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 Rep: 661 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

monkeychow wrote:
Bono wrote:

Just some quick thoughts. I saw this last night and it was fantastic. It got s little too "big" near the end but overall it was amazing.

Darth Vader will always eb the most iconic villan in my opinion but Heath's Joker si the greatest villan performance of all tiem in my opinion. It fucking killed it. Jack's Joker is a joke in comparison.  I was totally hypnotized every tiem the Joker was ont eh screen. Oscar deservng for damn sure.

Christan Bale is by far the best batman and Bruce Wayne in my opinion. he is now the classic Batman actor.

As for m concern with Maggie Gylenhall Taking over for Katie Holmes. Well she sucked I thoght. They might as well have cast her as the Joker with that stupid shit eating grin she had on her face every tiem she deliverd a line. Honestly Katie Holmes was much better in my opinion. Maggie played the roel like it was supposed ot be one long saracstic joke. terrible.

Yeah i didn't like her at all. Terrible casting choice I think. My only issue with the film really. Agree with basicly everything else you've said. Except I think it should be said that the writing plays a MAJOR role in all this isn't just that these are good actors (which they are) but its that the movie is written to let them actually shine as opposed to the earlier films that took good actors like Val Kilmer but gave them nothing to work with....

 Rep: 661 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

monkeychow wrote:
Rex wrote:

You should hire an escort and tell her to bring Batman Begins SO YOU CAN FINALLY WATCH IT!

Yeah and as long as you stick to Doggie Style everyone will be able to see the film! 14

 Rep: 77 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Von wrote:

Just became the #1 movie over at IMDb. Probably won't last through the weekend, but badass nonetheless.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 43 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

gnfnraxl wrote:

That was the absolute greatest movie I have ever seen.  The ending bummed me out a bit but not enough to meake me get out of there complaining.  I agree about Maggie being extemely bad in this movie.

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Good news is though that we know she won't be back.

To end this.  I know there is going to be another one but I wish they would stop with this one.  Why?  Cause I can't see them topping The Dark Knight.  It can only go downhill from there.  Don't believe me.  Go watch Spidey 3 and you'll understand what I mean.

 Rep: 77 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Von wrote:

Just wanted to throw in my own opinion that I think Maggie was well cast against Bale and was a far superior replacement to Katie Holmes, a low point of the first film. While I don't find Maggie "traditionally attractive," I'm sick of the statuesque, model-looking love interests in these types of films. Beyond that I really did buy her performance and I think a lot of the negativity about her is trying to find flaw in what is essentially a perfect movie. I think a lot of people simply feel the need to criticize, perhaps it lifts them above the fold of the average fanboy. I speak of the "against the norm" negative reviews I see popping up here and there as journalists scramble to be that one different guy whose opinion, because it's the only one daring enough, must be the right one. We had them with No Country for Old Men. The negative backlash to the highly-lauded movie. But back to the subject at hand, which is Maggie's performance ... yeah, I dug it.

 Rep: 109 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Saikin wrote:
gnfnraxl wrote:

To end this.  I know there is going to be another one but I wish they would stop with this one.  Why?  Cause I can't see them topping The Dark Knight.  It can only go downhill from there.  Don't believe me.  Go watch Spidey 3 and you'll understand what I mean.


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If Heath was still alive, then i would want another one made.  They left it wide open for the Joker to be in another one.  I wouldn't want to see anyone take on that roll.

 Rep: 77 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Von wrote:

This is the perfect ending for this franchise. If this were the last Batman film ever made, the character's legacy would be so lucky. They will never top this. All the pieces just fell together and it clicked. This is the real Batman. This is the Dark Knight. Batman Begins was its own great accomplishment, but as a film it acts as the perfect setup for this, the real event. There doesn't need to be a forced trilogy. They don't need to continue this just for the money, but they will. Batman fought his greatest nemesis as portrayed as one of the cinema's all-time best villainous performances ... cross that, one of the cinema's all-time best performances, period. I sincerely hope they have the good sense to stop it here. At least Nolan and Bale should walk having left with a bang. Leave WB with nothing and they can try and reboot again in a decade. At least this franchise's integrity will remain intact.

By the way, it beat Spidey 3's opening weekend. Biggest of all time.

 Rep: 13 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Mike wrote:

I agree as well that they should just stop it here, I don't want to see this franchise become a cash cow where we only get a few good ones but the rest are just mediocre senseless action flicks with no plot. Heath Ledger's death definitely affected the chance of a bright future that could've been for this franchise.

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In a way, listening to Gordon's speech and seeing Batman riding through the tunnell on his motorcycle at the end of the movie made it look like this is better off as the last one, reminded me a lot of Sarah Connor's speech at the end of T2: Judgement Day and how there shouldn't have been anymore after that, I'm praying this doesn't happen to Nolan's Bat-films.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The BATMAN Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Just got back from seeing it.




Stunning masterpiece, purely.

Beautifully shot, great script, well acted, tons of action... what's more to ask? Ledger surpasses Nicholson's Joker, which has become a cult classic performance, and Ledger absolutely owns it. Brilliance. Just... amazing.

And that isn't even counting a terrific job by Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Morgan Freeman, Aaron Eckhart, Gary Oldman, Maggie Gyllenhaal (yep), Eric Roberts... everyone.

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