heads or tails of these numbers. Then there's the fact that rm1 Atlas from March 00 sounds ready, but they were still tinkering with it the next year.

Alot of questions.

 Rep: 200 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

apex-twin wrote:
bigbri wrote:
sp1at wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Circus Maximus is Seven.

That’s what we’ve figured out, right, with these additional “coincidences” of fact?

I don't know. It's just a suggestion more than anything

That would be a helluva lot of coincidences for Circus NOT to be Seven.

I think we’re on to something.

What if,

Ides of March (~98) = Circus Maximus (~00) = VII (~02-)?


 Rep: 4 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

wasted wrote:

I thought Devious quote something to do with Seven?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Tracks missing from the leaked CD's

James wrote:
wasted wrote:

I thought Devious quote something to do with Seven?

It quotes Shepard's Freedom 7 flight.

It's either coincidence or maybe a piece of the song was used later on.

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