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 Rep: 44 

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

sp1at wrote:
otto wrote:
elevendayempire wrote:
sp1at wrote:

They are mainly reworking Axl songs.

I was really hoping we were going to get some Fortus/Slash co-written stuff, but oh well.

I've heard early 2019 it was basically Axl material (think 1998 onwards) plus 2 or 3 left overs from the 95-96 sessions that were even mentioned by Fortis before.

Something like 80-20.

No idea how reliable this is but seems to meet sp1at  statement

What I have is just follow ups from interviews really, and getting people to ask questions.

More was mentioned on reworking Axl material because they liked it and because it would be easier to release it, but Slash and Duff have submitted material and older material exists, and Axl was quiet all last year, so who knows what he was doing.

Common sense says it will be reworked old material because of the lack on imprint on the net, and because the band are bumping out dates with confidence. Remember there were up to 90 old tracks.

Will new music be released in 2020?

Yes, Q1 26%
Yes, Q2 7%
Yes, Q3 2%
Yes, Q4 12%
No 52%
Total votes: 42

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

Sky Dog wrote:

I’m sticking with Q4. axl 21 duff

 Rep: 4 

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

wasted wrote:

The real problem we have is they don’t need to put out anything. But I think maybe pride is a motivating factor but being men they may have other priorities.

Given Guns’ past writing history they have always used multiple writers, Slash and Duff were never huge writers. There’s quite often someone else in the mix. Slash has a couple of credits on AFD and few solo things on UYI. But it was never a Axl/Slash writing team. The creative process seems like total chaos.

But Slash and Duff seemed to take on the songs and rework them, even on AFD Izzy had a bunch of songs and Slash re did them. SCOM was Axl lyrics and Izzy cords at first.

So giving Slash a load of ideas to work off is nothing new. It seems to take him out of his comfort zone too. A lot VR and solo is repetitive. GNRis great because it has all these elements, it just probably takes longer to pull them to together. Slash is talented enough to do his stuff and Izzy and Axl’s. So I don’t think a few CD era songs will phase him. I doubt Slash could write a GNR album on his own anyway, it would be too premeditated and stale.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

gavgnr wrote:

I think the intention is/was Q1 but in true Guns fashion it’ll be late 2020.

 Rep: 83 

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

otto wrote:
sp1at wrote:
otto wrote:
elevendayempire wrote:

I was really hoping we were going to get some Fortus/Slash co-written stuff, but oh well.

I've heard early 2019 it was basically Axl material (think 1998 onwards) plus 2 or 3 left overs from the 95-96 sessions that were even mentioned by Fortis before.

Something like 80-20.

No idea how reliable this is but seems to meet sp1at  statement

What I have is just follow ups from interviews really, and getting people to ask questions.

More was mentioned on reworking Axl material because they liked it and because it would be easier to release it, but Slash and Duff have submitted material and older material exists, and Axl was quiet all last year, so who knows what he was doing.

Common sense says it will be reworked old material because of the lack on imprint on the net, and because the band are bumping out dates with confidence. Remember there were up to 90 old tracks.

Yeah, I don't think lack of material is a reason to not release anything. Maybe getting it to a "classic GNR standard" (whatever Axl, Slash and Duff think it is) is the challenge.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

wasted wrote:

I think they might play something new live towards the end of this year to light the fuse for 2021. 1991-2021. Then release the album just after Rock in Rio.

 Rep: 44 

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

sp1at wrote:

Slash with

Speaking of Guns, have you got anything more you can share about the new album?
“There’s been no definitive answer on anything and I’ll just keep keep to that. Stuff is happening, but there are no specifics. More than anything, it’s because of the nature of the industry right now. It’s just like, how do you want to do this? I mean there’s material and there’s recording and there’s shit going on, but we’re not really sure what we’re doing with it right now.”

The music industry in 2020 is a lot different to the last time you all made a Guns record.
“Yeah! And there’s a handful people who said, ’Yeah, make a record and go old school’. And there’s a handful of people that are like, ’We don’t even know what buying a record is any more!’” I mean there’s material and there’s recording and there’s shit going on, but we’re not really sure what we’re doing with it right now.”

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

AtariLegend wrote:
sp1at wrote:

Slash with

Speaking of Guns, have you got anything more you can share about the new album?
“There’s been no definitive answer on anything and I’ll just keep keep to that. Stuff is happening, but there are no specifics. More than anything, it’s because of the nature of the industry right now. It’s just like, how do you want to do this? I mean there’s material and there’s recording and there’s shit going on, but we’re not really sure what we’re doing with it right now.”

The music industry in 2020 is a lot different to the last time you all made a Guns record.
“Yeah! And there’s a handful people who said, ’Yeah, make a record and go old school’. And there’s a handful of people that are like, ’We don’t even know what buying a record is any more!’” I mean there’s material and there’s recording and there’s shit going on, but we’re not really sure what we’re doing with it right now.”

Well there's only 49 Tuesdays left in 2020 and if not, there's always 2030.

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

Sky Dog wrote:

Lol....and the beat goes on! 21

 Rep: 55 

Re: Will new music be released in 2020?

FlashFlood wrote:

I’m still confident, and I get Slash’s point, but what in the world is so hard about releasing ONE FUCKING SONG.

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