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 Rep: 633 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 19 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

yeah the rhythm rocks, but nothing mindblowing like people make it out to be on forums i think. the focus is still vocals and solos.

what i mean is, the majority of the guitarwork is bucket....yet no threads started to praise that...bumble plays rhythm in verse, many gnr forums open threads praising it like the new black.

weird big_smile

 Rep: 633 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 661 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

monkeychow wrote:

I actually think Bumble is UNDER rated as a guitarist...I wouldn't be surprised if we see him do some more kickass stuff by the time he is done with GNR. In any case he has taken CD to another level IMHO (just as bucket also did before him with the cool solos). I wish it didnt have to get to BBF vs Bucket...they are both amazing...but I think because people miss bucket they dismiss BBF...but the guy was personally recomended to Axl by Joe Satriani....i mean...come on...that doesn't happen unless you have some game.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

monkeychow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

He probably could have redid that Bucket solo completely. Instead it remains intact while he adds what he would call 'sleaze' to the track.

Yeah I love that...the sleaze vibe totally gives it a better FEEL and more GNRish to me. I feel the verse parts of some of the demos are sleepy...then you get to kickass bucket solos...this kinda livens it up a bit.

I love that we get Ron and Bucket too. I mean it would be kinda sad to have him re-do all the solos when some of them were grand...but it seems good that they've let him go crazy in places (shacklers) but respected bucket's existing work in others (CD).

This track rose so much in quality from the demo that i'm so pumped to hear the rest now!

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

I really like what he did with the track and I can't wait to hear it properly on a CD with a good sound system - that will really do the song and the album justice.

If you listen to the official promos you can hear that it'll sound way better once you get it in good quality.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

bigbri wrote:

He brought some AFD-likish licks, and I love it.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

Axlin16 wrote:

I don't know how much Ron has done. But I want to personally thank him for being so open and warm with fans. It's very cool.

 Rep: 109 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

Saikin wrote:

Big kudos to Ron for what he's done.  I like his rhythm work on CD a lot and he did really good on Shackler's Revenge. 

Right now, i don't really feel there's a competition between him and Bucket.  It looks like they will both get a lot of recognition for this.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Kudos to Bumblefoot

jimmythegent wrote:

I like what he's done on CD, but I said it another thread - I think it's mixed too loudly and buries some of the subtleties

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