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 Rep: 13 

Re: Number of tracks etc...

strat0 wrote:

Btw UG confirmed a story at billboard but UG is a bit unreliable....anyone want to find the billboard story? smile … usive.html

 Rep: 768 

Re: Number of tracks etc...

Axlin16 wrote:

Dude read some of the threads. That Billboard story is all over the place, and been out and confirmed for a few days.

 Rep: 30 

Re: Number of tracks etc...

jimmythegent wrote:

so no update on the site huh....

 Rep: 55 

Re: Number of tracks etc...

FlashFlood wrote:

do not ever use ultimate guitar as a source of news. they are just horrible

Re: Number of tracks etc...

FlashFlood wrote:

do not ever use ultimate guitar as a source of news. they are just horrible

Yeah,that was the site that posted my spoof news story about Chinese Democracy being a bluegrass album 16

 Rep: 55 

Re: Number of tracks etc...

FlashFlood wrote:

its not just that they just take articles from other websites and try to piece them together and what you end up getting is a total clusterfuck.

 Rep: 109 

Re: Number of tracks etc...

Saikin wrote:

I'd love it if Song 2 was left off, and Catcher in the Rye is on there.  I would love to hear a finished version of that song. 

I'd even leave off The Blues, Maddy and IRS.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Number of tracks etc...

misterID wrote:

You people are insane. Prostitute is amazing.

If TWAT and CD changed (haven't listened to the new BB leaks, still holding out for the album) I'm excited to see what The Blues and Madagascar sound like.

How it "looks" so far:

1) Chinese Democracy
3) IRS
4) Better
5) The Blues
6) Shacklers Revenge
7) Prostitute
8) Rhyad
9) Madagascar
10) If The World
11) Sorry

That leaves four songs we haven't heard (of). I hope Catcher In The Rye isn't one of them. I'd rather hear these:

Ides Of March
Atlas Shrugged
No Love Remains <----- Which could be part of the songs above
This I Love

An yeah, yeah, yeah, we all know none of them could be on the final tracklisting, but this is how it "looks" anyway.

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