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 Rep: 130 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

HOLY SHIT...did you know that 4 people died in BENGHAZIIIIII???????


 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:

I agree Flagg, the US did basically 'begin' 2 or 3 weeks after EU. Sounds petty but we'll see where the US numbers are versus EU today. Although, they generally similar.

Secondly, you're comment at the end is odd. To say that 'draconian measures werent' needed for .04 death rate', because that's exactly what EU did!!  If we hadn't done draconian measures such as quarantine & masks, then numbers could be much higher than EU. The fact that the numbers match tells me that draconian measures worked.

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
PaSnow wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

You're a prick...never...ever forget that....prick...

Its such a dumb argument I've seen already.

In a nutshell:
50,000 people tested, 500 deaths.
100,000 people tested, 700 deaths.

See, less people are dying from it!! Whoo-hoooo.
Uhm, no, more people are dying from it.
Nuhh-uhhh, 700 is only .0007% percentile, whereas before it was .001%
Yes, but 700 is more than 500.

He never has a point...he's an instigator cock sucker...for 3 months now he's been trying to pretend none of this is real and prove through his youtube research that he knows better....

Not a single criticism of Trump or his administration's handling of anything....but plenty of criticism for you and me.

Deny the spikes
Deny the numbers
Deny the virus
Deny everything

This isn't even close to true.

But you are giving the reported button a workout today.  The homophobic slur was a nice touch for a liberal...

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

So rather than just post about something I spent 3 minutes reading on the shitter, I spent the past 1.5 hours researching COVID-19 numbers in the US and the EU.  I did this because this is the only sane comparison you can make between the US and any other similarly populated and geographic location.  I know most of you won't even respond to this post, so the effort I've put in to it was for me, and to objectively look at the data, to have an informed basis to form more complex opinions.  If you haven't done this, please don't make the false claim that I'm not informed as well as you.  You don't get that platform when you're too lazy to put in the effort.  I'll link to every source so you can confirm for yourself (as you should do when you are presented with any claim from any source), but if you're going to disagree with me based on the numbers, please don't pretend they don't exist.

The EU has approximately 26% more people than the US (346M v 329M).*1 The EU has reported 1.557M cases and 176.8K deaths for a total death per 100k count of 39.64. *2  The US has reported 2.581M cases and 126.7k dead for a total death per 100k count of 38.52.*3

That puts the EU at 39.64 dead per 100k, and the US at 38.52 dead per 100k.  So pretty similar.  We also see that the percent dead per group is .4% in the EU and .39% in the US.  Again, pretty similar. 

So off the numbers alone, you can see that the US and EU are very similar, with the US insignificantly better from a numbers point.  And this doesn't account for the discrepancies in  ascribing a COVID death, which is much more liberal in the US depending on state.  Immediately it needs to be noted that 3 EU countries aren't reporting data: Cyprus, Czech Republic, and Luxembourg .  The EU itself does not report on how many tests have been done, but this site tracked the reports from all EU nations that provide that information.*4  We see that in the US, 33.6M tests have been done, whereas total reported tests from EU countries that report their figures are 25.4M.  If you want to understand why the argument that increased testing leads to more positive tests, this is it.  US figures from the CDC state that of the 33.6M tests, 3.2M return positive.*5  As the US is only reporting 2.581M cases of COVID, 3.2M tests being positive means that 20% of positive patients took a duplicate positive test , and wouldn't align with the notion that "10% of people tested for COVID have it.  If every test was given to one person one time, our positive test rate would be 7.6%.  As the EU doesn't report positive test rates (because they don't report test amounts), I have no comparison to make.  But as other areas were so similar, we can make an educated guess. 

As the EU does a poor job of reporting tests and some of the individual country's data is a few weeks old, we know the total amount of tests done in the EU is higher, but not by a significant amount. So 25.4M test x 7.6% is 1.931M cases, which is roughly 400k more than is presently reported.  Again, more tests, more positives.  But here's the real kicker, let's compare deaths per confirmed cases.  That's the apples to apples comparison you really need. The EU has 1.556M cases and 176k dead, so 11% of their cases are fatalities.  The US on the other hand (which has done much more testing) has 2.581M cases, and 127K deaths, for a 4.9% death rate for confirmed cases. Maybe if someone who was in control of information had an agenda, they would intentionally omit this data in favor of counts that appear negative to their opponents. 

If anything, the EU has handled the COVID Pandemic worse than the US, and many European countries don't enforce mask wear which is mandated at least in Western Pennsylvania, which broke 100 new cases for the first time since our first positive in March. 

So my position is that a virus that kills .39% of the population, 81% of which is over the age of 65, doesn't justify draconian measures and the absolute hale of the economy and more importantly, daily life.*6

1.) … pean_Union and
3.) … in-us.html
4.) … y-country/
5.) … in-us.html
6.) … /9bhg-hcku

This analysis fails to take into consideration 2 things....

