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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Covid 19

misterID wrote:

Everyone has been coming down with Covid lately and it’s been pretty nasty. Is there a new strain going around?

I finally got it this week after 2.5 years. Not the death sentence or nightmare it was hyped to be, but definitely sucks. Sore throat, congestion and just general malaise.

Guess there’s no point in me getting the new booster.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Covid 19

misterID wrote:

Shit dude, you’re like the tenth person I know who caught it in the last three weeks. Hope you feel better

Axl S
 Rep: 112 

Re: Covid 19

Axl S wrote:

When I had it earlier this year it sucked, but only one day stood as really bad. Felt crushed by it for a whole day, can't recall being that sick in a long time.

Other than that, just long 4-6 week recovery back to full normal. Just had another bug recently (not Covid - did a test) and it had 2 bad days but none as bad as Covid. Even this thing though has left me feeling rough for the past week.

It's winter, lots of bugs going around. Get your flu and covid shots - putting the other shit like long Covid to one side, just having catching these things sucks to deal with.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Covid 19

James wrote:

I got it.

It mainly felt like a head cold for a few days. A bit congested as well and that "sick" taste had this weird chemical taste to it. Weird. Also had a stomachache so haven't eaten much the past couple days.

Getting over it now thank God.

This must be a mild strain going around. Definitely not the doomsday variant going around 1-2 years ago.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Covid 19

slashsfro wrote:
Axl S wrote:

When I had it earlier this year it sucked, but only one day stood as really bad. Felt crushed by it for a whole day, can't recall being that sick in a long time.

I caught it earlier this year as well, like in Feb.  I definitely had one of those days where you feel totally tired and bereft of energy.

For all you that have recently caught it, get well soon.

Triple H
 Rep: 2 

Re: Covid 19

Triple H wrote:

I'm unvaccinated. I  caught it back in March (I think, never tested). Felt a bit crummy for 2 days, stayed home for a week to be sure like a rational, responsible adult  and was back to full health within 6 days.  Definitely felt way worse in the past with regular flus and colds. Get your endless boosters though every 4 months or whatever fuckery they are recommending these days. People might wanna look at lifestyle choices and healthy living as a more viable long term approach rather than endlessly injecting themselves with poison that doesn't work worth a shit.  Crazy how everyone who's pumped full of poison seem to struggle getting over this thing. It's almost as if......... Then again I'm an 'anti vax conspiracy theorist".

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: Covid 19

I'm definitely feeling better.  But I lost my sense of smell last night (day 5) and tested positive this morning (day 6).  Other than some sniffles I feel perfectly fine.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Covid 19

James wrote:

My nose is stopped up and I didn't even eat anything yesterday. Other than that, I feel ok.

My aunt went to the hospital yesterday with pneumonia. She had to stay. She's already doing better thank God.

She seemed to have got the worst of it out of the family.

 Rep: 53 

Re: Covid 19

slashsfro wrote:

Honestly, just treat it like a flu or bad cold.   It sounds like you guys aren't doing too bad.
Did your aunt have preexisting medical conditions or was elderly?

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