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 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

What do these protesters think they’re accomplishing? Protests don’t do anything. Why don’t these people go over there and do something about it if they don’t like it?

Unbelievable privilege to sit around campus protesting.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Current Events...

guts wrote:

 Rep: 221 

Re: Current Events...

polluxlm wrote:

Great song. Never heard it before.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

oh god...the missing 90s years leading up to Slash quitting (and Duff). Slash needed something to do. Found it.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Current Events...

James wrote:

That is pretty good. Other than a few songs, not much of an Alice Cooper fan.

oh god...the missing 90s years leading up to Slash quitting (and Duff). Slash needed something to do. Found it.

I want the timeline where he doesn't do all this stuff and instead uses his brain like Keith Richards and refuses to leave the band under any circumstances.

Him bailing so quickly with so little effort put into staying robbed the music world of so much.

 Rep: 130 

Re: Current Events...

mitchejw wrote:

James...I don't recall our exact age difference but I think you're a tad older than me. Why does this matter? I think you were in high school around this time. I was in high school shortly couldn't be a bigger douche bag than a Gn'R fan in the late 90s, early 2000s...I took Axl's words to heart, you stand behind your music like a political statement.

I was the Gn'R fan while boy bands and jail bait female acts took over and I took a lot of critical abuse for this...

Slash in the mid-late 90s seemed clueless in some ways. He avoided confrontation by just leaving. In retrospect, this is a hard thing to reconcile from the 'baddest band on the planet' lead guitar player.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Current Events...

-Jack- wrote:

Presidential debate this Thursday… (tomorrow!!!)

I’m sure it will be a shit show… but I will be watching lol. Anyone else?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Current Events...

misterID wrote:

I’m in a Twitter group chat with George Santos, dude is fucking hilarious. I can’t see how this debate won’t be a clown show.

This would be the perfect moment for an actual populist to run. Still begrudgingly like Trump better than Biden. RFK is a joke

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Current Events...

Smoking Guns wrote:

Tomorrow is going to be an embarrassment.

 Rep: 39 

Re: Current Events...

-Jack- wrote:

Any thoughts? My main thought is, "I wonder how many people watched the debate?"

I didn't hear many people talking about it beforehand. But I've also been off work and laying low/not socializing. Biden looked awful. I think that the debate format, which was supposed to hurt Trump (no audience, no interrupting from other candidate by shutting their mic off,) ended up helping him a lot. Biden seems most effective at calling Trump a liar and beating him in chaotic shouting matches... when he has 2 minutes to talk freely his cognitive decline is clear. Trump is better when he isn't baited into shouting matches, especially with Biden.

I think Trump started strong and got weaker during the debate but I don't know if that mattered all that much since Biden was struggling so hard.

Anyway I still think Biden wins in November mysteriously... but who knows.

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