1) It all hit Europe much sooner than it did us....

2) An intentional misleading of the trends going on very recently....we were not asking for an over all analysis.

Nobody cares what you asked for.  Sit down son.

 Rep: 423 

Re: US Politics Thread

buzzsaw wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I agree Flagg, the US did basically 'begin' 2 or 3 weeks after EU. Sounds petty but we'll see where the US numbers are versus EU today. Although, they generally similar.

Secondly, you're comment at the end is odd. To say that 'draconian measures werent' needed for .04 death rate', because that's exactly what EU did!!  If we hadn't done draconian measures such as quarantine & masks, then numbers could be much higher than EU. The fact that the numbers match tells me that draconian measures worked.

"could" and "might" - the left's favorite words to use in headlines.  Lots of thing could or might happen, but let's focus on the things that fit our agenda. 

I'm not kidding.  Go look at the headlines.  How many have "could" or "might" in them?  Serious question.

Here's one that doesn't: … 34275.html

All these months later and they still don't know dick.  So for anyone that thought they had figured it all out (snow), try again.

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I agree Flagg, the US did basically 'begin' 2 or 3 weeks after EU. Sounds petty but we'll see where the US numbers are versus EU today. Although, they generally similar.

Secondly, you're comment at the end is odd. To say that 'draconian measures werent' needed for .04 death rate', because that's exactly what EU did!!  If we hadn't done draconian measures such as quarantine & masks, then numbers could be much higher than EU. The fact that the numbers match tells me that draconian measures worked.

"could" and "might" - the left's favorite words to use in headlines.  Lots of thing could or might happen, but let's focus on the things that fit our agenda. 

I'm not kidding.  Go look at the headlines.  How many have "could" or "might" in them?  Serious question.

Here's one that doesn't: … 34275.html

All these months later and they still don't know dick.  So for anyone that thought they had figured it all out (snow), try again.

This in no way proves me wrong. Therefore, I'm still right tho.

Keep trying 22

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

But here's the real kicker, let's compare deaths per confirmed cases.  That's the apples to apples comparison you really need. The EU has 1.556M cases and 176k dead, so 11% of their cases are fatalities.  The US on the other hand (which has done much more testing) has 2.581M cases, and 127K deaths, for a 4.9% death rate for confirmed cases. Maybe if someone who was in control of information had an agenda, they would intentionally omit this data in favor of counts that appear negative to their opponents.

I don't get the fascination with 'death percentage', yet it's such data gymnastics its become a solid republican/deniers talking point. The fact that we do more testing but our 'death percentage' is only 4.9% as opposed to EUs 11%, only says that EU had many more cases undetected, and if they did more testing, their 'death percentage' would have been 4.9% too.  ?!

Also, let's say 500 die per day for two weeks, then for 3 days in a row in jumps to 700 per day?  Isn't THAT what would be alarming, regardless of the percentage per cases (lets say the 'percentage' goes down from 4.9 to 3.8 due to more testing). Isn't more total deaths the stat to look at? 

I feel you're seeking stats in your favor without a reason for it as an indicator.

 Rep: 341 

Re: US Politics Thread

bigbri wrote:

Death rate is flawed data. Look at all-cause mortality.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

bigbri wrote:

Death rate is flawed data. Look at all-cause mortality.

Can you clarify what you mean by this, and what direction it leads you in?

 Rep: 341 

Re: US Politics Thread

bigbri wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
bigbri wrote:

Death rate is flawed data. Look at all-cause mortality.

Can you clarify what you mean by this, and what direction it leads you in?

I’m trying to track down. There were some stories about this early in the year.

I’m not sure how familiar you are with this, so please don’t take this as talking down to anyone.

Basically, it is looking at data for all reported deaths in this period of 2020 vs. the average/reported deaths in this same period in previous years. If historical data suggests we should experience X number of deaths and we really experience XY, then we can reasonably guess those excess deaths are covid related.

The problem with some of the early deaths is there weren’t even reliable tests available. That’s why California discovered a covid death way back in December. They went back and tested samples of people who died of symptoms similar.

At any rate, I don’t know who holds these statistics, but it just happens that there was research reported today, coincidentally. Here’s the main takeaway:

“From Mar 1 to May 30, there were about 781,000 all-cause deaths in 48 states, 95,235 officially attributed to COVID-19, leaving 122,300 more than would be expected during that period. The researchers said that although they cannot classify the deaths as due to COVID-19, flu activity had fallen to historically low levels in March.“

Something caused all those excess deaths. Of course the main variable is covid. Do all those unexpected deaths actually involve covid? Probably not, but most certainly most of them do.

Here’s two stories on the research, but they basically say the same thing: … ified-such … rue-burden

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