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 Rep: 423 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

buzzsaw wrote:

Too deep for me.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

faldor wrote:

I agree with buzz on the US front.  I'm stoked the band is doing so well and sounding so good these days.  BUT, I think it's utterly ridiculous there's absolutely no indication of them touring the US anytime soon.  I love watching the youtube videos from time to time, they're great.  Don't get me wrong.  But I'd much rather see it live for myself than watch "This I Love" from halfway across the world for the 100th time.

However, there's just not as much to talk about when things are going well.  It's as simple as that.  How many different ways can I say, "Axl sounds great", "this band is tight", "things are going so well".  Sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse 9, so I don't feel the need to post the obvious over and over.

Someone made a good point about the Slash threads suffering from the same thing.  He's playing his ass off, putting on great shows.  But most of the threads in that section are dead as can be aside from the "Slash is on fire these days" like posts.  It's all the same.  I wouldn't read much of anything into it.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

monkeychow wrote:

^ Well at the risk of getting esoteric there's really not much else that can happen in these threads.

Both Slash and Axl are currently pretty active and by all accounts sounding pretty killer in their respective shows.

The posts can really only comment on that, or long for days gone yore, or complain about the less welcomed elements of the situation, but it's always going to be the same types of discussion when bands are on the tour part of a record cycle (more obvious in slash's case but I think also true in axl's just over a much longer period) and it's pretty much true of all bands.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Axlin16 wrote:

US folks - We can't talk tour, we can't talk about the new album, we can't talk about a reunion...

What's the point in being a fan of a band that doesn't exist on those terms? Kinda difficult these days.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

monkeychow wrote:

Sort of off topic, but while we're asking for stuff....

What's the status of the band and the label? Do they still owe material or anything? I'd be interested to see the band follow more of the NIN or Radiohead style model of doing their own thing - since Axl seems to prefer that way in general.

Is it true Axl films all the shows the band does?

It'd be cool to make a proshot bluray of the chinese democracy songs live....they could sell it online or something....I know it's not a new idea or anything...just seems to me like 90% of the structure for it to happen is they're already touring....the fanbase through sites like this and HTGTH is already in position to be marketed just needs someone to press record on the camcorder wink

 Rep: 664 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

James wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

I'd be interested to see the band follow more of the NIN or Radiohead style model of doing their own thing - since Axl seems to prefer that way in general.

What indication is there that he prefers it that way? I would say its the exact opposite...the less material he has to release, the better. he has not shown any drive since 1991 to be a creatively viable artist that actually releases his work.

He seems content to tour the hits every few years. He learned not to come here with it because that's when it hits a brick wall.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah, i'm starting to see it that way too. Axl is in no way Trent Reznor. He's either too lazy, too burnt, or too creatively exhausted, or a combo to continue to go on.

I know i'll get flamed for this, but I really think he knows, and doesn't want to admit, that guys like Izzy, Slash & Duff really fed him like a gas pump to a 4x4 pickup truck. He needs those guys and doesn't want to cop to it.

Although he enjoys playing the hits, and performing seems to have fun, creatively he's seemed bored since 1991.

CD, despite ending up a good album, is the clusterfuck of all rock albums. When you listen to it, it almost comes across as a man who doesn't want to work or can't phoning it in, because he got a bug up his ass in 1999 or a pile of bills, and decided to take another run at it. Obviously with the album's release in 2008, he regretted committing to it.

It saddens me, but I wonder if Axl blew his creative load on UYI and that's it. CD is almost like a collection of fragments of good ideas that other contract players whipped up into songs.

I always thought Axl was the best of his generation, but in alot of ways he was a one trick pony. He's like rock's Mark Prior. Prior was touted as the next great pitcher in baseball history. He was the power of Roger Clemens but with the finese of Greg Maddux. He was gonna be a legend. He finally makes it to the majors, has one real bonafide significant season in 2003 with the Cubs nearly making it to the World Series, and bam... the dude fades away, and within a few years was out of baseball completely. He's now a back-end rotation guy on a Double-A ball team in the sticks in the Rangers organization.

Why did I bore everyone with a baseball metaphor? Because Axl Rose is Mark Prior. And it bugs the hell out of me. Axl should've gotten to be Mick or Steven, like it was supposed to be.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Naltav wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

So talk about something positive instead of complaining that others like to complain and aren't.

Sir yes Sir!!

How about that Whole Lotta Rosie from Lille, France!!? That's some hungry fuckin' gunners on fire on that stage!!

(Wouldn't want you to start rambling about your important daytime job again and flexing your importance around here threatening to have me banned...)

faldor wrote:

I'm stoked the band is doing so well and sounding so good these days.  BUT, I think it's utterly ridiculous there's absolutely no indication of them touring the US anytime soon.  I love watching the youtube videos from time to time, they're great.  Don't get me wrong.  But I'd much rather see it live for myself than watch "This I Love" from halfway across the world for the 100th time.

Sure, I can understand fans from the US feeling a bit distanced from the action nowadays. Maybe there are more European members on HTGTH. As a European myself, perhaps it's easier to "get involved" when they're playing your backyard.

But sitting quitely on the sideline when things are good only to jump up and pound your chest and pointing fingers when things go wrong is just sad and petty...

 Rep: 70 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Naltav wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

He seems content to tour the hits every few years. He learned not to come here with it because that's when it hits a brick wall.

He do seem to enjoy performing new material.

Sure you can argue that it's NOT new material. But for the vast majority in attendance, it IS new material!

Latest gigs are seeing a lot of ChiDem. They're prolly playing more new material than other bands touring a new record...

 Rep: 287 

Re: Slash eyed Rose for solo album

Aussie wrote:
Naltav wrote:

But sitting quitely on the sideline when things are good only to jump up and pound your chest and pointing fingers when things go wrong is just sad and petty...

I think Faldor's posted addressed this issue perfectly:

However, there's just not as much to talk about when things are going well.  It's as simple as that.  How many different ways can I say, "Axl sounds great", "this band is tight", "things are going so well".  Sometimes I feel like I'm beating a dead horse , so I don't feel the need to post the obvious over and over.

If shit hits the fan it's something new to talk about simple as that!  If they announced a US tour, or a video or a new album etc people would talk about that too because it's something new.  It's not about people being sad or petty. 

Besides if you want to see a 24/7 cheer squad for GNR there is already a site that caters for that market.

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